Module tagmaps.classes.alpha_shapes

Module for tag maps alpha shapes generation

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module for tag maps alpha shapes generation

# delay evaluation of annotations at runtime (PEP 563)
from __future__ import absolute_import, annotations

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry as geometry
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay  # pylint: disable=E0611
from shapely.ops import polygonize, unary_union

from tagmaps.classes.compile_output import Compile
from tagmaps.classes.shared_structure import ItemCounter

class AlphaShapesAndMeta:
    """Stores cluster geometry and calculated summary statistics"""

    shape: geometry.Polygon
    post_count: int
    views: int
    user_count: int
    item_name: str
    item_totalcount: int
    weightsv1: float
    weightsv2: float
    weightsv3: float
    shapetype: str

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Implements subscription by name"""
        return getattr(self, key)

class AlphaShapesArea:
    """Collection of of Alpha Shapes (list of geometries and meta)
    and total area

    alphashape: Optional[List[AlphaShapesAndMeta]]
    item_area: float

class AlphaShapes:
    """Converts (cluster) point clouds to shapes"""

    def get_single_cluster_shape(
        item: ItemCounter, single_post, cluster_distance: float, proj_coords
        """Get Shapes for items with no clusters
        Will return a buffer based on cluster distance
        shapetype = "Single cluster"
        # project lat/lng to UTM
        point_x, point_y = proj_coords(single_post.lng,
        pcoordinate = geometry.Point(point_x, point_y)
        # single dots are presented
        # as buffers with 0.5% of width-area
        result_polygon = pcoordinate.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        # result_polygon = pcoordinate.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,
        #   resolution=3)
        if result_polygon is None or result_polygon.is_empty:
            return None
        # append statistics for item with no cluster
        single_cluster_result = AlphaShapesAndMeta(
            max(single_post.post_views_count, single_post.post_like_count),
        return single_cluster_result

    def get_cluster_shape(
        item: ItemCounter,
        cluster_distance: float,
        """Returns alpha shapes and tag_area (sqm) for a point cloud"""
        # we define a new list of Temp Alpha Shapes outside the loop,
        # so that it is not overwritten each time
        alphashapes_and_meta_tmp = list()
        item_area = 0
        for post_guids in clustered_post_guids:
            # for each cluster for this toptag
            posts = [cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in post_guids]
            post_count = len(post_guids)
            unique_user_count = len({post.user_guid for post in posts})
            sum_views = sum([post.post_views_count for post in posts])
            # needs to be moved to CompileOutput:
            weightsv1 = Compile.get_weight(1, post_count, unique_user_count)

            weightsv2 = Compile.get_weight(2, post_count, unique_user_count)
            weightsv3 = Compile.get_weight(3, post_count, unique_user_count)
            distinct_locations = {post.loc_id for post in posts}
            # simple list comprehension with projection:
            points = [
                        float(location.split(":")[1]), float(location.split(":")[0])
                for location in distinct_locations

            # get poly shape from points
            result = AlphaShapes._get_poly(points, cluster_distance)
            result_polygon = result[0]
            shapetype = result[1]

            # Geom, Join_Count, Views,  COUNT_User,ImpTag,TagCountG,HImpTag
            if result_polygon is not None and not result_polygon.is_empty:
                if local_saturation_check:
                    item_area += result_polygon.area
                alphashapedata = AlphaShapesAndMeta(
        if alphashapes_and_meta_tmp:
            # finally sort and append all
            # cluster shapes for this tag
            alphashapes_and_meta_tmp = sorted(
                alphashapes_and_meta_tmp, key=lambda x: -x.weightsv1
        return AlphaShapesArea(alphashapes_and_meta_tmp, item_area)

    def _get_poly_five_to_ten(point_collection, cluster_distance):
        """convex hull for small point clouds"""
        result_polygon = point_collection.convex_hull
        result_polygon = result_polygon.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        shapetype = "between 5 and 10 points_convexHull"
        # result_polygon = result_polygon.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        return result_polygon, shapetype

    def _get_poly_two_to_five(point_collection, cluster_distance):
        """convex hull for tiny point clouds"""
        shapetype = "between 2 and 5 points_buffer"
        # calc distance between points, see
        # bdist = math.sqrt(
        #   (points[0].coords.xy[0][0]-points[1].coords.xy[0][0])**2
        # + (points[0].coords.xy[1][0]-points[1].coords.xy[1][0])**2)
        # print(str(bdist))
        # single dots are presented as buffer with 0.5% of width-area:
        poly_shape = point_collection.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        poly_shape = poly_shape.convex_hull
        # result_polygon = point_collection.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        # #single dots are presented as buffer with 0.5% of width-area
        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def _get_poly_larger_ten(points, pointcount, cluster_distance, point_collection):
        """Get poly for larger point clouds
        This is still recursive trial & error

        Repeat generating alpha shapes with
        smaller alpha value if Multigon is
        generated. Smaller alpha values mean
        less granularity of resulting polygon,
        but too large alpha may result
        in empty polygon
        (this branch is sometimes
        executed for larger scales)
        if pointcount > 500:
            startalpha = 1000000
        elif pointcount > 200:
            startalpha = 10000
            startalpha = 9000
        # concave hull/alpha shape /50000:
        poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
            points, alpha=cluster_distance / startalpha
        shapetype = "Initial Alpha Shape + Buffer"
        if not isinstance(poly_shape, bool) and poly_shape.is_empty:
            # try again with centered axis reduced alpha
            poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
                points, alpha=(cluster_distance / startalpha), centeraxis=True
        # if not poly_shape.is_empty:
        # print("Success")
        # check type comparison here
        if isinstance(poly_shape, (bool, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)):
            for i in range(1, 6):
                # try decreasing alpha
                # ** means cube
                alpha = startalpha + (startalpha * (i**i))
                # /100000
                poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
                    points, alpha=cluster_distance / alpha
                if not (
                    isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)
                    and not isinstance(poly_shape, bool)
                    shapetype = "Multipolygon Alpha Shape /" + str(alpha)
            if isinstance(poly_shape, (bool, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)):
                # try increasing alpha
                for i in range(1, 6):
                    # try decreasing alpha
                    alpha = startalpha / (i * i)
                    # /100000
                    poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
                        points, alpha=cluster_distance / alpha
                    if not (
                        isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)
                        and not isinstance(poly_shape, bool)
                        shapetype = "Multipolygon Alpha Shape /" + str(alpha)
            if isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
                shapetype = "Multipolygon Alpha Shape -> Convex Hull"
                # if still of type multipolygon,
                # try to remove holes and do a convex_hull
                poly_shape = poly_shape.convex_hull
            # OR: in case there was a problem with generating
            # alpha shapes
            # (circum_r = a*b*c/(4.0*area)
            # --> ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero)
            # this branch is rarely executed
            # for large point clusters where
            # alpha is perhaps set too small
        if (
            isinstance(poly_shape, bool)
            or poly_shape.is_empty
            or AlphaShapes._few_polyinpoints(points, poly_shape)
            shapetype = "BoolAlpha/Empty -> Fallback to PointCloud Convex Hull"
            # convex hull
            poly_shape = point_collection.convex_hull
        # Finally do a buffer to smooth alpha
        poly_shape = poly_shape.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        # result_polygon = result_polygon.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def _few_polyinpoints(points, poly):
        """Check how many of original points are in Alpha

        Because some QHull Delauney return a small Alpha Shape that
        does not include most points, this is a fallback solution.
        Better solution would be to revise QHull Delauney/Alpha,
        but even with centered axis, this issue remains (see alpha_shape).
        p_count = 1
        for point in points:
            if point.within(poly):
                p_count += 1
        perc = p_count / (len(points) / 100)
        if perc < 50:
            return True
        return False

    def _get_poly_one(point_collection, cluster_distance):
        shapetype = "1 point cluster"
        # single dots are presented as buffer
        # with 0.5% of width-area
        poly_shape = point_collection.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        # result_polygon = point_collection.buffer(
        # min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        # #single dots are presented as buffer
        # with 0.5% of width-area
        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def _get_poly(points, cluster_distance):
        """Get polygon/shape for collection
        of geooordinates (points)

        Shape (Polygon)
        Shapetype (Approach of Shape-Gen)
        point_collection = geometry.MultiPoint(list(points))
        poly_shape = None
        pointcount = len(points)
        shapetype: str = ""
        if pointcount >= 5:
            if pointcount < 10:
                poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_five_to_ten(
                    point_collection, cluster_distance
                poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_larger_ten(
                    points, pointcount, cluster_distance, point_collection
        elif 2 <= pointcount < 5:
            poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_two_to_five(
                point_collection, cluster_distance
        elif (
            pointcount == 1
            or isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.point.Point)
            or poly_shape is None
            poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_one(
                point_collection, cluster_distance
        # final check for multipolygon
        if (
            isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)
            or poly_shape.is_empty
            # usually not executed
            poly_shape = poly_shape.convex_hull
            shapetype = "Convex Hull Final Fallback"

        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def alpha_shape(points, alpha, centeraxis=None):
        Alpha Shapes Code by KEVIN DWYER, see
            Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set
            of points.
            @param points: Iterable container of points.
            @param alpha: alpha value to influence the
                gooeyness of the border. Smaller numbers
                don't fall inward as much as larger numbers.
                Too large, and you lose everything!

        with minor adaptions to Tag Maps clustering.

        see also floating point resolution issue:

        Consider replace with shapely.Delauney
        if centeraxis is None:
            centeraxis = False
        if len(points) < 4:
            # When you have a triangle,
            # there is no sense
            # in computing an alpha shape.
            return geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)).convex_hull

        def add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, i, j):
            Add a line between the i-th and j-th points,
            if not in the list already
            if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
                # already added
            edges.add((i, j))
            edge_points.append(coords[[i, j]])

        coords = np.array([point.coords[0] for point in points])

        # qhull_options = 'Qt'
        # #To avoid this error,
        # joggle the data by specifying the
        # 'QJ' option to the DELAUNAY function.see:

        if centeraxis:
            # Center axis for avoiding floating point precision issues
            norm_co = coords[0]
            coords = coords - norm_co
        tri = Delaunay(coords)
        # print problematic points:
        # print(tri.coplanar)
        # tri = Delaunay(coords,qhull_topions='QJ')
        # #Version 3.1 added triangulated output ('Qt').
        # It should be used for Delaunay triangulations
        # instead of using joggled input ('QJ').
        edges = set()
        edge_points = []
        # loop over triangles:
        # vert_ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the
        # triangle
        for vert_ia, vert_ib, vert_ic in tri.simplices:
            pa_v = coords[vert_ia]
            pb_v = coords[vert_ib]
            pc_v = coords[vert_ic]
            # Lengths of sides of triangle
            a_val = math.sqrt((pa_v[0] - pb_v[0]) ** 2 + (pa_v[1] - pb_v[1]) ** 2)
            b_val = math.sqrt((pb_v[0] - pc_v[0]) ** 2 + (pb_v[1] - pc_v[1]) ** 2)
            c_val = math.sqrt((pc_v[0] - pa_v[0]) ** 2 + (pc_v[1] - pa_v[1]) ** 2)
            # Semiperimeter of triangle
            s_res = (a_val + b_val + c_val) / 2.0
            # Area of triangle by Heron's formula
                area = math.sqrt(
                    s_res * (s_res - a_val) * (s_res - b_val) * (s_res - c_val)
            except ValueError:
                return False
            if area == 0:
                return False
            circum_r = a_val * b_val * c_val / (4.0 * area)
            # Here's the radius filter.
            # print circum_r
            if circum_r < 1.0 / alpha:
                add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ia, vert_ib)
                add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ib, vert_ic)
                add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ic, vert_ia)

        if centeraxis:
            # return to original axis center
            edge_points = [
                np.array([edgepoint[0] + norm_co, edgepoint[1] + norm_co])
                for edgepoint in edge_points

        mmulti_line_str = geometry.MultiLineString(edge_points)
        triangles = [geom for geom in polygonize(mmulti_line_str.geoms)]
        return unary_union(triangles)  # , edge_points
        # return geometry.polygon.asPolygon(edge_points,holes=None)


class AlphaShapes

Converts (cluster) point clouds to shapes

Expand source code
class AlphaShapes:
    """Converts (cluster) point clouds to shapes"""

    def get_single_cluster_shape(
        item: ItemCounter, single_post, cluster_distance: float, proj_coords
        """Get Shapes for items with no clusters
        Will return a buffer based on cluster distance
        shapetype = "Single cluster"
        # project lat/lng to UTM
        point_x, point_y = proj_coords(single_post.lng,
        pcoordinate = geometry.Point(point_x, point_y)
        # single dots are presented
        # as buffers with 0.5% of width-area
        result_polygon = pcoordinate.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        # result_polygon = pcoordinate.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,
        #   resolution=3)
        if result_polygon is None or result_polygon.is_empty:
            return None
        # append statistics for item with no cluster
        single_cluster_result = AlphaShapesAndMeta(
            max(single_post.post_views_count, single_post.post_like_count),
        return single_cluster_result

    def get_cluster_shape(
        item: ItemCounter,
        cluster_distance: float,
        """Returns alpha shapes and tag_area (sqm) for a point cloud"""
        # we define a new list of Temp Alpha Shapes outside the loop,
        # so that it is not overwritten each time
        alphashapes_and_meta_tmp = list()
        item_area = 0
        for post_guids in clustered_post_guids:
            # for each cluster for this toptag
            posts = [cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in post_guids]
            post_count = len(post_guids)
            unique_user_count = len({post.user_guid for post in posts})
            sum_views = sum([post.post_views_count for post in posts])
            # needs to be moved to CompileOutput:
            weightsv1 = Compile.get_weight(1, post_count, unique_user_count)

            weightsv2 = Compile.get_weight(2, post_count, unique_user_count)
            weightsv3 = Compile.get_weight(3, post_count, unique_user_count)
            distinct_locations = {post.loc_id for post in posts}
            # simple list comprehension with projection:
            points = [
                        float(location.split(":")[1]), float(location.split(":")[0])
                for location in distinct_locations

            # get poly shape from points
            result = AlphaShapes._get_poly(points, cluster_distance)
            result_polygon = result[0]
            shapetype = result[1]

            # Geom, Join_Count, Views,  COUNT_User,ImpTag,TagCountG,HImpTag
            if result_polygon is not None and not result_polygon.is_empty:
                if local_saturation_check:
                    item_area += result_polygon.area
                alphashapedata = AlphaShapesAndMeta(
        if alphashapes_and_meta_tmp:
            # finally sort and append all
            # cluster shapes for this tag
            alphashapes_and_meta_tmp = sorted(
                alphashapes_and_meta_tmp, key=lambda x: -x.weightsv1
        return AlphaShapesArea(alphashapes_and_meta_tmp, item_area)

    def _get_poly_five_to_ten(point_collection, cluster_distance):
        """convex hull for small point clouds"""
        result_polygon = point_collection.convex_hull
        result_polygon = result_polygon.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        shapetype = "between 5 and 10 points_convexHull"
        # result_polygon = result_polygon.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        return result_polygon, shapetype

    def _get_poly_two_to_five(point_collection, cluster_distance):
        """convex hull for tiny point clouds"""
        shapetype = "between 2 and 5 points_buffer"
        # calc distance between points, see
        # bdist = math.sqrt(
        #   (points[0].coords.xy[0][0]-points[1].coords.xy[0][0])**2
        # + (points[0].coords.xy[1][0]-points[1].coords.xy[1][0])**2)
        # print(str(bdist))
        # single dots are presented as buffer with 0.5% of width-area:
        poly_shape = point_collection.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        poly_shape = poly_shape.convex_hull
        # result_polygon = point_collection.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        # #single dots are presented as buffer with 0.5% of width-area
        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def _get_poly_larger_ten(points, pointcount, cluster_distance, point_collection):
        """Get poly for larger point clouds
        This is still recursive trial & error

        Repeat generating alpha shapes with
        smaller alpha value if Multigon is
        generated. Smaller alpha values mean
        less granularity of resulting polygon,
        but too large alpha may result
        in empty polygon
        (this branch is sometimes
        executed for larger scales)
        if pointcount > 500:
            startalpha = 1000000
        elif pointcount > 200:
            startalpha = 10000
            startalpha = 9000
        # concave hull/alpha shape /50000:
        poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
            points, alpha=cluster_distance / startalpha
        shapetype = "Initial Alpha Shape + Buffer"
        if not isinstance(poly_shape, bool) and poly_shape.is_empty:
            # try again with centered axis reduced alpha
            poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
                points, alpha=(cluster_distance / startalpha), centeraxis=True
        # if not poly_shape.is_empty:
        # print("Success")
        # check type comparison here
        if isinstance(poly_shape, (bool, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)):
            for i in range(1, 6):
                # try decreasing alpha
                # ** means cube
                alpha = startalpha + (startalpha * (i**i))
                # /100000
                poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
                    points, alpha=cluster_distance / alpha
                if not (
                    isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)
                    and not isinstance(poly_shape, bool)
                    shapetype = "Multipolygon Alpha Shape /" + str(alpha)
            if isinstance(poly_shape, (bool, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)):
                # try increasing alpha
                for i in range(1, 6):
                    # try decreasing alpha
                    alpha = startalpha / (i * i)
                    # /100000
                    poly_shape = AlphaShapes.alpha_shape(
                        points, alpha=cluster_distance / alpha
                    if not (
                        isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)
                        and not isinstance(poly_shape, bool)
                        shapetype = "Multipolygon Alpha Shape /" + str(alpha)
            if isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
                shapetype = "Multipolygon Alpha Shape -> Convex Hull"
                # if still of type multipolygon,
                # try to remove holes and do a convex_hull
                poly_shape = poly_shape.convex_hull
            # OR: in case there was a problem with generating
            # alpha shapes
            # (circum_r = a*b*c/(4.0*area)
            # --> ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero)
            # this branch is rarely executed
            # for large point clusters where
            # alpha is perhaps set too small
        if (
            isinstance(poly_shape, bool)
            or poly_shape.is_empty
            or AlphaShapes._few_polyinpoints(points, poly_shape)
            shapetype = "BoolAlpha/Empty -> Fallback to PointCloud Convex Hull"
            # convex hull
            poly_shape = point_collection.convex_hull
        # Finally do a buffer to smooth alpha
        poly_shape = poly_shape.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        # result_polygon = result_polygon.buffer(
        #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def _few_polyinpoints(points, poly):
        """Check how many of original points are in Alpha

        Because some QHull Delauney return a small Alpha Shape that
        does not include most points, this is a fallback solution.
        Better solution would be to revise QHull Delauney/Alpha,
        but even with centered axis, this issue remains (see alpha_shape).
        p_count = 1
        for point in points:
            if point.within(poly):
                p_count += 1
        perc = p_count / (len(points) / 100)
        if perc < 50:
            return True
        return False

    def _get_poly_one(point_collection, cluster_distance):
        shapetype = "1 point cluster"
        # single dots are presented as buffer
        # with 0.5% of width-area
        poly_shape = point_collection.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
        # result_polygon = point_collection.buffer(
        # min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,resolution=3)
        # #single dots are presented as buffer
        # with 0.5% of width-area
        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def _get_poly(points, cluster_distance):
        """Get polygon/shape for collection
        of geooordinates (points)

        Shape (Polygon)
        Shapetype (Approach of Shape-Gen)
        point_collection = geometry.MultiPoint(list(points))
        poly_shape = None
        pointcount = len(points)
        shapetype: str = ""
        if pointcount >= 5:
            if pointcount < 10:
                poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_five_to_ten(
                    point_collection, cluster_distance
                poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_larger_ten(
                    points, pointcount, cluster_distance, point_collection
        elif 2 <= pointcount < 5:
            poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_two_to_five(
                point_collection, cluster_distance
        elif (
            pointcount == 1
            or isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.point.Point)
            or poly_shape is None
            poly_shape, shapetype = AlphaShapes._get_poly_one(
                point_collection, cluster_distance
        # final check for multipolygon
        if (
            isinstance(poly_shape, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon)
            or poly_shape.is_empty
            # usually not executed
            poly_shape = poly_shape.convex_hull
            shapetype = "Convex Hull Final Fallback"

        return poly_shape, shapetype

    def alpha_shape(points, alpha, centeraxis=None):
        Alpha Shapes Code by KEVIN DWYER, see
            Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set
            of points.
            @param points: Iterable container of points.
            @param alpha: alpha value to influence the
                gooeyness of the border. Smaller numbers
                don't fall inward as much as larger numbers.
                Too large, and you lose everything!

        with minor adaptions to Tag Maps clustering.

        see also floating point resolution issue:

        Consider replace with shapely.Delauney
        if centeraxis is None:
            centeraxis = False
        if len(points) < 4:
            # When you have a triangle,
            # there is no sense
            # in computing an alpha shape.
            return geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)).convex_hull

        def add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, i, j):
            Add a line between the i-th and j-th points,
            if not in the list already
            if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
                # already added
            edges.add((i, j))
            edge_points.append(coords[[i, j]])

        coords = np.array([point.coords[0] for point in points])

        # qhull_options = 'Qt'
        # #To avoid this error,
        # joggle the data by specifying the
        # 'QJ' option to the DELAUNAY function.see:

        if centeraxis:
            # Center axis for avoiding floating point precision issues
            norm_co = coords[0]
            coords = coords - norm_co
        tri = Delaunay(coords)
        # print problematic points:
        # print(tri.coplanar)
        # tri = Delaunay(coords,qhull_topions='QJ')
        # #Version 3.1 added triangulated output ('Qt').
        # It should be used for Delaunay triangulations
        # instead of using joggled input ('QJ').
        edges = set()
        edge_points = []
        # loop over triangles:
        # vert_ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the
        # triangle
        for vert_ia, vert_ib, vert_ic in tri.simplices:
            pa_v = coords[vert_ia]
            pb_v = coords[vert_ib]
            pc_v = coords[vert_ic]
            # Lengths of sides of triangle
            a_val = math.sqrt((pa_v[0] - pb_v[0]) ** 2 + (pa_v[1] - pb_v[1]) ** 2)
            b_val = math.sqrt((pb_v[0] - pc_v[0]) ** 2 + (pb_v[1] - pc_v[1]) ** 2)
            c_val = math.sqrt((pc_v[0] - pa_v[0]) ** 2 + (pc_v[1] - pa_v[1]) ** 2)
            # Semiperimeter of triangle
            s_res = (a_val + b_val + c_val) / 2.0
            # Area of triangle by Heron's formula
                area = math.sqrt(
                    s_res * (s_res - a_val) * (s_res - b_val) * (s_res - c_val)
            except ValueError:
                return False
            if area == 0:
                return False
            circum_r = a_val * b_val * c_val / (4.0 * area)
            # Here's the radius filter.
            # print circum_r
            if circum_r < 1.0 / alpha:
                add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ia, vert_ib)
                add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ib, vert_ic)
                add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ic, vert_ia)

        if centeraxis:
            # return to original axis center
            edge_points = [
                np.array([edgepoint[0] + norm_co, edgepoint[1] + norm_co])
                for edgepoint in edge_points

        mmulti_line_str = geometry.MultiLineString(edge_points)
        triangles = [geom for geom in polygonize(mmulti_line_str.geoms)]
        return unary_union(triangles)  # , edge_points
        # return geometry.polygon.asPolygon(edge_points,holes=None)

Static methods

def alpha_shape(points, alpha, centeraxis=None)

Alpha Shapes Code by KEVIN DWYER, see Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set of points. @param points: Iterable container of points. @param alpha: alpha value to influence the gooeyness of the border. Smaller numbers don't fall inward as much as larger numbers. Too large, and you lose everything!

with minor adaptions to Tag Maps clustering.

Notes: see also floating point resolution issue:

Consider replace with shapely.Delauney

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def alpha_shape(points, alpha, centeraxis=None):
    Alpha Shapes Code by KEVIN DWYER, see
        Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set
        of points.
        @param points: Iterable container of points.
        @param alpha: alpha value to influence the
            gooeyness of the border. Smaller numbers
            don't fall inward as much as larger numbers.
            Too large, and you lose everything!

    with minor adaptions to Tag Maps clustering.

    see also floating point resolution issue:

    Consider replace with shapely.Delauney
    if centeraxis is None:
        centeraxis = False
    if len(points) < 4:
        # When you have a triangle,
        # there is no sense
        # in computing an alpha shape.
        return geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)).convex_hull

    def add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, i, j):
        Add a line between the i-th and j-th points,
        if not in the list already
        if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
            # already added
        edges.add((i, j))
        edge_points.append(coords[[i, j]])

    coords = np.array([point.coords[0] for point in points])

    # qhull_options = 'Qt'
    # #To avoid this error,
    # joggle the data by specifying the
    # 'QJ' option to the DELAUNAY function.see:

    if centeraxis:
        # Center axis for avoiding floating point precision issues
        norm_co = coords[0]
        coords = coords - norm_co
    tri = Delaunay(coords)
    # print problematic points:
    # print(tri.coplanar)
    # tri = Delaunay(coords,qhull_topions='QJ')
    # #Version 3.1 added triangulated output ('Qt').
    # It should be used for Delaunay triangulations
    # instead of using joggled input ('QJ').
    edges = set()
    edge_points = []
    # loop over triangles:
    # vert_ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the
    # triangle
    for vert_ia, vert_ib, vert_ic in tri.simplices:
        pa_v = coords[vert_ia]
        pb_v = coords[vert_ib]
        pc_v = coords[vert_ic]
        # Lengths of sides of triangle
        a_val = math.sqrt((pa_v[0] - pb_v[0]) ** 2 + (pa_v[1] - pb_v[1]) ** 2)
        b_val = math.sqrt((pb_v[0] - pc_v[0]) ** 2 + (pb_v[1] - pc_v[1]) ** 2)
        c_val = math.sqrt((pc_v[0] - pa_v[0]) ** 2 + (pc_v[1] - pa_v[1]) ** 2)
        # Semiperimeter of triangle
        s_res = (a_val + b_val + c_val) / 2.0
        # Area of triangle by Heron's formula
            area = math.sqrt(
                s_res * (s_res - a_val) * (s_res - b_val) * (s_res - c_val)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        if area == 0:
            return False
        circum_r = a_val * b_val * c_val / (4.0 * area)
        # Here's the radius filter.
        # print circum_r
        if circum_r < 1.0 / alpha:
            add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ia, vert_ib)
            add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ib, vert_ic)
            add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, vert_ic, vert_ia)

    if centeraxis:
        # return to original axis center
        edge_points = [
            np.array([edgepoint[0] + norm_co, edgepoint[1] + norm_co])
            for edgepoint in edge_points

    mmulti_line_str = geometry.MultiLineString(edge_points)
    triangles = [geom for geom in polygonize(mmulti_line_str.geoms)]
    return unary_union(triangles)  # , edge_points
    # return geometry.polygon.asPolygon(edge_points,holes=None)
def get_cluster_shape(item: ItemCounter, clustered_post_guids, cleaned_post_dict, cluster_distance: float, local_saturation_check, proj_coords)

Returns alpha shapes and tag_area (sqm) for a point cloud

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def get_cluster_shape(
    item: ItemCounter,
    cluster_distance: float,
    """Returns alpha shapes and tag_area (sqm) for a point cloud"""
    # we define a new list of Temp Alpha Shapes outside the loop,
    # so that it is not overwritten each time
    alphashapes_and_meta_tmp = list()
    item_area = 0
    for post_guids in clustered_post_guids:
        # for each cluster for this toptag
        posts = [cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in post_guids]
        post_count = len(post_guids)
        unique_user_count = len({post.user_guid for post in posts})
        sum_views = sum([post.post_views_count for post in posts])
        # needs to be moved to CompileOutput:
        weightsv1 = Compile.get_weight(1, post_count, unique_user_count)

        weightsv2 = Compile.get_weight(2, post_count, unique_user_count)
        weightsv3 = Compile.get_weight(3, post_count, unique_user_count)
        distinct_locations = {post.loc_id for post in posts}
        # simple list comprehension with projection:
        points = [
                    float(location.split(":")[1]), float(location.split(":")[0])
            for location in distinct_locations

        # get poly shape from points
        result = AlphaShapes._get_poly(points, cluster_distance)
        result_polygon = result[0]
        shapetype = result[1]

        # Geom, Join_Count, Views,  COUNT_User,ImpTag,TagCountG,HImpTag
        if result_polygon is not None and not result_polygon.is_empty:
            if local_saturation_check:
                item_area += result_polygon.area
            alphashapedata = AlphaShapesAndMeta(
    if alphashapes_and_meta_tmp:
        # finally sort and append all
        # cluster shapes for this tag
        alphashapes_and_meta_tmp = sorted(
            alphashapes_and_meta_tmp, key=lambda x: -x.weightsv1
    return AlphaShapesArea(alphashapes_and_meta_tmp, item_area)
def get_single_cluster_shape(item: ItemCounter, single_post, cluster_distance: float, proj_coords)

Get Shapes for items with no clusters Will return a buffer based on cluster distance

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def get_single_cluster_shape(
    item: ItemCounter, single_post, cluster_distance: float, proj_coords
    """Get Shapes for items with no clusters
    Will return a buffer based on cluster distance
    shapetype = "Single cluster"
    # project lat/lng to UTM
    point_x, point_y = proj_coords(single_post.lng,
    pcoordinate = geometry.Point(point_x, point_y)
    # single dots are presented
    # as buffers with 0.5% of width-area
    result_polygon = pcoordinate.buffer(cluster_distance / 4, resolution=3)
    # result_polygon = pcoordinate.buffer(
    #   min(distXLng,distYLat)/100,
    #   resolution=3)
    if result_polygon is None or result_polygon.is_empty:
        return None
    # append statistics for item with no cluster
    single_cluster_result = AlphaShapesAndMeta(
        max(single_post.post_views_count, single_post.post_like_count),
    return single_cluster_result
class AlphaShapesAndMeta (shape: geometry.Polygon, post_count: int, views: int, user_count: int, item_name: str, item_totalcount: int, weightsv1: float, weightsv2: float, weightsv3: float, shapetype: str)

Stores cluster geometry and calculated summary statistics

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class AlphaShapesAndMeta:
    """Stores cluster geometry and calculated summary statistics"""

    shape: geometry.Polygon
    post_count: int
    views: int
    user_count: int
    item_name: str
    item_totalcount: int
    weightsv1: float
    weightsv2: float
    weightsv3: float
    shapetype: str

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Implements subscription by name"""
        return getattr(self, key)

Class variables

var item_name : str
var item_totalcount : int
var post_count : int
var shape : shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
var shapetype : str
var user_count : int
var views : int
var weightsv1 : float
var weightsv2 : float
var weightsv3 : float
class AlphaShapesArea (alphashape: Optional[List[AlphaShapesAndMeta]], item_area: float)

Collection of of Alpha Shapes (list of geometries and meta) and total area

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class AlphaShapesArea:
    """Collection of of Alpha Shapes (list of geometries and meta)
    and total area

    alphashape: Optional[List[AlphaShapesAndMeta]]
    item_area: float

Class variables

var alphashape : Optional[List[AlphaShapesAndMeta]]
var item_area : float