Alexander Dunkel, TU Dresden, Institute of Cartography; Maximilian Hartmann, Universität Zürich (UZH), Geocomputation
This is the second notebook in a series of nine notebooks:
For supplementing the final interactive graphic, define path to CSV data with the subset of Flickr photos published under Creative Commons. This includes the link to thumbnails, the CC-By Reference and the user name. This data is needed for accurate attribution of authors who explicitly published their photos for common use.
from pathlib import Path
root = Path.cwd().parents[1] / "00_hll_data"
SUNRISE_FLICKR_CCBY = root / "2020-04-07_Flickr_Sunrise_World_CCBy.csv"
SUNSET_FLICKR_CCBY = root / "2020-04-07_Flickr_Sunset_World_CCBy.csv"
import os, sys
import math
from pathlib import Path
from rtree import index
from IPython.display import Markdown
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, FixedTicker
from import export_svgs
module_path = str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / "py")
if module_path not in sys.path:
from modules import preparations
Prepare svg export (if chromedriver found). To install chromedriver in Linux, see 1.
WEB_DRIVER = preparations.load_chromedriver()
We're going to use many methods and the parameters defined in the previous notebook. These are imported from the jupytext converted python script file:
from _01_grid_agg import *
Importing all methods to local namespace is typically considered an anti-pattern. In this case, however, we can continue working with parameters and methods as if they were defined in this notebook.
To test that methods and parameters from previous notebook are available:
Activate autoreload of changed python files:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Restore grid (geodataframe) from CSV using the methods defined in previous notebook.
Read benchmark data, only loading userdays_hll column.
grid = grid_agg_fromcsv(
OUTPUT / f"csv{km_size_str}" / "flickr_sunset_est.csv")
Geoviews and Holoviews can be used to create interactive maps, either insider Jupyter or as externally stored as HTML. The syntax of the plot methods must be slightly adapted from the matplotlib output. Given the advanced features of interactivity, we can also add additional information that is shown e.g. on mouse hover over certain grid cells.
We'll need to add some methods to the static mapping methods defined in 01_grid_agg.ipynb
Prepare interactive mapping
Below methods are adapted for label processing and classification that is compatible with holoviews/geoviews.
These methods already include code for mapping significance, chi values and under/overrepresentation, which are included in subsequent notebooks.
import warnings
def mask_series(
grid: gp.GeoDataFrame,
metric: str = "postcount_est",
mask_nonsignificant: bool = None,
mask_negative: bool = None,
mask_positive: bool = None) -> pd.Series:
"""Create masks for selecting data"""
if mask_negative and mask_positive:
warnings.warn("Masking both positive and negative values!")
mask = grid[metric].notna()
# mask the values to be considered
if mask_nonsignificant:
mask = (mask) & (grid['significant'])
if mask_negative:
mask = (mask) & (grid[metric] > 0)
if mask_positive:
mask = (mask) & (grid[metric] < 0)
# render zero as transparent,
# ~ returns an inverted mask
mask = (mask) & (~grid[metric].isin([0,-0]))
# get value series
# excluding NaN values
series_nan = grid.loc[
mask, metric].dropna().astype(float)
return series_nan
def get_scheme_breaks(series_nan: pd.Series, scheme: str):
"""Classify series of values
Notes: some classification schemes (e.g. HeadTailBreaks)
do not support specifying the number of classes returned
construct optional kwargs with k == number of classes
optional_kwargs = {"k":9}
if scheme == "HeadTailBreaks":
optional_kwargs = {}
scheme_breaks = mc.classify(
y=np.abs(series_nan.values), scheme=scheme, **optional_kwargs)
return scheme_breaks
def classify_data(
values_series: pd.Series,
scheme: str):
"""Classify data (value series) and return classes,
bounds, and colormap
values_series: A pandas.Series with metric column to classify
scheme: The classification scheme to use.
Adapted from:
See available colormaps:
See available classification schemes:
scheme_breaks = get_scheme_breaks(values_series, scheme)
# get label bounds as flat array
bounds = get_label_bounds(
scheme_breaks.bins, np.abs(values_series.values), flat=True)
return bounds, scheme_breaks
def get_hex_col(cmap) -> List[str]:
"""Return list of hex colors for cmap"""
return [colors.rgb2hex(cmap(i)) for i in range(cmap.N)]
def get_cmap_list(
cmap_name: str, length_n: int) -> [str]:
"""Create a classified colormap of length N
if cmap_name in ["OrRd", "Blues"]:
# special color-mod for OrRd and Blues
cmap =, length_n)
cmap_list = get_hex_col(cmap)
cmap_color_contrast(cmap_list, cmap_name)
return cmap_list
# general case:
# increase contrast of first color,
# by extending and pop(0)
cmap =, length_n+1)
cmap_list = get_hex_col(cmap)
if length_n != len (cmap_list):
warnings.warn("Cmap list length mismatch")
return cmap_list
def cmap_color_contrast(cmap: List[str], cname: str):
"""Minor contrast increase to the first and last colors in
matplotlib OrRd and Blues"""
if cname == "OrRd":
# darken all colors by
# offset color list by 1
lastcolor = '#440402'
# remove first color that is
# too light on white background
del cmap[0]
# lighten new first color a bit
firstcolor = '#FCF0D8'
cmap[0] = firstcolor
if cname == "Blues":
lastcolor = '#06214a'
del cmap[0]
firstcolor = '#DEE9F5'
cmap[0] = firstcolor
def prepend_color(cmap_list: [str], color_hex: str):
"""manually prepend color to ListedColormap"""
cmap_list.insert(0, color_hex)
Some helper functions first. Also added here is the option to show additional columns on hover, which will be later used to show chi_value and significance.
def get_custom_tooltips(items: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
"""Compile HoverTool tooltip formatting with items to show on hover"""
# thousands delimitor formatting
# will be applied to the following columns
tdelim_format = [
'usercount_est', 'postcount_est', 'userdays_est']
# in HoloViews, custom tooltip formatting can be
# provided as a list of tuples (name, value)
# f-strings explanation:
# - k: the item name, v: the item value,
# - @ means: get value from column
# optional formatting is applied using
# `"{,f}" if v in thousand_formats else ""`
# - {,f} means: add comma as thousand delimiter
# only for values in tdelim_format (usercount and postcount)
# else apply automatic format
f'@{v}{"{,f}" if v.replace("_expected", "") in tdelim_format else ""}'
) for k, v in items.items()
return tooltips
def set_active_tool(plot, element):
"""Enable wheel_zoom in bokeh plot by default"""
plot.state.toolbar.active_scroll =[0]
def convert_gdf_to_gvimage(
grid: gp.GeoDataFrame, metric: str, cat_count: Optional[int] = None,
cat_min: Optional[int] = None, cat_max: Optional[int] = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None) -> gv.Image:
"""Convert GeoDataFrame to gv.Image using categorized
metric column as value dimension
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes x and y
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for value dimension.
"_cat" will be added to retrieve classified values.
cat_count: number of classes for value dimension
hover_items: a dictionary with optional names
and column references that are included in
gv.Image to provide additional information
(e.g. on hover)
if cat_count:
cat_min = 0
cat_max = cat_count
if any([cat_min, cat_max]) is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either provide cat_count or cat_min and cat_max.")
if hover_items is None:
hover_items_list = []
hover_items_list = [
v for v in hover_items.values()]
# convert GeoDataFrame to xarray object
# the first vdim is the value being used
# to visualize classes on the map
# include hover_items (postcount and usercount)
# to show exact information through tooltip
xa_dataset = gv.Dataset(
f'{metric}_cat', range=(cat_min, cat_max))]
+ hover_items_list,
return, crs=crs.Mollweide())
def assign_special_categories(
grid: gp.GeoDataFrame, values_series,
metric, add_nodata_label,
"""Assign special categories to _cat column"""
if add_nodata_label:
# nodata label as explicit category in legend
# values will not be rendered on map (cat = nan)
# increment cat count
grid[f'{metric}_cat'] += 1
# Select inverted index for map values
f'{metric}_cat'] = np.nan
if mask_nonsignificant:
# also set none-significant values to nan
# to not affect classification (cat = nan)
grid.significant == False,
f'{metric}_cat'] = np.nan
def create_labels(
cmap_list, bounds, add_nodata_label: str = None,
mask_nonsignificant: bool = None) -> Dict[int, str]:
"""Create labels, add special categories to cmap"""
# construct legend labels for colormap
# get colormap
label_dict = {}
color_levels = len(bounds)
# specific label cases
spare_cats = 0
if add_nodata_label:
spare_cats = 1
label_dict[0] = "No data"
# process regular labels
for idx, value in enumerate(bounds):
label_dict[idx+spare_cats] = value
if add_nodata_label and mask_nonsignificant:
label_dict[spare_cats-1] = \
f'{label_dict[spare_cats-1]} or not significant'
return label_dict
Since interactive display of grid-polygons is too slow, we are converting the grid to an xarray object, which is then overlayed as a rastered image.
def get_classify_image(grid: gp.GeoDataFrame,
metric: str = "postcount_est", responsive: bool = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = {
'Post Count (estimated)':'postcount_est',
'User Count (estimated)':'usercount_est',
'User Days (estimated)':'userdays_est'},
mask_nonsignificant: bool = False,
scheme: str = "HeadTailBreaks",
cmap_name: str = "OrRd",
add_nodata_label: str = "#FFFFFF"):
"""Create gv image layer from geodataframe (grid)
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes x and y
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for aggregate. Default: postcount.
responsive: Should be True for interactive HTML output.
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
dim_nonsignificant: transparent bins if significant column == False
scheme: The classification scheme to use. Default "HeadTailBreaks".
cmap: The colormap to use. Default "OrRd".
inverse: plot other map elements inverse (black)
# get value series, excluding special categories
kwargs = {
series_nan = mask_series(
grid=grid, metric=metric, **kwargs)
# classify values
bounds, scheme_breaks = classify_data(
values_series=series_nan, scheme=scheme)
# assign categories column
grid.loc[series_nan.index, f'{metric}_cat'] = scheme_breaks.find_bin(
# assign special categories (nodata, not significant, not representative)
grid=grid, values_series=series_nan,
metric=metric, add_nodata_label=add_nodata_label, **kwargs)
cat_count = scheme_breaks.k
cmap_list = get_cmap_list(cmap_name, length_n=cat_count)
# spare cats are added to legend,
# but have no representation on the map
# (e.g. White "No Data" Label)
spare_cats = 0
if add_nodata_label:
spare_cats = 1
cmap_list=cmap_list, color_hex=add_nodata_label)
kwargs["add_nodata_label"] = add_nodata_label
# create cmap and labels
label_dict = create_labels(
cmap_list, bounds, **kwargs)
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(cmap_list)
# create gv.Image layer from gdf
img_grid = convert_gdf_to_gvimage(
metric=metric, cat_count=cat_count+spare_cats,
return img_grid, cmap, label_dict
Plot compilation (layers, styling, legend)
def apply_layer_opts(
img_grid: gv.Image, cmap: colors.ListedColormap,
label_dict: Dict[str, str], responsive: bool = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None) -> gv.Image:
"""Apply geoviews image layer opts
img_grid: A classified gv.Image layer
responsive: Should be True for interactive HTML output.
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
cmap: A matplotlib colormap to colorize values and show as legend.
if hover_items is None:
hover_items = {
'Post Count (estimated)':'postcount_est',
'User Count (estimated)':'usercount_est',
'User Days (estimated)':'userdays_est'}
color_levels = len(cmap.colors)
# define additional plotting parameters
# width of static jupyter map,
# 360° == 1200px
width = 1200
# height of static jupyter map,
# 360°/2 == 180° == 600px
height = int(width/2)
aspect = None
# if stored as html,
# override values
if responsive:
width = None
height = None
# define width and height as optional parameters
# only used when plotting inside jupyter
optional_kwargs = dict(width=width, height=height)
# compile only values that are not None into kwargs-dict
# by using dict-comprehension
optional_kwargs_unpack = {
k: v for k, v in optional_kwargs.items() if v is not None}
# prepare custom HoverTool
tooltips = get_custom_tooltips(
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips)
# get tick positions from label dict keys
ticks = [key for key in sorted(label_dict)]
# create image layer
image_layer = img_grid.opts(
clipping_colors={'NaN': 'transparent'},
# 'formatter': formatter,
'major_label_overrides': label_dict,
'ticker': FixedTicker(
# optional unpack of width and height
return image_layer
def compile_image_layer(grid: gp.GeoDataFrame,
metric: str = "postcount_est", responsive: bool = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None,
mask_nonsignificant: bool = False,
scheme: str = "HeadTailBreaks",
cmap_name: str = "OrRd",
add_nodata_label: str = "#FFFFFF"):
"""Compile geoviews image layer from grid
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes x and y
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for aggregate. Default: postcount.
responsive: Should be True for interactive HTML output.
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
dim_nonsignificant: transparent bins if significant column == False
scheme: The classification scheme to use. Default "HeadTailBreaks".
cmap: The colormap to use. Default "OrRd".
# work on a shallow copy,
# to not modify original dataframe
grid_plot = grid.copy()
kwargs = {
"scheme":scheme, "cmap_name":cmap_name,
# get gv.Image layer, cmap, and label dict (legend)
img_grid, cmap, label_dict = get_classify_image(**kwargs)
# apply display opts to gv.Image layer
image_layer = apply_layer_opts(
img_grid=img_grid, cmap=cmap, label_dict=label_dict,
responsive=responsive, hover_items=hover_items)
return image_layer
def combine_gv_layers(
image_layer: gv.Image, edgecolor: str = 'black',
fill_color: str = '#dbdbdb', alpha: float = 0.15,
additional_layers = None) -> gv.Overlay:
"""Combine layers into single overlay and set global plot options"""
# fill_color = '#479AD4'
# fill_color = '#E9EDEC'
gv_layers = []
alpha=alpha, fill_color=fill_color))
alpha=alpha, fill_color=fill_color))
if additional_layers:
return gv.Overlay(gv_layers)
def get_annotation_layer(
sel_layer1: gv.Points, sel_layer2: gv.Points = None,
sel_labels1: List[gv.Text] = None, sel_labels2: List[gv.Text] = None):
"""Prepare annotation layer
add layer(s) for highlighting special grid cells (largest, smallest)
see marker symbols
gv_layers = []
line_color='black', fill_color=None, marker='square',
size=20, alpha=0.8))
if sel_labels1:
if sel_layer2:
line_color='black', fill_color=None, marker='triangle',
size=20, alpha=0.8))
if sel_labels2:
return gv_layers
High level plotting function
def plot_interactive(grid: gp.GeoDataFrame, title: str,
metric: str = "postcount_est",
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = {
'Post Count (estimated)':'postcount_est',
'User Count (estimated)':'usercount_est',
'User Days (estimated)':'userdays_est'},
mask_nonsignificant: bool = False,
scheme: str = "HeadTailBreaks",
cmap: str = "OrRd",
store_html: str = None,
plot: Optional[bool] = True,
output: Optional[str] = OUTPUT,
nodata_color = "#FFFFFF") -> gv.Overlay:
"""Plot interactive map with holoviews/geoviews renderer
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes x and y
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for aggregate. Default: postcount.
store_html: Provide a name to store figure as interactive HTML.
title: Title of the map
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
mask_nonsignificant: transparent bins if significant column == False
scheme: The classification scheme to use. Default "HeadTailBreaks".
cmap: The colormap to use. Default "OrRd".
plot: Prepare gv-layers to be plotted in notebook.
# check if all additional items are available
for key, item in list(hover_items.items()):
if item not in grid.columns:
# chi layer opts
# global plotting options for values layer
layer_opts = {
# global plotting options for all layers (gv.Overlay)
gv_opts = {
# "global_extent":True,
"data_aspect":1, # maintain fixed aspect ratio during responsive resize
sel_points = grid.nlargest(5, metric).centroid
# add y offset to correct for 1/2 bin length
sel_layer = tools.series_to_point(sel_points, mod_y = GRID_SIZE_METERS/2)
sel_labels = tools.series_to_label(sel_points)
annotation_layers = get_annotation_layer(sel_layer1=sel_layer, sel_labels1=sel_labels)
if plot:
# get classified xarray gv image layer
image_layer = compile_image_layer(
grid=grid, **layer_opts)
gv_layers = combine_gv_layers(
image_layer, fill_color=nodata_color, alpha=0.5,
if store_html:
layer_opts["responsive"] = True
image_layer = compile_image_layer(
grid=grid, **layer_opts)
responsive_gv_layers = combine_gv_layers(
image_layer, fill_color=nodata_color, alpha=0.5,
gv_opts["responsive"] = True
export_layers = responsive_gv_layers.opts(**gv_opts)
output / f"html{km_size_str}" / f'{store_html}.html', backend='bokeh')
# store also as svg
p = hv.render(export_layers, backend='bokeh')
p.output_backend = "svg"
filename=output / f"svg{km_size_str}" / f'{store_html}.svg',
if not plot:
gv_opts["responsive"] = False
return gv_layers.opts(**gv_opts)
plot interactive in-line:
filename = "flickr_sunset_userdays_est"
gv_plot = plot_interactive(
grid, title=f'Flickr User Days (estimated) for "sunset" per {km_size:.0f} km grid', metric="userdays_est",
View the interactive map here and hover over bins to view values.
Repeat for sunrise
grid = grid_agg_fromcsv(
OUTPUT / f"csv{km_size_str}" / "flickr_sunrise_est.csv")
gv_plot = plot_interactive(
grid, title=f'Flickr User Days (estimated) for "sunrise" per {km_size:.0f} km grid', metric="userdays_est",
cmap="Blues", store_html="flickr_sunrise_userdays_est")
The HoverTool can be used to provide additional information on each grid cell on hover. The information must be included in the gv.Image as additional columns.
It is also possible to load pictures using an url (see the bokeh docs)
Since some of our pictures contain CC-BY licenses, we can display those as examples using the provided Flickr URL. We're going to override the get_custom_tooltips()
method for showing images.
cc_by_ref = {
1:"CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0",
2:"CC-BY-NC 2.0",
3:"CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0",
4:"CC-BY 2.0",
5:"CC-BY-SA 2.0",
6:"CC-BY-ND 2.0",
7:"No known copyright restrictions",
8:"United States Government Work",
9:"Public Domain Dedication (CC0)",
10:"Public Domain Mark"
Get list of xbins and ybins for best assignment:
_, rows, cols = create_grid_df(return_rows_cols=True)
YBINS = np.array(rows)
XBINS = np.array(cols)
def append_thumbs_grid(
df: pd.DataFrame, grid: gp.GeoDataFrame,
xbins: np.array = XBINS, ybins: np.array = YBINS) -> gp.GeoDataFrame:
"""Append thumbails to grid based on viewcount
df: A pandas dataframe with latitude and
longitude columns in WGS1984
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes
x and y (projected coordinates) and grid polys
xbins: 1-d array of bins to snap lat/lng values
ybins: 1-d array of bins to snap lat/lng values
# bin assigment of projected coordinates
# df[['xbinx_match','ybins_match']] =
xbins_match, ybins_match = get_best_bins(
xbins=xbins, ybins=ybins)
# append target bins to original dataframe
df.loc[:, 'xbins_match'] = xbins_match
df.loc[:, 'ybins_match'] = ybins_match
# now we'll loop values of the dataframe,
# only remembering the image url of the
# top viewed image per grid
grid.loc[:, "cc_img_url"] = ""
grid.loc[:, "cc_img_views"] = 0
x = 0
cc_total = len(df)
grid.loc[:, "post_content_license"] = ""
for __, row in df.iterrows():
if grid.loc[
"cc_img_views"] < row.post_views_count:
"cc_img_views"] = row.post_views_count
"cc_img_url"] = row.post_thumbnail_url
"post_content_license"] = row.post_content_license
x += 1
if x % 100 == 0:
f'Attaching CC thumbails. Processed {x} of '
f'{cc_total} CC Images ({x/(cc_total/100):.2f}%).')
def merge_thumbs_grid(
grid_thumbs: gp.GeoDataFrame, grid: gp.GeoDataFrame, mask: Optional[pd.Series] = None):
"""Merge thumbnail grid data to grid geodataframe
grid_thumbs: Indexed GeoDataFrame with thumbnail data
grid: Indexed GeoDataFrame target
mask: Optional boolean mask (pd.Series)
to partially merge thumb data"""
usecols = [
'cc_img_url', 'cc_img_views', 'post_content_license']
for col in usecols:
if mask is None:
grid.loc[grid_thumbs.index, col] = grid_thumbs[col]
grid_thumnbs_mask = grid_thumbs.loc[mask, col]
grid.loc[grid_thumnbs_mask.index, col] = grid_thumnbs_mask
def attach_ccthumbnail_urls(
grid: gp.GeoDataFrame, data: Path = None, pickle: Path = None,
mask: Optional[pd.Series] = None):
"""Attach ccthumbnail urls to grid
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes x and y
(projected coordinates) and grid polys
data: Path to read input CSV with Flickr CCBy data (optional)
pickle: Path with binned and pickled GeoDataFrame (optional).
Either data or pickle must be supplied.
if data is None and pickle is None:
raise ValueError("Provide either path to data or pickle.")
if pickle:
grid_thumb = pd.read_pickle(pickle)
merge_thumbs_grid(grid_thumbs=grid_thumb, grid=grid, mask=mask)
# read thumbs from source (CSV)
usecols = [
'latitude', 'longitude', 'post_thumbnail_url',
'post_views_count', 'post_content_license']
dtypes = {
'latitude': float, 'longitude': float}
df = pd.read_csv(
data, usecols=usecols, dtype=dtypes, encoding='utf-8')
# filter_null_island:
# Only use images where thumbnails are available
'(post_thumbnail_url.isnull()) == False', inplace=True)
# replace licenses with actual text
df['post_content_license'] = df['post_content_license'].apply(
lambda x: cc_by_ref.get(x, ""))
# project dataframe
# reset metric column
df=df, grid=grid)
Create a new grid and store the single most viewed picture thumbnail per bin:
cc_thumbs_sunset = OUTPUT / f"pickles{km_size_str}" / "flickr_ccbythumbnails_sunset.pkl"
if not cc_thumbs_sunset.exists():
sunset_thumb_grid = create_new_grid()
data=SUNSET_FLICKR_CCBY, grid=sunset_thumb_grid)
cc_thumbs_sunrise = OUTPUT / f"pickles{km_size_str}" / "flickr_ccbythumbnails_sunrise.pkl"
if not cc_thumbs_sunrise.exists():
sunrise_thumb_grid = create_new_grid()
data=SUNRISE_FLICKR_CCBY, grid=sunrise_thumb_grid)
Attach thumbnails from pickle to the grid:
grid, pickle=cc_thumbs_sunset)
Override tooltips definition:
def get_custom_tooltips(items: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
"""Compile HoverTool tooltip formatting with items to show on hover
including showing a thumbail image from a url"""
tdelim_format = [
'usercount_est', 'postcount_est', 'userdays_est']
# format html
tooltips = "".join(
f'<div><span style="font-size: 12px;">'
f'<span style="color: #82C3EA;">{k}:</span> '
f'@{v}{"{,f}" if v.replace("_expected", "") in tdelim_format else ""}'
f'</span></div>' for k, v in items.items() if v not in ["cc_img_url", "post_content_license"])
if 'cc_img_url' in items.values():
tooltips += f'''<div><img src="@cc_img_url" alt="No CC Image available" style="height:170px"></img></div>'''
tooltips += '''@post_content_license'''
return tooltips
configure what should be shown on mouse hover tooltip
hover_items = {
'"Sunrise" Post Count (est)':'postcount_est',
'"Sunrise" User Count (est)':'usercount_est',
'"Sunrise" User Days (est)':'userdays_est'}
hover_items_thumbs = {
if 'cc_img_views' in grid.columns:
gv_plot = plot_interactive(
grid, title=f'Flickr User Days (estimated) for "sunrise" per {km_size:.0f} km grid', metric="userdays_est",
cmap="Blues", store_html="flickr_sunrise_userdays_est", hover_items=hover_items)
In the last notebook, several figures were generated and stored as png. Create a simple HTML with tabs to compare Post Count, User Count and User Days and Instagram and Flickr and Sunset and Sunrise
import ipywidgets as widgets
# dictionary with filename and title
pathrefs = {
0: ('flickr_postcount_all_est.png', 'Post Count (Flickr total)'),
1: ('flickr_usercount_all_est.png', 'User Count (Flickr total)'),
2: ('flickr_userdays_all_est.png', 'User Days (Flickr total)'),
3: ('flickr_postcount_sunrise_est.png', 'Post Count (Flickr "sunrise")'),
4: ('flickr_usercount_sunrise_est.png', 'User Count (Flickr "sunrise")'),
5: ('flickr_userdays_sunrise_est.png', 'User Days (Flickr "sunrise")'),
6: ('flickr_postcount_sunset_est.png', 'Post Count (Flickr "sunset")'),
7: ('flickr_usercount_sunset_est.png', 'User Count (Flickr "sunset")'),
8: ('flickr_userdays_sunset_est.png', 'User Days (Flickr "sunset")'),
9: ('instagram_postcount_sunrise_est.png', 'Post Count (Instagram "sunrise")'),
10: ('instagram_usercount_sunrise_est.png', 'User Count (Instagram "sunrise")'),
11: ('instagram_userdays_sunrise_est.png', 'User Days (Instagram "sunrise")'),
12: ('instagram_postcount_sunset_est.png', 'Post Count (Instagram "sunset")'),
13: ('instagram_usercount_sunset_est.png', 'User Count (Instagram "sunset")'),
14: ('instagram_userdays_sunset_est.png', 'User Days (Instagram "sunset")'),
15: ('instagram_usercount_sunsetsunrise_est.png', 'User Count (Instagram "sunset+sunrise")'),
def get_img_width(filename: str):
if 'sample' in filename:
return 700
return 1300
widgets_images = [
value=open(Path('OUT') / OUTPUT / f"figures{km_size_str}" / pathref[0], "rb").read(),
for pathref in pathrefs.values()]
Configure tabs
children = widgets_images
tab = widgets.Tab()
tab.children = children
for i in range(len(children)):
tab.set_title(i, pathrefs[i][1])
Display inside live notebook:
The above tab display is not available in the static notebook HTML export. A standalone HTML with the above tabs can be generated with the following command:
from ipywidgets.embed import embed_minimal_html
Path('OUT') / OUTPUT / f'html{km_size_str}' / 'compare_figures.html',
views=[tab], title='Worldwide sunset + sunrise reactions (Instagram and Flickr) compared for different metrics')
View the result here.
!jupyter nbconvert --to html_toc \
--output-dir=../out/html{km_size_str} ./02_visualization.ipynb \
--template=../nbconvert.tpl \
--ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled=False >&- 2>&- # create single output file
Copy new HTML file to resource folder
!cp ../out/html{km_size_str}/02_visualization.html ../resources/html/