Alexander Dunkel, TU Dresden, Institute of Cartography; Maximilian Hartmann and Ross Purves Universität Zürich (UZH), Geocomputation;
Visualization of TFIDF and Cosine Similarity Values
The values loaded here have been generated outside Jupyter, in a separate process. This notebook only visualizes data.
import sys
from pathlib import Path
module_path = str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / "py")
if module_path not in sys.path:
# import all previous chained notebooks
from _05_countries import *
Activate autoreload of changed python files:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Data is stored as aggregate HLL data (postcount) for each term.
root = Path.cwd().parents[1] / "00_topic_data"
TERMS_FLICKR_TFIDF = root / "20210202_FLICKR_SUNSET_random_country_tf_idf.csv"
TERMS_FLICKR_COSINE = root / "20211029_FLICKR_SUNSET_random_country_cosine_similarity_binary.csv"
Some statistics for these files:
data_files = {
Get as pandas dataframe
def load_cosine_df(csv: Path = TERMS_FLICKR_COSINE) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Load CSV with cosine similarity values per country"""
df = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding='utf-8', skiprows=0, index_col=0)
# Since this is a matrix of similarity values,
# set index = column names and skip first row (header)
df.columns = df.index
return df
df_cos = load_cosine_df()
def load_tfidf_df(csv: Path = TERMS_FLICKR_TFIDF) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Load CSV with TFIDF ranking for country"""
df = pd.read_csv(csv, encoding='utf-8', header=0, index_col=0)
return df
df_tfidf = load_tfidf_df()
Combine top terms into single column, drop all other columns
cols = [f'TERM_{ix}'for ix in range(1,20)]
df_tfidf['tfidf'] = df_tfidf[cols].apply(lambda row: ' '.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1)
drop_cols_except(df_tfidf, ['tfidf'])
def load_country_geom(
ne_path: Path = NE_PATH, ne_uri: str = NE_URI, ne_filename: str = NE_FILENAME,
crs_proj: str = CRS_PROJ, country_col: str = COUNTRY_COL) -> gp.GeoDataFrame:
"""Load country geometry and set SU_A3 column as index"""
world = gp.read_file(
ne_path / ne_filename.replace(".zip", ".shp"))
world = world.to_crs(crs_proj)
columns_keep = ['geometry', country_col, 'ADMIN']
drop_cols_except(world, columns_keep)
world.set_index(country_col, inplace=True)
return world
world = load_country_geom()
This GeoDataFrame can be visualized using interactive Holoviews:
gv.Polygons(world, crs=crs.Mollweide())
Load world geometry and add cosine value for specific country ref
def load_combine(su_a3_ref: str, value_df: pd.DataFrame):
"""Add selected data for country ref"""
world = load_country_geom()
world.loc[value_df.index, "cosine"] = value_df[su_a3_ref]
# Set selected country to NaN, which is always 1
# and can therefore be excluded from the classification process
world.loc[su_a3_ref, "cosine"] = np.nan
# add tfidf values
world.loc[df_tfidf.index, "tfidf"] = df_tfidf['tfidf']
world.tfidf = world.tfidf.fillna('')
return world
Example: UGA (Uganda)
world = load_combine("UGA", df_cos)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(22,28))
Combine load, combine and plotting functions first.
Prepare methods. The first one is needed to plot country polygons in hv
using geoviews gv.Polygons
. The syntax is very similar to convert_gdf_to_gvimage()
. There are further slight adjustments necessary to other methods, which are copied from previous notebooks.
def convert_gdf_to_gvpolygons(
poly_gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame, metric: str, cat_count: Optional[int] = None,
cat_min: Optional[int] = None, cat_max: Optional[int] = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None) -> gv.Polygons:
"""Convert GeoDataFrame to gv.polygons using categorized
metric column as value dimension
poly_gdf: A geopandas geodataframe with
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for value dimension.
"_cat" will be added to retrieve classified values.
cat_count: number of classes for value dimension
hover_items: a dictionary with optional names
and column references that are included in
gv.Image to provide additional information
(e.g. on hover)
if cat_count:
cat_min = 0
cat_max = cat_count
if any([cat_min, cat_max]) is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either provide cat_count or cat_min and cat_max.")
if hover_items is None:
hover_items_list = []
hover_items_list = [
v for v in hover_items.values()]
# convert GeoDataFrame to gv.Polygons Layer
# the first vdim is the value being used
# to visualize classes on the map
# include additional_items (postcount and usercount)
# to show exact information through tooltip
gv_layer = gv.Polygons(
f'{metric}_cat', range=(cat_min, cat_max))]
+ hover_items_list,
return gv_layer
from _02_visualization import assign_special_categories # use original definition
def get_classify_poly(poly_gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame,
metric: str = "cosine", responsive: bool = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None,
mask_nonsignificant: bool = False,
scheme: str = "HeadTailBreaks",
cmap_name: str = "OrRd",
cosine_country: str = None):
"""Get and classify gv layer from geodataframe (polygon)
poly_gdf: A geopandas geodataframe with
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for aggregate. Default: cosine.
responsive: Should be True for interactive HTML output.
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
mask_nonsignificant: transparent bins if significant column == False
scheme: The classification scheme to use. Default "HeadTailBreaks".
cmap: The colormap to use. Default "OrRd".
# get value series, excluding special categories
kwargs = {
series_nan = mask_series(
grid=poly_gdf, metric=metric, **kwargs)
# classify values
bounds, scheme_breaks = classify_data(
values_series=series_nan, scheme=scheme)
# assign categories column
poly_gdf.loc[series_nan.index, f'{metric}_cat'] = scheme_breaks.find_bin(
# set for hover info, after classification
poly_gdf.loc[cosine_country, "cosine"] = 1.0
# assign special categories (nodata, not significant, not representative)
grid=poly_gdf, values_series=series_nan,
metric=metric, add_nodata_label=None, **kwargs)
cat_count = scheme_breaks.k
cmap_list = get_cmap_list(cmap_name, length_n=cat_count)
# spare cats are added to legend,
# but have no representation on the map
# (e.g. White "No Data" Label)
# create cmap and labels
label_dict = create_labels(
cmap_list, bounds, **kwargs)
# cosine mod:
# make sure that largest label tick is always 1
max_key = max(label_dict.keys())
label_dict[max_key] = '1'
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(cmap_list)
# create gv.Polygons layer from gdf
gv_poly = convert_gdf_to_gvpolygons(
metric=metric, cat_count=cat_count,
return gv_poly, cmap, label_dict
def compile_poly_layer(poly_gdf: gp.GeoDataFrame,
metric: str = "postcount_est", responsive: bool = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None,
mask_nonsignificant: bool = False,
scheme: str = "HeadTailBreaks",
cmap_name: str = "OrRd",
cosine_country: str = None):
"""Compile geoviews image layer from grid
grid: A geopandas geodataframe with indexes x and y
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for aggregate. Default: postcount.
responsive: Should be True for interactive HTML output.
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
dim_nonsignificant: transparent bins if significant column == False
scheme: The classification scheme to use. Default "HeadTailBreaks".
cmap: The colormap to use. Default "OrRd".
# work on a shallow copy,
# to not modify original dataframe
poly_gdf_plot = poly_gdf.copy()
kwargs = {
"scheme":scheme, "cmap_name":cmap_name,
# get gv.Image layer, cmap, and label dict (legend)
gv_poly, cmap, label_dict = get_classify_poly(**kwargs)
# apply display opts to gv.Image layer
gv_poly = apply_layer_opts_poly(
gv_poly=gv_poly, cmap=cmap, label_dict=label_dict,
responsive=responsive, hover_items=hover_items)
return gv_poly
Override custom hover tooltip, to render list of tfidf as custom html.
def get_custom_tooltips(items: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
"""Compile HoverTool tooltip formatting with items to show on hover
including showing a thumbail image from a url"""
tdelim_format = [
# format html
tooltips = "".join(
f'<div><span style="font-size: 12px;">'
f'<span style="color: #82C3EA;">{k}:</span> '
f'</span></div>' for k, v in items.items() if v not in ["tfidf"])
if 'tfidf' in items.values():
tooltips += f'''
<span style="color: #82C3EA;">Top 20 terms (TFIDF):</span>
<div style="width:100px">@tfidf</div>'''
return tooltips
def apply_layer_opts_poly(
gv_poly: gv.Polygons, cmap: colors.ListedColormap,
label_dict: Dict[str, str], responsive: bool = None,
hover_items: Dict[str, str] = None) -> gv.Image:
"""Apply geoviews image layer opts
img_grid: A classified gv.Image layer
responsive: Should be True for interactive HTML output.
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
cmap: A matplotlib colormap to colorize values and show as legend.
color_levels = len(cmap.colors)
# define additional plotting parameters
# width of static jupyter map,
# 360° == 1200px
width = 1200
# height of static jupyter map,
# 360°/2 == 180° == 600px
height = int(width/2)
aspect = None
# if stored as html,
# override values
if responsive:
width = None
height = None
# define width and height as optional parameters
# only used when plotting inside jupyter
optional_kwargs = dict(width=width, height=height)
# compile only values that are not None into kwargs-dict
# by using dict-comprehension
optional_kwargs_unpack = {
k: v for k, v in optional_kwargs.items() if v is not None}
# prepare custom HoverTool
tooltips = get_custom_tooltips(
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips)
# get tick positions from label dict keys
ticks = [key for key in sorted(label_dict)]
# create image layer
gv_poly = gv_poly.opts(
clipping_colors={'NaN': 'transparent'},
# 'formatter': formatter,
'major_label_overrides': label_dict,
'ticker': FixedTicker(
# optional unpack of width and height
return gv_poly
def plot_interactive_cosine(
cosine_country: str, title: str,
cosine_source: Path = TERMS_FLICKR_COSINE,
metric: str = "chi_value",
mask_nonsignificant: bool = False,
scheme: str = "HeadTailBreaks",
cmap: str = "OrRd",
store_html: str = None,
plot: Optional[bool] = True,
output: Optional[str] = OUTPUT,) -> gv.Overlay:
"""Plot interactive map with holoviews/geoviews renderer
poly_gdf: A geopandas geodataframe with polygons
(projected coordinates) and aggregate metric column
metric: target column for aggregate. Default: postcount.
store_html: Provide a name to store figure as interactive HTML.
title: Title of the map
hover_items: additional items to show on hover
mask_nonsignificant: transparent bins if significant column == False
scheme: The classification scheme to use. Default "HeadTailBreaks".
cmap: The colormap to use. Default "OrRd".
plot: Prepare gv-layers to be plotted in notebook.
hover_items = {
'Country Code (su_a3)':'su_a3',
'Cosine Similarity':'cosine',
'Top 20 terms (TFIDF)':'tfidf', }
df_cos = load_cosine_df()
world = load_combine(cosine_country, df_cos)
# store su_a3 codes as normal column, too
# so the code can be shown on hover
world['su_a3'] = world.index
# check if all additional items are available
for key, item in list(hover_items.items()):
if item not in world.columns:
# poly layer opts
# global plotting options for values layer
layer_opts = {
# global plotting options for all layers (gv.Overlay)
gv_opts = {
# "global_extent":True,
"data_aspect":1, # maintain fixed aspect ratio during responsive resize
# Create gv layers
sel_poly_layer = gv.Polygons(
# selected country centroid
centroid = world.loc[cosine_country].geometry.centroid
centroid_proj = PROJ_TRANSFORMER_BACK.transform(
centroid.x, centroid.y)
if plot:
# get classified polygon gv layer
poly_layer = compile_poly_layer(
poly_gdf=world, **layer_opts)
gv_layers = gv.Overlay(
[poly_layer, sel_poly_layer])
if store_html:
# get as responsive
layer_opts["responsive"] = True
poly_layer = compile_poly_layer(
poly_gdf=world, **layer_opts)
responsive_gv_layers = gv.Overlay(
[poly_layer, sel_poly_layer])
gv_opts["responsive"] = True
export_layers = responsive_gv_layers.opts(**gv_opts)
output / f"html" / f'{store_html}.html', backend='bokeh')
# store also as svg
p = hv.render(export_layers, backend='bokeh')
p.output_backend = "svg"
p, filename=output / f"svg{km_size_str}" / f'{store_html}.svg',
if not plot:
gv_opts["responsive"] = False
return gv_layers.opts(**gv_opts)
The methods defined in 01_grid_agg.ipynb
for rounding label float numbers, are not suitable
for the small cosine similarity values.
Below, new methods are defined (with minimum of 2
decimals rounding precision). These override the
previously defined methods.
import _01_grid_agg
def _rnd_f_cosine(f: float, dec: int = None) -> str:
if dec is None:
dec = 2
return f'{f:,.{dec}f}'
def min_decimals_cosine(num1: float, num2: float) -> int:
"""Return number of minimum required decimals"""
if _rnd_f_cosine(num1) != _rnd_f_cosine(num2):
return 2
for i in range(3, 5):
if _rnd_f_cosine(num1, i) != _rnd_f_cosine(num2, i):
return i
return 5
_01_grid_agg = sys.modules["_01_grid_agg"]
_01_grid_agg.min_decimals = min_decimals_cosine
Define country to show cosine similarities for and the output filename:
cosine_country = "ZMB"
filename = f"sunset_cosine_flickr_{cosine_country}"
cosine_source = TERMS_FLICKR_COSINE
gv_plot = plot_interactive_cosine(
cosine_source=cosine_source, cosine_country=cosine_country,
title=f'Cosine similarity: Flickr "Sunset" context terms similarity for country {cosine_country}',
metric="cosine", scheme="HeadTailBreaks", cmap="OrRd", store_html=filename)
For comparison, have a look at the similarity score for Indonesia (IDN)
cosine_country = "IDN"
filename = f"sunset_cosine_flickr_{cosine_country}"
cosine_source = TERMS_FLICKR_COSINE
gv_plot = plot_interactive_cosine(
cosine_source=cosine_source, cosine_country=cosine_country,
title=f'Cosine similarity: Flickr "Sunset" context terms similarity for country {cosine_country}',
metric="cosine", scheme="HeadTailBreaks", cmap="OrRd", store_html=filename)
For now, the map must be re-generated for visualizing cosine-similarities for each country. A possible future extension could use a Panel Dashboard to allow interactive selection.
!jupyter nbconvert --to html_toc \
--output-dir=../out/html ./06_semantics.ipynb \
--template=../nbconvert.tpl \
--ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled=False >&- 2>&- # create single output file
Copy single HTML file to resource folder
!cp ../out/html/06_semantics.html ../resources/html/