Publication: Assessing perceived landscape change from opportunistic spatio-temporal occurrence data


Figure 1. SETS framework for separating three types of couplings influencing opportunistic data collection through geosocial media and VGI over time (left) and space (right).

Dunkel, A., Burghardt, D. (2024). Assessing Perceived Landscape Change from Opportunistic Spatiotempo- ral Occurrence Data. Special issue: Exploring Multisensory Landscapes: 2023 Visual Resource Stewardship Conference, Land 2024, 13, 1091. DOI


In this paper, we looked at several phenomena that emerge from the increasing use of technology and social media that affect landscape perception over time. We use the Social-Ecological-Technological System (SETS) framework (McPhearson et al. 2022) to systematize biases in five case studies and to assess perceived landscape change from different perspectives.

The findings support that trends such as fake news (Terren et al. 2021), social bubbles (Elmas et al. 2021), and GenAI are creating an “era of artificial illusions” (Casu et al. 2024) in which the senses are increasingly challenged to distinguish between the real and the imagined.

The final article:

The preprint:, DOI

The Gitlab repository:

Supplementary Data Publication

The Data repository submission: DOI

How to cite the data repository submission:

  1. Dunkel, A.; Burghardt, D. Supplementary materials for the publication “Assessing Perceived Landscape Change from Opportunistic Spatio-Temporal Occurrence Data”. Opara digital research archive. DOI: 10.25532/OPARA-572.

In addition to Jupyter Notebook *.ipynb files, code, comments, output graphics and chore; this also includes the following data to reproduce findings:

FilenameCase StudyDescriptionSize
massinvasions_all_months.csv1Post Frequences (HLL) for 13 Vantage Points in Europe from Instagram1.08 MB
reddit_all_months.csv2Post Frequences (HLL) for 20 National Parks from Reddit Subreddits429 KB
reddit_comments_all_months.csv2Comment Frequences (HLL) for 20 National Parks from Reddit Subreddits1.2 MB
flickr_cherries_hll.csv3Observed Frequencies (HLL) Users/Posts for Flickr Cherry Blossoming a181 KB
hotspot_all_months.csv4Observed Frequencies Biodiversity Hotspots (HLL)8.81 MB
flickr_all_months.csv5Expected Frequencies (HLL) for Flickr Post and User Counts941 KB
inaturalist_all_months.csv5Expected Frequencies (HLL) for iNaturalist Post and User Counts990 KB
flickr_milvusmilvus_months.csv5Observed Frequencies (HLL) for iNaturalist Milvus Post and User Counts119 KB
milvus_focus_flickr_inat_all_months.csv5Observed Frequencies (HLL) Focus Region, iNaturalist and Flickr1.01 MB
milvus_range_inat_all_months.csv5Observed Frequencies (HLL) Milvus range, iNaturalist and Flickr1.24 MB
inaturalist_birds_month.csv5Expected/Observed Frequencies (HLL) Aves-Group, iNaturalist550 KB

Full Resolution Figures and SVG

Below are the high resolution PNG and SVG I submitted to the journal.


Figure 1. SVG
Figure 2. PNG
Figure 3. SVG
Figure 4. SVG
Figure 5. PNG
Figure 6. PNG


Appendix A1. SVG
Appendix A2. SVG
Appendix A3. SVG


  • Casu, M.; Guarnera, L.; Caponnetto, P.; Battiato, S. GenAI Mirage: The Impostor Bias and the Deepfake Detection Challenge in the Era of Artificial Illusions. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 2024, 50, 301795. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsidi.2024.301795.

  • Elmas, T.; Overdorf, R.; Özkalay, A. F.; Aberer, K. Ephemeral Astroturfing Attacks: The Case of Fake Twitter Trends. In 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P); 2021; pp 403–422. DOI: 10.1109/EuroSP51992.2021.00035.

  • McPhearson, T.; Cook, E. M.; Berbés-Blázquez, M.; Cheng, C.; Grimm, N. B.; Andersson, E.; Barbosa, O.; Chandler, D. G.; Chang, H.; Chester, M. V.; Childers, D. L.; Elser, S. R.; Frantzeskaki, N.; Grabowski, Z.; Groffman, P.; Hale, R. L.; Iwaniec, D. M.; Kabisch, N.; Kennedy, C.; Markolf, S. A.; Matsler, A. M.; McPhillips, L. E.; Miller, T. R.; Muñoz-Erickson, T. A.; Rosi, E.; Troxler, T. G. A Social-Ecological-Technological Systems Framework for Urban Ecosystem Services. One Earth 2022, 5 (5), 505–518. DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.04.007.

  • Terren, L.; Borge-Bravo, R.; Echo Chambers on Social Media: A Systematic Review of the Literature. rev commun res 2021, 9, 99–118.