Module tagmaps.tagmaps_
TagMaps: Tag, Emoji and Location clustering from spatially referenced and tagged records
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TagMaps: Tag, Emoji and Location clustering
from spatially referenced and tagged records
# delay evaluation of annotations at runtime (PEP 563)
from __future__ import absolute_import, annotations
import logging
from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional
from tagmaps.classes.cluster import ClusterGen
from tagmaps.classes.compile_output import Compile
from tagmaps.classes.interface import UserInterface
from tagmaps.classes.prepare_data import PrepareData
from tagmaps.classes.shared_structure import (EMOJI, LOCATIONS, TAGS, TOPICS,
from tagmaps.classes.utils import Utils
__author__ = "Alexander Dunkel"
__license__ = "GNU GPLv3"
# pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation
class TagMaps():
"""Perform tag clustering from spatially referenced and tagged records.
TagMaps - Spatial clustering of tagged and spatially referenced records.
Performs itemized or global clustering based on a list of records with
multiple tags (or emoji) attached. Utilizes HDBSCAN for determining cluster
results at specific (optional user defined) distance. Tags, Locations and
Emoji are processed in descending order of global occurence, alpha
shapes are generated for cluster point clouds. Produces two output
shapefiles with cluster shapes that can be visualized, e.g. in ESRI ArcGIS.
tag_cluster : bool, optional (default=True)
If true, perform tag clustering (based on lists of terms attached to
records, either identified from #hashtags in
post_body or from separate .tags column in PostStructure)
emoji_cluster : bool, optional (default=True)
If true, perform emoji clustering (based on lists of emoji attached to
records, either identified from emoji used in
post_body or from separate .emoji column in PostStructure)
location_cluster : bool, optional (default=True)
If true, perform overall location clustering. This will cluster
all locations in provided records, regardless of tags attached.
Usefull for visualizing overall frequentation patterns.
output_folder : Path, optional (default=None)
optionally provide a path (Pathlib Path object) for storing
output files, e.g. Path.cwd() / "02_Output"/.
remove_long_tail : bool, optional (default=True)
Social Media data often shows data that follows the pareto principle,
also sometimes called Zipf-Curve, or the long tail principle.
The long tail can be removed to increase speed of clustering,
since usually clusters will only be found in the top used 20%
of items used by the majority of users (tags, emoji, location).
limit_bottom_user_count : int (default=5)
Any items that are globally used by less than x users will be removed,
since it is unlikely that there will be any clusters found for those
items. remove_long_tail must be True for this parameter to take effect.
topic_modeling : bool (default=False)
This will used topic modeling to detect groups of tags
(based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation) Not fully implemented:
Currently, this will simply output a list of topics; this is not used
for clustering.
local_saturation_check : bool (default=False)
Some tags are used equally often over the whole area of analysis. The
cluster results for such homogenuous distributed items will usually
be poor. Such tags often stem from aspects that have their center of
cluster gravity above the current scale of analysis. If this parameter
is True, the algorithm will try to identify those tags
and remove them from clustering.
max_items : int (default=1000)
Top x items to cluster. Remove_long_tail must be True for this
parameter to take effect.
cluster_cut_distance : float (default=None)
Provide a cluster cut distance (in meters) where the clustering
will be stopped. This will override the auto detection of cluster
mapnik_export : bool (default=None)
If enabled, emoji and tags will be exported together, in a single
shapefile, to be used in the Mapnik renderer - unlike the default
output, for ESRI ArcGIS/ArcPro, where
emoji need to be written to a separate file, to be joined later -
due to a bug in the ESRI software that continues to exists.
class TMDec():
"""Decorators for checking states in TagMaps class"""
def init_data_check(func):
"""Check if lbsn_data has been initialized"""
def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# init lbsn data
if self.lbsn_data is None:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def prepare_clustering_check(func):
"""Check if clusters have been initialized"""
def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# add clusterer
if not self.clusterer:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def data_added_check(func):
"""Check if (any) data has been added"""
def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs and "input_path" in kwargs:
input_path = kwargs['input_path']
# first check if input_path present in args
# return function
# if input_path present
# (load intermediate data mode)
if input_path:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# check if data has been added
if not self.lbsn_data or self.lbsn_data.count_glob == 0:
raise ValueError(
"No data records available. "
"Add records with tagmaps.add_record() first.")
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def prepare_data_check(func):
"""Check if data has been prepared"""
def _wrapper(self):
# prepare stats
if self.cleaned_stats is None:
return _wrapper
def __init__(
self, tag_cluster: bool = True, emoji_cluster: bool = True,
location_cluster: bool = True,
output_folder: Path = None, remove_long_tail: bool = True,
limit_bottom_user_count: int = 5, topic_modeling: bool = False,
local_saturation_check: bool = False, max_items: int = None,
logging_level=None, topic_cluster: bool = None,
cluster_cut_distance: float = None, mapnik_export: bool = None):
"""Init settings for Tag Maps Clustering"""
if output_folder is None:
output_folder = Path.cwd() / "02_Output"
# create output dir if not exists
self.output_folder = output_folder
self.remove_long_tail = remove_long_tail
self.limit_bottom_user_count = limit_bottom_user_count
self.topic_modeling = topic_modeling
self.mapnik_export = mapnik_export
if max_items is None:
max_items = 1000
if topic_cluster is None:
topic_cluster = False
self.max_items = max_items
self.local_saturation_check = local_saturation_check
# initialize list of types to cluster
self.cluster_types = list()
if tag_cluster:
if emoji_cluster:
if location_cluster:
if topic_cluster:
# init logger (logging to console and file log.txt)
if logging_level is None:
logging_level = logging.INFO
tm_logger = logging.getLogger("tagmaps")
if tm_logger is None:
self.log = Utils.set_logger(self.output_folder, logging_level)
self.log = tm_logger
# data structures for clustering
self.lbsn_data: Optional[PrepareData] = None
self.cleaned_post_dict = None
self.cleaned_post_list = None
self.cleaned_stats = None
self.clusterer: Dict[str, ClusterGen] = dict()
self.cluster_cut_distance: Optional[float] = None
if cluster_cut_distance is not None:
self.cluster_cut_distance = cluster_cut_distance
self.itemized_cluster_shapes = list()
self.global_cluster_centroids = list()
def add_record(self, record: PostStructure):
"""Adds record to input data
record (PostStructure):
A record with latitude/ longitude
coordinates and tags/ terms attached.
This structure provides a wide array of
input attributes that will be filtered/
reduced to CleanedPost structure for
TagMaps clustering
def init_lbsn_data(self):
"""init PrepareData structure"""
self.lbsn_data = PrepareData(
def global_stats_report(self, cleaned=None):
"""Report global stats after data has been read"""
if cleaned is None:
cleaned = False
def prepare_data(self, input_path=None):
"""Prepare data and metrics for use in clustering.
Optional: provide input_path to cleaned data will load
preprocessed data
# get cleaned data for use in clustering
if not self.cleaned_post_dict:
self.cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_cleaned_post_dict(
# a list is faster for looping through,
# a dict is faster for key lookup,
# get both here
self.cleaned_post_list = list(self.cleaned_post_dict.values())
# get prepared data for statistics and clustering
self.cleaned_stats = self.lbsn_data.get_item_stats()
def load_intermediate(self, input_path):
"""Load data from intermediate (already filtered) data"""
self.cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_cleaned_post_dict(
def item_stats_report(self):
"""Stats reporting for tags, emoji (and locations)"""
location_name_count = len(
if location_name_count:
f"Number of locations with names: "
f'Total distinct tags (DTC): '
f'Total distinct emoji (DEC): '
f'Total distinct locations (DLC): '
f'Total tag count for the '
f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].max_items} '
f'most used tags in selected area: '
f'Total emoji count for the '
f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].max_items} '
f'most used emoji in selected area: '
def init_cluster(self):
"""Initialize clusterers after base data
has been loaded"""
for cls_type in self.cluster_types:
clusterer = ClusterGen.new_clusterer(
self.clusterer[cls_type] = clusterer
# on manual cluster cut distance override
if self.cluster_cut_distance:
def user_interface(self):
"""Opens interface for optional user input to:
- remove tags, emoji or locations from processing list
- adjust cluster distances
Returns False or True, depending on optional user Quit()
# init user interface
user_intf = UserInterface(
# start user interface
# return continue = False or True
# depending on how user exited interface
if user_intf.abort is True:
return False
return True
def set_cluster_distance(self, cluster_distance: float):
"""Set cluster distance for all clusters manually"""
for clusterer in self.clusterer.values():
clusterer.cluster_distance = cluster_distance
def cluster_tags(self):
"""Calculate all tag clusters"""
def cluster_emoji(self):
"""Calculate all emoji clusters"""
def cluster_locations(self):
"""Calculate overall location clusters"""
self._cluster(LOCATIONS, itemized=False)
def _cluster(self, cluster_type: str,
"""Run clusterer based on type and output
Itemized: Gets clusters for each item
otherwise: Gets global clusters for all
clusterer = self.clusterer.get(cluster_type)
if not clusterer:
return'{cluster_type.rstrip("s")} clustering: ')
if itemized:
def gen_location_centroids(self):
"""Generate centroids for location clusters
def gen_tagcluster_shapes(self):
"""Calculate all tag clusters"""
def gen_emojicluster_shapes(self):
"""Calculate all emoji clusters"""
def _alpha_shapes(self, cluster_type):
"""Calculates alpha shapes for clustered data"""
clusterer = self.clusterer.get(cluster_type)
if not clusterer:
cluster_shapes = clusterer.get_cluster_shapes()
# store results for tags and emoji in one list
def _cluster_centroids(self, cluster_type):
"""Calculates cluster centroids"""
clusterer = self.clusterer.get(cluster_type)
cluster_results = clusterer.get_all_cluster_centroids()
def write_tagemoji_shapes(self):
"""Write tag and emoji cluster shapes to shapefile"""
def write_location_shapes(self):
"""Write location cluster centroids to shapefile"""
def _write_shapes(self, itemized=True):
"""Compile output, normalize and write itemized cluster shapes
(e.g. Tags/ Emoji) to file"""
if itemized:
shapelist = self.itemized_cluster_shapes
shapelist = self.global_cluster_centroids
if self.output_folder is None:
raise ValueError(
"Please provide output folder "
"(tagmaps.output_folder is none).")
def get_selection_map(self, cls_type: str, item):
"""Return plt.figure for item selection."""
fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_sel_preview(item)
return fig
def get_cluster_map(self, cls_type: str, item):
"""Return plt.figure for item clusters."""
fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_cluster_preview(item)
return fig
def get_cluster_shapes_map(self, cls_type: str, item):
"""Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes."""
fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_clustershapes_preview(item)
return fig
def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, cls_type: str, item):
"""Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes."""
fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_singlelinkagetree_preview(item)
return fig
def write_toplists(self):
"""Write toplists for items to output"""
def write_cleaned_data(self):
"""Write cleaned data to file for intermediate results store"""
def write_topics(self):
"""Write topics to file (e.g. for advanced topic modeling)"""
def get_pseudo_anonymized_data(self):
"""Returns dict of cleaned posts with removed
personal information.
E.g. without terms and tags that are not collectively
relevant to users. This is the
reduced data that is finally used to generate tagmaps.
panon_cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_panonymized_posts(
return panon_cleaned_post_dict
class TagMaps (tag_cluster: bool = True, emoji_cluster: bool = True, location_cluster: bool = True, output_folder: Path = None, remove_long_tail: bool = True, limit_bottom_user_count: int = 5, topic_modeling: bool = False, local_saturation_check: bool = False, max_items: int = None, logging_level=None, topic_cluster: bool = None, cluster_cut_distance: float = None, mapnik_export: bool = None)
Perform tag clustering from spatially referenced and tagged records.
TagMaps - Spatial clustering of tagged and spatially referenced records. Performs itemized or global clustering based on a list of records with multiple tags (or emoji) attached. Utilizes HDBSCAN for determining cluster results at specific (optional user defined) distance. Tags, Locations and Emoji are processed in descending order of global occurence, alpha shapes are generated for cluster point clouds. Produces two output shapefiles with cluster shapes that can be visualized, e.g. in ESRI ArcGIS.
, optional(default=True)
- If true, perform tag clustering (based on lists of terms attached to records, either identified from #hashtags in post_body or from separate .tags column in PostStructure)
, optional(default=True)
- If true, perform emoji clustering (based on lists of emoji attached to records, either identified from emoji used in post_body or from separate .emoji column in PostStructure)
, optional(default=True)
- If true, perform overall location clustering. This will cluster all locations in provided records, regardless of tags attached. Usefull for visualizing overall frequentation patterns.
, optional(default=None)
- optionally provide a path (Pathlib Path object) for storing output files, e.g. Path.cwd() / "02_Output"/.
, optional(default=True)
- Social Media data often shows data that follows the pareto principle, also sometimes called Zipf-Curve, or the long tail principle. The long tail can be removed to increase speed of clustering, since usually clusters will only be found in the top used 20% of items used by the majority of users (tags, emoji, location).
:int (default=5)
- Any items that are globally used by less than x users will be removed, since it is unlikely that there will be any clusters found for those items. remove_long_tail must be True for this parameter to take effect.
:bool (default=False)
- This will used topic modeling to detect groups of tags (based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation) Not fully implemented: Currently, this will simply output a list of topics; this is not used for clustering.
:bool (default=False)
- Some tags are used equally often over the whole area of analysis. The cluster results for such homogenuous distributed items will usually be poor. Such tags often stem from aspects that have their center of cluster gravity above the current scale of analysis. If this parameter is True, the algorithm will try to identify those tags and remove them from clustering.
:int (default=1000)
- Top x items to cluster. Remove_long_tail must be True for this parameter to take effect.
:float (default=None)
- Provide a cluster cut distance (in meters) where the clustering will be stopped. This will override the auto detection of cluster distance.
:bool (default=None)
- If enabled, emoji and tags will be exported together, in a single shapefile, to be used in the Mapnik renderer - unlike the default output, for ESRI ArcGIS/ArcPro, where emoji need to be written to a separate file, to be joined later - due to a bug in the ESRI software that continues to exists.
Init settings for Tag Maps Clustering
Expand source code
class TagMaps(): """Perform tag clustering from spatially referenced and tagged records. TagMaps - Spatial clustering of tagged and spatially referenced records. Performs itemized or global clustering based on a list of records with multiple tags (or emoji) attached. Utilizes HDBSCAN for determining cluster results at specific (optional user defined) distance. Tags, Locations and Emoji are processed in descending order of global occurence, alpha shapes are generated for cluster point clouds. Produces two output shapefiles with cluster shapes that can be visualized, e.g. in ESRI ArcGIS. Parameters ---------- tag_cluster : bool, optional (default=True) If true, perform tag clustering (based on lists of terms attached to records, either identified from #hashtags in post_body or from separate .tags column in PostStructure) emoji_cluster : bool, optional (default=True) If true, perform emoji clustering (based on lists of emoji attached to records, either identified from emoji used in post_body or from separate .emoji column in PostStructure) location_cluster : bool, optional (default=True) If true, perform overall location clustering. This will cluster all locations in provided records, regardless of tags attached. Usefull for visualizing overall frequentation patterns. output_folder : Path, optional (default=None) optionally provide a path (Pathlib Path object) for storing output files, e.g. Path.cwd() / "02_Output"/. remove_long_tail : bool, optional (default=True) Social Media data often shows data that follows the pareto principle, also sometimes called Zipf-Curve, or the long tail principle. The long tail can be removed to increase speed of clustering, since usually clusters will only be found in the top used 20% of items used by the majority of users (tags, emoji, location). limit_bottom_user_count : int (default=5) Any items that are globally used by less than x users will be removed, since it is unlikely that there will be any clusters found for those items. remove_long_tail must be True for this parameter to take effect. topic_modeling : bool (default=False) This will used topic modeling to detect groups of tags (based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation) Not fully implemented: Currently, this will simply output a list of topics; this is not used for clustering. local_saturation_check : bool (default=False) Some tags are used equally often over the whole area of analysis. The cluster results for such homogenuous distributed items will usually be poor. Such tags often stem from aspects that have their center of cluster gravity above the current scale of analysis. If this parameter is True, the algorithm will try to identify those tags and remove them from clustering. max_items : int (default=1000) Top x items to cluster. Remove_long_tail must be True for this parameter to take effect. cluster_cut_distance : float (default=None) Provide a cluster cut distance (in meters) where the clustering will be stopped. This will override the auto detection of cluster distance. mapnik_export : bool (default=None) If enabled, emoji and tags will be exported together, in a single shapefile, to be used in the Mapnik renderer - unlike the default output, for ESRI ArcGIS/ArcPro, where emoji need to be written to a separate file, to be joined later - due to a bug in the ESRI software that continues to exists. """ class TMDec(): """Decorators for checking states in TagMaps class""" @staticmethod def init_data_check(func): """Check if lbsn_data has been initialized""" @wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # init lbsn data if self.lbsn_data is None: self.init_lbsn_data() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper @staticmethod def prepare_clustering_check(func): """Check if clusters have been initialized""" @wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # add clusterer if not self.clusterer: self.init_cluster() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper @staticmethod def data_added_check(func): """Check if (any) data has been added""" @wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs and "input_path" in kwargs: input_path = kwargs['input_path'] # first check if input_path present in args # return function # if input_path present # (load intermediate data mode) if input_path: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) # check if data has been added if not self.lbsn_data or self.lbsn_data.count_glob == 0: raise ValueError( "No data records available. " "Add records with tagmaps.add_record() first.") return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper @staticmethod def prepare_data_check(func): """Check if data has been prepared""" @wraps(func) def _wrapper(self): # prepare stats if self.cleaned_stats is None: self.prepare_data() func(self) return _wrapper def __init__( self, tag_cluster: bool = True, emoji_cluster: bool = True, location_cluster: bool = True, output_folder: Path = None, remove_long_tail: bool = True, limit_bottom_user_count: int = 5, topic_modeling: bool = False, local_saturation_check: bool = False, max_items: int = None, logging_level=None, topic_cluster: bool = None, cluster_cut_distance: float = None, mapnik_export: bool = None): """Init settings for Tag Maps Clustering""" if output_folder is None: output_folder = Path.cwd() / "02_Output" # create output dir if not exists Utils.init_dir(output_folder) self.output_folder = output_folder self.remove_long_tail = remove_long_tail self.limit_bottom_user_count = limit_bottom_user_count self.topic_modeling = topic_modeling self.mapnik_export = mapnik_export if max_items is None: max_items = 1000 if topic_cluster is None: topic_cluster = False self.max_items = max_items self.local_saturation_check = local_saturation_check # initialize list of types to cluster self.cluster_types = list() if tag_cluster: self.cluster_types.append(TAGS) if emoji_cluster: self.cluster_types.append(EMOJI) if location_cluster: self.cluster_types.append(LOCATIONS) if topic_cluster: self.cluster_types.append(TOPICS) # init logger (logging to console and file log.txt) if logging_level is None: logging_level = logging.INFO tm_logger = logging.getLogger("tagmaps") if tm_logger is None: self.log = Utils.set_logger(self.output_folder, logging_level) else: self.log = tm_logger # data structures for clustering self.lbsn_data: Optional[PrepareData] = None self.cleaned_post_dict = None self.cleaned_post_list = None self.cleaned_stats = None self.clusterer: Dict[str, ClusterGen] = dict() self.cluster_cut_distance: Optional[float] = None if cluster_cut_distance is not None: self.cluster_cut_distance = cluster_cut_distance self.itemized_cluster_shapes = list() self.global_cluster_centroids = list() @TMDec.init_data_check def add_record(self, record: PostStructure): """Adds record to input data Args: record (PostStructure): A record with latitude/ longitude coordinates and tags/ terms attached. This structure provides a wide array of input attributes that will be filtered/ reduced to CleanedPost structure for TagMaps clustering """ self.lbsn_data.add_record(record) def init_lbsn_data(self): """init PrepareData structure""" self.lbsn_data = PrepareData( cluster_types=self.cluster_types, max_items=self.max_items, output_folder=self.output_folder, remove_long_tail=self.remove_long_tail, limit_bottom_user_count=self.limit_bottom_user_count, topic_modeling=self.topic_modeling) @TMDec.data_added_check def global_stats_report(self, cleaned=None): """Report global stats after data has been read""" if cleaned is None: cleaned = False self.lbsn_data.global_stats_report(cleaned=cleaned) @TMDec.data_added_check @TMDec.init_data_check def prepare_data(self, input_path=None): """Prepare data and metrics for use in clustering. Optional: provide input_path to cleaned data will load preprocessed data """ # get cleaned data for use in clustering if not self.cleaned_post_dict: self.cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_cleaned_post_dict( input_path) # a list is faster for looping through, # a dict is faster for key lookup, # get both here self.cleaned_post_list = list(self.cleaned_post_dict.values()) # get prepared data for statistics and clustering self.cleaned_stats = self.lbsn_data.get_item_stats() @TMDec.init_data_check def load_intermediate(self, input_path): """Load data from intermediate (already filtered) data""" self.cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_cleaned_post_dict( input_path) @TMDec.prepare_data_check @TMDec.data_added_check def item_stats_report(self): """Stats reporting for tags, emoji (and locations)""" location_name_count = len( self.lbsn_data.locid_locname_dict) if location_name_count: f"Number of locations with names: " f"{location_name_count}") f'Total distinct tags (DTC): ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].total_unique_items}') f'Total distinct emoji (DEC): ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].total_unique_items}') f'Total distinct locations (DLC): ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[LOCATIONS].total_unique_items}') f'Total tag count for the ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].max_items} ' f'most used tags in selected area: ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].total_item_count}.') f'Total emoji count for the ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].max_items} ' f'most used emoji in selected area: ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].total_item_count}.') self.lbsn_data.bounds.get_bound_report()) @TMDec.prepare_data_check @TMDec.data_added_check def init_cluster(self): """Initialize clusterers after base data has been loaded""" for cls_type in self.cluster_types: clusterer = ClusterGen.new_clusterer( cls_type=cls_type, bounds=self.lbsn_data.bounds, cleaned_post_dict=self.cleaned_post_dict, cleaned_post_list=self.cleaned_post_list, cleaned_stats=self.cleaned_stats, local_saturation_check=self.local_saturation_check ) self.clusterer[cls_type] = clusterer # on manual cluster cut distance override if self.cluster_cut_distance: self.set_cluster_distance(self.cluster_cut_distance) @TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def user_interface(self): """Opens interface for optional user input to: - remove tags, emoji or locations from processing list - adjust cluster distances Returns False or True, depending on optional user Quit() """ # init user interface user_intf = UserInterface( self.clusterer.values(), self.lbsn_data.locid_locname_dict) # start user interface user_intf.start() # return continue = False or True # depending on how user exited interface if user_intf.abort is True: return False return True def set_cluster_distance(self, cluster_distance: float): """Set cluster distance for all clusters manually""" for clusterer in self.clusterer.values(): clusterer.cluster_distance = cluster_distance def cluster_tags(self): """Calculate all tag clusters""" self._cluster(TAGS) def cluster_emoji(self): """Calculate all emoji clusters""" self._cluster(EMOJI) def cluster_locations(self): """Calculate overall location clusters""" self._cluster(LOCATIONS, itemized=False) @TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def _cluster(self, cluster_type: str, itemized=True): """Run clusterer based on type and output Itemized: Gets clusters for each item otherwise: Gets global clusters for all locations. """ clusterer = self.clusterer.get(cluster_type) if not clusterer: return'{cluster_type.rstrip("s")} clustering: ') if itemized: clusterer.get_itemized_clusters() else: clusterer.get_overall_clusters() def gen_location_centroids(self): """Generate centroids for location clusters """ self._cluster_centroids(LOCATIONS) def gen_tagcluster_shapes(self): """Calculate all tag clusters""" self._alpha_shapes(TAGS) def gen_emojicluster_shapes(self): """Calculate all emoji clusters""" self._alpha_shapes(EMOJI) def _alpha_shapes(self, cluster_type): """Calculates alpha shapes for clustered data""" clusterer = self.clusterer.get(cluster_type) if not clusterer: return cluster_shapes = clusterer.get_cluster_shapes() # store results for tags and emoji in one list self.itemized_cluster_shapes.append(cluster_shapes) def _cluster_centroids(self, cluster_type): """Calculates cluster centroids""" clusterer = self.clusterer.get(cluster_type) cluster_results = clusterer.get_all_cluster_centroids() self.global_cluster_centroids.append(cluster_results) def write_tagemoji_shapes(self): """Write tag and emoji cluster shapes to shapefile""" self._write_shapes(itemized=True) def write_location_shapes(self): """Write location cluster centroids to shapefile""" self._write_shapes(itemized=False) def _write_shapes(self, itemized=True): """Compile output, normalize and write itemized cluster shapes (e.g. Tags/ Emoji) to file""" if itemized: shapelist = self.itemized_cluster_shapes else: shapelist = self.global_cluster_centroids if self.output_folder is None: raise ValueError( "Please provide output folder " "(tagmaps.output_folder is none).") Compile.write_shapes( bounds=self.lbsn_data.bounds, shapes_and_meta_list=shapelist, output_folder=self.output_folder, mapnik_export=self.mapnik_export, ) @TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_selection_map(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item selection.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_sel_preview(item) return fig @TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_cluster_map(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item clusters.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_cluster_preview(item) return fig @TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_cluster_shapes_map(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_clustershapes_preview(item) return fig @TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_singlelinkagetree_preview(item) return fig @TMDec.init_data_check def write_toplists(self): """Write toplists for items to output""" self.lbsn_data.write_toplists() def write_cleaned_data(self): """Write cleaned data to file for intermediate results store""" self.lbsn_data.write_cleaned_data(self.cleaned_post_dict) @TMDec.prepare_data_check def write_topics(self): """Write topics to file (e.g. for advanced topic modeling)""" self.lbsn_data.write_topic_models() @TMDec.init_data_check def get_pseudo_anonymized_data(self): """Returns dict of cleaned posts with removed personal information. E.g. without terms and tags that are not collectively relevant to users. This is the reduced data that is finally used to generate tagmaps. """ panon_cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_panonymized_posts( self.cleaned_post_dict) return panon_cleaned_post_dict
Class variables
var TMDec
Decorators for checking states in TagMaps class
def add_record(self, record: PostStructure)
Adds record to input data
record (PostStructure): A record with latitude/ longitude coordinates and tags/ terms attached. This structure provides a wide array of input attributes that will be filtered/ reduced to CleanedPost structure for TagMaps clustering
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@TMDec.init_data_check def add_record(self, record: PostStructure): """Adds record to input data Args: record (PostStructure): A record with latitude/ longitude coordinates and tags/ terms attached. This structure provides a wide array of input attributes that will be filtered/ reduced to CleanedPost structure for TagMaps clustering """ self.lbsn_data.add_record(record)
def cluster_emoji(self)
Calculate all emoji clusters
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def cluster_emoji(self): """Calculate all emoji clusters""" self._cluster(EMOJI)
def cluster_locations(self)
Calculate overall location clusters
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def cluster_locations(self): """Calculate overall location clusters""" self._cluster(LOCATIONS, itemized=False)
Calculate all tag clusters
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def cluster_tags(self): """Calculate all tag clusters""" self._cluster(TAGS)
def gen_emojicluster_shapes(self)
Calculate all emoji clusters
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def gen_emojicluster_shapes(self): """Calculate all emoji clusters""" self._alpha_shapes(EMOJI)
def gen_location_centroids(self)
Generate centroids for location clusters
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def gen_location_centroids(self): """Generate centroids for location clusters """ self._cluster_centroids(LOCATIONS)
def gen_tagcluster_shapes(self)
Calculate all tag clusters
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def gen_tagcluster_shapes(self): """Calculate all tag clusters""" self._alpha_shapes(TAGS)
def get_cluster_map(self, cls_type: str, item)
Return plt.figure for item clusters.
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@TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_cluster_map(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item clusters.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_cluster_preview(item) return fig
def get_cluster_shapes_map(self, cls_type: str, item)
Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes.
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@TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_cluster_shapes_map(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_clustershapes_preview(item) return fig
def get_pseudo_anonymized_data(self)
Returns dict of cleaned posts with removed personal information.
E.g. without terms and tags that are not collectively relevant to users. This is the reduced data that is finally used to generate tagmaps.
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@TMDec.init_data_check def get_pseudo_anonymized_data(self): """Returns dict of cleaned posts with removed personal information. E.g. without terms and tags that are not collectively relevant to users. This is the reduced data that is finally used to generate tagmaps. """ panon_cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_panonymized_posts( self.cleaned_post_dict) return panon_cleaned_post_dict
def get_selection_map(self, cls_type: str, item)
Return plt.figure for item selection.
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@TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_selection_map(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item selection.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_sel_preview(item) return fig
def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, cls_type: str, item)
Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes.
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@TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, cls_type: str, item): """Return plt.figure for item cluster shapes.""" fig = self.clusterer[cls_type].get_singlelinkagetree_preview(item) return fig
def global_stats_report(self, cleaned=None)
Report global stats after data has been read
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@TMDec.data_added_check def global_stats_report(self, cleaned=None): """Report global stats after data has been read""" if cleaned is None: cleaned = False self.lbsn_data.global_stats_report(cleaned=cleaned)
def init_cluster(self)
Initialize clusterers after base data has been loaded
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@TMDec.prepare_data_check @TMDec.data_added_check def init_cluster(self): """Initialize clusterers after base data has been loaded""" for cls_type in self.cluster_types: clusterer = ClusterGen.new_clusterer( cls_type=cls_type, bounds=self.lbsn_data.bounds, cleaned_post_dict=self.cleaned_post_dict, cleaned_post_list=self.cleaned_post_list, cleaned_stats=self.cleaned_stats, local_saturation_check=self.local_saturation_check ) self.clusterer[cls_type] = clusterer # on manual cluster cut distance override if self.cluster_cut_distance: self.set_cluster_distance(self.cluster_cut_distance)
def init_lbsn_data(self)
init PrepareData structure
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def init_lbsn_data(self): """init PrepareData structure""" self.lbsn_data = PrepareData( cluster_types=self.cluster_types, max_items=self.max_items, output_folder=self.output_folder, remove_long_tail=self.remove_long_tail, limit_bottom_user_count=self.limit_bottom_user_count, topic_modeling=self.topic_modeling)
def item_stats_report(self)
Stats reporting for tags, emoji (and locations)
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@TMDec.prepare_data_check @TMDec.data_added_check def item_stats_report(self): """Stats reporting for tags, emoji (and locations)""" location_name_count = len( self.lbsn_data.locid_locname_dict) if location_name_count: f"Number of locations with names: " f"{location_name_count}") f'Total distinct tags (DTC): ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].total_unique_items}') f'Total distinct emoji (DEC): ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].total_unique_items}') f'Total distinct locations (DLC): ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[LOCATIONS].total_unique_items}') f'Total tag count for the ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].max_items} ' f'most used tags in selected area: ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[TAGS].total_item_count}.') f'Total emoji count for the ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].max_items} ' f'most used emoji in selected area: ' f'{self.cleaned_stats[EMOJI].total_item_count}.') self.lbsn_data.bounds.get_bound_report())
def load_intermediate(self, input_path)
Load data from intermediate (already filtered) data
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@TMDec.init_data_check def load_intermediate(self, input_path): """Load data from intermediate (already filtered) data""" self.cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_cleaned_post_dict( input_path)
def prepare_data(self, input_path=None)
Prepare data and metrics for use in clustering.
Optional: provide input_path to cleaned data will load preprocessed data
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@TMDec.data_added_check @TMDec.init_data_check def prepare_data(self, input_path=None): """Prepare data and metrics for use in clustering. Optional: provide input_path to cleaned data will load preprocessed data """ # get cleaned data for use in clustering if not self.cleaned_post_dict: self.cleaned_post_dict = self.lbsn_data.get_cleaned_post_dict( input_path) # a list is faster for looping through, # a dict is faster for key lookup, # get both here self.cleaned_post_list = list(self.cleaned_post_dict.values()) # get prepared data for statistics and clustering self.cleaned_stats = self.lbsn_data.get_item_stats()
def set_cluster_distance(self, cluster_distance: float)
Set cluster distance for all clusters manually
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def set_cluster_distance(self, cluster_distance: float): """Set cluster distance for all clusters manually""" for clusterer in self.clusterer.values(): clusterer.cluster_distance = cluster_distance
def user_interface(self)
Opens interface for optional user input to:
- remove tags, emoji or locations from processing list
- adjust cluster distances
Returns False or True, depending on optional user Quit()
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@TMDec.prepare_clustering_check def user_interface(self): """Opens interface for optional user input to: - remove tags, emoji or locations from processing list - adjust cluster distances Returns False or True, depending on optional user Quit() """ # init user interface user_intf = UserInterface( self.clusterer.values(), self.lbsn_data.locid_locname_dict) # start user interface user_intf.start() # return continue = False or True # depending on how user exited interface if user_intf.abort is True: return False return True
def write_cleaned_data(self)
Write cleaned data to file for intermediate results store
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def write_cleaned_data(self): """Write cleaned data to file for intermediate results store""" self.lbsn_data.write_cleaned_data(self.cleaned_post_dict)
def write_location_shapes(self)
Write location cluster centroids to shapefile
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def write_location_shapes(self): """Write location cluster centroids to shapefile""" self._write_shapes(itemized=False)
def write_tagemoji_shapes(self)
Write tag and emoji cluster shapes to shapefile
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def write_tagemoji_shapes(self): """Write tag and emoji cluster shapes to shapefile""" self._write_shapes(itemized=True)
def write_topics(self)
Write topics to file (e.g. for advanced topic modeling)
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@TMDec.prepare_data_check def write_topics(self): """Write topics to file (e.g. for advanced topic modeling)""" self.lbsn_data.write_topic_models()
def write_toplists(self)
Write toplists for items to output
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@TMDec.init_data_check def write_toplists(self): """Write toplists for items to output""" self.lbsn_data.write_toplists()