Carto-Lab Docker now has a dedicated documentation

Carto-Lab Docker Logo

Carto-Lab Docker now has a dedicated documentation available at

The container stack became a critical work bench for my research in the last 7 years and this is the first step to make this available to colleagues. While JupyterLab can be easily started, it is often quite difficult to mainatin reproducible environments that can be easily shared with others. With Carto-Lab Docker, all environments are available inside versioned Docker containers that bundle the OS, Jupyter Lab Server and the Python virtual environment.

Want to run a notebook from 3 years ago that was produced with Carto-Lab Docker 0.14.0? Just change the version tag in .env:


… and pull the corresponding docker container image with:

docker compose pull

.. and start the container, which makes JupyterLab available on http://localhost:8888 by default:

docker compose up -d

Example Notebooks

I looked through my work and summarized all papers where I made use of Carto-Lab Docker.

Workshop Series TUD

The Social Media, Jupyter Lab & Tag Maps Workshop Series at TUD contains a number of example Jupyter Notebooks that can be run with Carto-Lab Docker.

HTML Versions of Notebooks:

  1. 01_raw_intro.html
  2. 02_hll_intro.html
  3. 03_tagmaps.html
  4. 04_topic_classification.html


The following publications include Jupyter notebooks created with Carto-Lab Docker as supplementary material: