Statistics overview sunset/sunrise

Alexander Dunkel, TU Dresden, Institute of Cartography; Maximilian Hartmann, Universität Zürich (UZH), Geocomputation


Last updated: Jan-17-2023, Carto-Lab Docker Version 0.9.0

Several additional quantities/numbers are collected here and referenced in the article.


Load dependencies

This time, we use the python_hll package to calculate hll set cardinalities.
python_hll is significantly slower than the native Postgres HLL implementation.
But there are only a few temporal HLL sets to calculate (year and months aggregates).

In [2]:
import sys
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from python_hll.hll import HLL
from python_hll.util import NumberUtil
module_path = str(Path.cwd().parents[0] / "py")
if module_path not in sys.path:
from modules import tools, preparations
from _03_chimaps import OUTPUT
Chromedriver loaded. Svg output enabled.

Load HLL aggregate data

Data is stored as aggregate HLL data (postcount) for each term.

There is an additional CSV that contains the HLL set with all Flickr posts (2007-2018).

In [3]:
root = Path.cwd().parents[1] / "00_hll_data"
TERMS_INSTAGRAM = root / "instagram-terms.csv"
TERMS_FLICKR = root / "flickr-terms.csv"
ALL_FLICKR = root / "flickr-all.csv"

Some statistics for these files:

In [4]:
data_files = {
size 49.65 KB 46.87 KB 2.55 KB
records 24 24 2
CPU times: user 21.3 ms, sys: 7.59 ms, total: 28.9 ms
Wall time: 28.2 ms

Preview CSVs:

In [5]:
name post_hll
0 Flickr all posts 2007-2017 \x148b409c25094232946329c6349d2d19c610b4272942...
In [6]:
df = pd.read_csv(TERMS_INSTAGRAM)
In [7]:
term topic post_hll
0 sunrise sunrise \x148b405b16d6318a5c5ee7358c7bd6c6b60f5c18a6ad...
1 sunrises sunrise \x148b40324e731d0839ce9294e631927498a7318a5398...
2 sonnenaufgang sunrise \x148b4041ce9498c75bde6324c741ce7398e7398c94a0...
3 leverdusoleil sunrise \x148b4010c05084c520823180831882418c4108c01198...
4 leverdesoleil sunrise \x148b40294210988430c453148210423110c228c6318c...
5 leversoleil sunrise \x138b40004300c100e102410282032103a203e1048104...
6 lever_du_soleil sunrise \x138b400a010f620f8110e3118116c31fc22041226123...
7 lever_de_soleil sunrise \x138b400102036103c205c107210be20ca210a1128318...
8 lever_soleil sunrise \x138b4003e304a10ce30e850fa2112317c22cc239223c...
9 zonsopkomst sunrise \x148b4008c020942408c831082310d45188621a062098...
10 zonsopgang sunrise \x148b4008c621040220881104c2284410044508c60088...
11 lever soleil sunrise \x148b40088620082110c202880308401180c210c81084...
12 sunset sunset \x148b7f731ce7b9ae6cd6e7bd8e7b16e8b5cf6c18c6c9...
13 coucher_du_soleil sunset \x148b7f00841300a21284300801008400808200880100...
14 sunsets sunset \x148b7f4ad09421885b9095258a52d4b5294c5258a429...
15 sonnenuntergang sunset \x148b7f435086310753d885bd49521074a14a525484a5...
16 couchersoleil sunset \x148b7f00400184400842010420190000084008020004...
17 coucherdusoleil sunset \x148b7f210a3314831886229cc320c8218c6730883294...
18 coucher_soleil sunset \x128b7f8592bc43e608063786896ecadc008eab89ad82...
19 zonsondergang sunset \x148b7f3188521082318651a525194e64106419463418...
20 coucher soleil sunset \x148b7f0000000c001800208000000010088000000000...
21 coucher_de_soleil sunset \x148b7f0a8621946208c64288873206220c813084530c...
22 coucherdesoleil sunset \x148b7f518a4610c741949421284210a2992c4190931d...

Calculate Statistics

HLL Cardinality per term

Prepare functions

These functions were first used in the YFCC HLL Workshop.

In [8]:
def hll_from_byte(hll_set: str):
    """Return HLL set from binary representation"""
    hex_string = hll_set[2:]
    # hex_string = hll_set
    return HLL.from_bytes(
            hex_string, 0, len(hex_string)))

def cardinality_from_hll(hll_set):
    """Turn binary hll into HLL set and return cardinality"""
        hll = hll_from_byte(hll_set)
    return hll.cardinality()

Define additional functions for reading and formatting CSV as pd.DataFrame

In [9]:
def append_cardinality_df(
        df: pd.DataFrame, hll_col: str = "post_hll", drop_hll_col: bool = False):
    """Calculate cardinality from HLL and append to extra column in df"""
    df['postcount_est'] = df.apply(
        lambda x: cardinality_from_hll(
    if drop_hll_col:
        df.drop(columns=["post_hll"], inplace=True)

def read_hll_csv(csv: Path, key_col: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Read CSV with parsing datetime index (months)
        First CSV column: Year
        Second CSV column: Month
    df = pd.read_csv(
        csv, index_col=key_col)
    return df
In [10]:
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
df = read_hll_csv(TERMS_INSTAGRAM, key_col="term")
CPU times: user 1.27 s, sys: 23 µs, total: 1.27 s
Wall time: 1.27 s
In [11]:
display(df[df["topic"]=="sunset"].sort_values('postcount_est', ascending=False))
display(df[df["topic"]=="sunrise"].sort_values('postcount_est', ascending=False))
topic post_hll postcount_est
sunset sunset \x148b7f731ce7b9ae6cd6e7bd8e7b16e8b5cf6c18c6c9... 16992174
sunsets sunset \x148b7f4ad09421885b9095258a52d4b5294c5258a429... 1443750
sonnenuntergang sunset \x148b7f435086310753d885bd49521074a14a525484a5... 351389
coucherdesoleil sunset \x148b7f518a4610c741949421284210a2992c4190931d... 87690
zonsondergang sunset \x148b7f3188521082318651a525194e64106419463418... 27318
coucherdusoleil sunset \x148b7f210a3314831886229cc320c8218c6730883294... 12977
coucher_de_soleil sunset \x148b7f0a8621946208c64288873206220c813084530c... 12621
coucher_du_soleil sunset \x148b7f00841300a21284300801008400808200880100... 2556
couchersoleil sunset \x148b7f00400184400842010420190000084008020004... 2556
coucher soleil sunset \x148b7f0000000c001800208000000010088000000000... 802
coucher_soleil sunset \x128b7f8592bc43e608063786896ecadc008eab89ad82... 90
topic post_hll postcount_est
sunrise sunrise \x148b405b16d6318a5c5ee7358c7bd6c6b60f5c18a6ad... 4662612
sunrises sunrise \x148b40324e731d0839ce9294e631927498a7318a5398... 126115
sonnenaufgang sunrise \x148b4041ce9498c75bde6324c741ce7398e7398c94a0... 103460
leverdesoleil sunrise \x148b40294210988430c453148210423110c228c6318c... 11495
zonsopkomst sunrise \x148b4008c020942408c831082310d45188621a062098... 6770
leverdusoleil sunrise \x148b4010c05084c520823180831882418c4108c01198... 6081
zonsopgang sunrise \x148b4008c621040220881104c2284410044508c60088... 3423
lever soleil sunrise \x148b40088620082110c202880308401180c210c81084... 3387
leversoleil sunrise \x138b40004300c100e102410282032103a203e1048104... 525
lever_du_soleil sunrise \x138b400a010f620f8110e3118116c31fc22041226123... 73
lever_de_soleil sunrise \x138b400102036103c205c107210be20ca210a1128318... 68
lever_soleil sunrise \x138b4003e304a10ce30e850fa2112317c22cc239223c... 53
In [12]:
df_instagram = df
In [13]:
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
df = read_hll_csv(TERMS_FLICKR, key_col="term")
CPU times: user 1.32 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.32 s
Wall time: 1.32 s
In [14]:
display(df[df["topic"]=="sunset"].sort_values('postcount_est', ascending=False))
display(df[df["topic"]=="sunrise"].sort_values('postcount_est', ascending=False))
df_flickr = df
topic post_hll postcount_est
sunset sunset \x148b7f5a9ac5354a5b18c7318b5498e83dcf63a2b639... 2431495
sonnenuntergang sunset \x148b7f398a7398cc31ce7314c631d2e39d063a505395... 112093
sunsets sunset \x148b7f418cc2a4c4414c5614e632183418e6318e4299... 70104
coucherdesoleil sunset \x148b7f294853a065214e33946630cc43908629044194... 30755
zonsondergang sunset \x148b7f394a33988a210c719866210e43986618ca6314... 25306
coucher soleil sunset \x148b7f214433986828c8722466194832210320c44218... 19604
coucherdusoleil sunset \x148b7f38867190241082220c4330443208a228c20114... 7035
coucher_de_soleil sunset \x148b7f18002084400080008402080642100200002100... 2144
couchersoleil sunset \x148b7f10400000010080000020080020000100020000... 1111
coucher_du_soleil sunset \x148b7f00001180000000200c00084000000009400000... 1078
coucher_soleil sunset \x128b7f81333b36e434391489d6ff166ddc75638cbb9f... 31
topic post_hll postcount_est
sunrise sunrise \x148b7f4a9884a94762128521696a52a5252c629696a8... 851468
sonnenaufgang sunrise \x148b7f3192639ce44a0a54908329924294c420d25290... 41514
leverdesoleil sunrise \x148b7f0a0430984518cc409d2210824314a040867188... 10283
sunrises sunrise \x148b7f09046108231908209442288231106109062298... 9627
lever soleil sunrise \x148b7f1a0420a0e41800421464088431182120cc3200... 6750
zonsopkomst sunrise \x148b7f18485098410882209844204421086109404210... 5163
zonsopgang sunrise \x148b7f1940200c420882100481080421040208465200... 3527
leverdusoleil sunrise \x148b7f3886040401284202880310c23000a028020000... 2050
leversoleil sunrise \x138b7f03c1070107610781092109e10a270a610ac30c... 187
lever_du_soleil sunrise \x118b7f 0
lever_de_soleil sunrise \x118b7f 0
lever_soleil sunrise \x118b7f 0

Total counts

The HLL union operation is lossless. Therefore, all hll sets (post_hll) can be unioned, to calculate the total cardinality for Instagram and Flickr data.

The function below first appeared in Dunkel et al. (2020)

In [15]:
def union_hll(hll: HLL, hll2):
    """Union of two HLL sets. The first HLL set will be modified in-place."""
def union_all_hll(
    hll_series: pd.Series, cardinality: bool = True) -> pd.Series:
    """HLL Union and (optional) cardinality estimation from series of hll sets

        hll_series: Indexed series (bins) of hll sets. 
        cardinality: If True, returns cardinality (counts). Otherwise,
            the unioned hll set will be returned.
    hll_set = None
    for hll_set_str in hll_series.values.tolist():
        if hll_set is None:
            # set first hll set
            hll_set = hll_from_byte(hll_set_str)
        hll_set2 = hll_from_byte(hll_set_str)
        union_hll(hll_set, hll_set2)
    return hll_set.cardinality()

Union and calculate cardinality

In [16]:
instagram_total = union_all_hll(df_instagram["post_hll"].dropna())
instagram_sunrise = union_all_hll(df_instagram[df_instagram["topic"]=="sunrise"]["post_hll"].dropna())
instagram_sunset = union_all_hll(df_instagram[df_instagram["topic"]=="sunset"]["post_hll"].dropna())
print(f"Instagram sunset-sunrise: {instagram_total:,.0f} estimated total posts")
print(f"Instagram sunset: {instagram_sunset:,.0f} estimated total posts")
print(f"Instagram sunrise: {instagram_sunrise:,.0f} estimated total posts")
Instagram sunset-sunrise: 21,192,990 estimated total posts
Instagram sunset: 17,660,472 estimated total posts
Instagram sunrise: 4,741,053 estimated total posts

Repeat for Flickr

In [17]:
flickr_total = union_all_hll(df_flickr["post_hll"].dropna())
flickr_sunrise = union_all_hll(df_flickr[df_flickr["topic"]=="sunrise"]["post_hll"].dropna())
flickr_sunset = union_all_hll(df_flickr[df_flickr["topic"]=="sunset"]["post_hll"].dropna())
print(f"Flickr sunset-sunrise: {flickr_total:,.0f} estimated total posts")
print(f"Flickr sunset: {flickr_sunset:,.0f} estimated total posts")
print(f"Flickr sunrise: {flickr_sunrise:,.0f} estimated total posts")
Flickr sunset-sunrise: 3,310,397 estimated total posts
Flickr sunset: 2,545,460 estimated total posts
Flickr sunrise: 881,324 estimated total posts

Question: Percentage of all posts captured by just using the top-scoring two terms "sunset" and "sunrise"?

In [18]:
sum_sunset_sunrise = union_all_hll(
    pd.Series([df_instagram["post_hll"]["sunset"], df_instagram["post_hll"]["sunrise"]]))
    f"{sum_sunset_sunrise:,.0f} of Instagram posts "
    f"contain either the term 'sunset' or 'sunrise', "
    f"which is {sum_sunset_sunrise/(instagram_total/100):,.1f}% "
    "of all sunset-sunrise posts in the dataset.")
20,488,000 of Instagram posts contain either the term 'sunset' or 'sunrise', which is 96.7% of all sunset-sunrise posts in the dataset.
In [19]:
sum_sunset_sunrise = union_all_hll(
    pd.Series([df_flickr["post_hll"]["sunset"], df_flickr["post_hll"]["sunrise"]]))
    f"{sum_sunset_sunrise:,.0f} of Flickr posts "
    f"contain either the term 'sunset' or 'sunrise', "
    f"which is {sum_sunset_sunrise/(flickr_total/100):,.1f}% "
    "of all sunset-sunrise posts in the dataset.")
3,207,577 of Flickr posts contain either the term 'sunset' or 'sunrise', which is 96.9% of all sunset-sunrise posts in the dataset.

Instagram geotagged/non-geotagged

For Instagram, the total counts also contain non-geotagged.

Calculate the number of total geotagged Instagram posts in the dataset
from the pickle generated in the first notebook (100km aggregate data):

In [20]:
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
pickle_path = Path.cwd().parents[0] / "out" / "pickles"
grid = pd.read_pickle(
    pickle_path / "instagram_postcount_sunsetsunrise_est_hll.pkl")
instagram_geotagged_total = union_all_hll(grid["postcount_hll"].dropna())
    f"Instagram geotagged sunset-sunrise: "
    f"{instagram_geotagged_total:,.0f} estimated total posts")
Instagram geotagged sunset-sunrise: 9,462,266 estimated total posts
CPU times: user 2min 3s, sys: 54.8 ms, total: 2min 3s
Wall time: 2min 3s

Flickr Creative Commons Sample datasets

The raw data containing only creative commons Flickr posts can
be summarized by counting lines in the CSV files:

In [21]:
def get_line_count(csv: Path) -> int:
    """Get line count of CSV file (minus header)"""
    with open(csv) as f:
        return sum(1 for line in f) - 1
In [22]:

FLICKR_CC_SUNRISE = root / "2020-04-07_Flickr_Sunrise_World_CCBy.csv"
FLICKR_CC_SUNSET = root / "2020-04-07_Flickr_Sunset_World_CCBy.csv"

print(f'{get_line_count(FLICKR_CC_SUNRISE)} Flickr sunrise CC-BY images')
print(f'{get_line_count(FLICKR_CC_SUNSET)} Flickr sunset CC-BY images')
82852 Flickr sunrise CC-BY images
284990 Flickr sunset CC-BY images
CPU times: user 42.2 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 42.2 ms
Wall time: 41.5 ms

Create notebook HTML

In [23]:
!jupyter nbconvert --to html_toc \
    --output-dir=../out/html ./09_statistics.ipynb \
    --template=../nbconvert.tpl \
    --ExtractOutputPreprocessor.enabled=False >&- 2>&- # create single output file

Copy single HTML file to resource folder

In [24]:
!cp ../out/html/09_statistics.html ../resources/html/

Create Release File

First convert all svg to pdf, for archive purposes and paper submission.

In [25]:
WEB_DRIVER = preparations.load_chromedriver()
Chromedriver loaded. Svg output enabled.
In [26]:
tools.convert_svg_pdf(in_dir=OUTPUT / "svg", out_dir=OUTPUT / "pdf")
Processed 44 of 44 files..
CPU times: user 1.37 s, sys: 7.3 s, total: 8.67 s
Wall time: 1min

Create release file with all results

Create a release file that contains ipynb notebooks, HTML, figures, svg and python converted files.

Make sure that 7z is available (apt-get install p7zip-full)

In [10]:
!cd .. && RELEASE_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) \
    && 7z a -tzip -mx=9 out/release_$ \
    md/* py/* out/html/* out/pdf/* out/svg/* out/figures/* notebooks/*.ipynb \ jupytext.toml nbconvert.tpl \
    -x!py/__pycache__ -x!py/modules/__pycache__ -x!py/modules/.ipynb_checkpoints \
    -y > /dev/null
In [ ]: