

This is the recommended way for all systems.

This approach is independent of the OS used.

First create an environment.

conda create --name tagmaps

Then install tagmaps from the conda-forge channel.

conda activate tagmaps
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda install tagmaps --channel conda-forge

Or, use the provided environment.yml and install in editable mode. This would be more common for a development setup:

conda env create -n tagmaps -f environment.yml
conda activate tagmaps
pip install --no-deps --editable .


There are many ways to install python tools:

  1. The recommended way to install the package is with conda
  2. If you need to install with pip, it is recommended to
    • install all dependencies first (e.g. Windows users: use Gohlke wheels if available), or conda env create -f environment.yml, and then run:
    • pip install tagmaps --no-dependencies or
    • or clone the repository, and install locally with:
    • pip install --no-dependencies --editable .

For users who are not familiar with python package managers, please see the detailed instructions to install tagmaps with conda.


Both pip install tagmaps and conda install tagmaps -c conde-forge are available to install tagmaps in Linux.

Setup requires gdal to be available. As a minimal example, have a look at the following commands for Ubuntu:

First, install base dependencies:

apt-get install python3-venv python3-dev python3-tk gcc -y

Then clone the repository, install python3-venv and install dependencies:

git clone
cd tagmaps
apt-get install python3-venv
# create a virtual env
python3 -m venv tagmaps
source ./tagmaps/bin/activate
# install gdal
apt-get install libgdal-dev
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
# get gdal version
gdal-config --version # Output: 2.2.3
# install matching gdal version with pip
pip install GDAL==2.2.3
# Install latest tagmaps from GitHub
pip install --editable .
# or from latest release on pip:
# pip install tagmaps

Depending on your Linux distribution and version, you may get away without the GDAL related instructions above.

Alternatively, you can also install using requirements.txt:

python3 -m venv tagmaps
source ./tagmaps/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --no-deps --editable .