Module tagmaps.classes.cluster
Module for tag maps clustering methods
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for tag maps clustering methods
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import queue
import sys
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from functools import wraps
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import hdbscan
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import shapely.geometry as geometry
from pyproj import Transformer # pylint: disable=C0412
from shapely.ops import transform # pylint: disable=C0412
from tagmaps.classes.alpha_shapes import (AlphaShapes, AlphaShapesAndMeta,
from tagmaps.classes.plotting import TPLT
from tagmaps.classes.prepare_data import PreparedStats
from tagmaps.classes.shared_structure import (EMOJI, LOCATIONS, POST_FIELDS,
TAGS, TOPICS, AnalysisBounds,
CleanedPost, ItemCounter)
from tagmaps.classes.utils import Utils
# init threaded cluster queue
cluster_queue = queue.Queue()
class SelectedItems:
guids: List[str]
location_count: int
class Guids:
clustered: List[str]
nonclustered: List[str]
class SelItems:
"""List of coordinates (points) with related post_guids"""
points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]]
guids: List[str]
class ClusterResults:
"""List of post guids and assigned cluster labels (from HDBSCAN)"""
clusters: Tuple[np.ndarray, Tuple[int, Optional[int]]]
guids: List[str]
points: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None
colors: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float, float]]] = None
mask_noisy: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
cluster_count: Optional[int] = None
def __iter__(self):
return iter(astuple(self))
def store_in_queue(f):
"""Decorator to store function in threaded queue"""
def wrapper(*args):
return wrapper
class ClusterShapes:
"""Count of user per cluster centroid
data: List of Tuples with
(1) Point = cluster centroid and
(2) int = user count
cls_type: cluster type (TAGS, EMOJI, ..)
itemized: bool
False: Overall Location clusters
True: Itemoized clusters (TAGS, EMOJI)
data: List[Tuple[geometry.Point, int]]
cls_type: str
itemized: bool
def __iter__(self):
return iter(astuple(self))
class ClusterGen():
"""Cluster methods for tags, emoji and post locations
Note that there are three different projections used here:
1. Input: Original Data in Decimal Degrees (WGS1984)
2. Intermediate: Radians data converted from Decimal Degrees with
np.radians(points) for use in HDBSCAN clustering
3. Output: Projected coordinates based on auto-selected UTM Zone,
for calculating Alpha Shapes and writing results to
class CGDec():
"""Decorators for class CG methods"""
def input_topic_format(func):
"""Check if cluster type is topic and if,
concat item list to string."""
def _wrapper(self, item, **kwargs):
if self.cls_type == TOPICS:
if isinstance(item, list):
item = Utils.concat_topic(item)
elif not '-' in item:
raise ValueError(
"Please supply either list of terms, or"
"concatenate terms with '-' character.")
return func(self, item, **kwargs)
return _wrapper
def __init__(self, bounds: AnalysisBounds,
cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]],
cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]],
top_list: List[ItemCounter],
total_distinct_locations: int,
cluster_type: str = TAGS,
local_saturation_check: bool = False):
self.cls_type = cluster_type
self.bounds = bounds
self.cluster_distance: float = ClusterGen._init_cluster_dist(
self.bounds, self.cls_type)
self.cleaned_post_dict = cleaned_post_dict
self.cleaned_post_list = cleaned_post_list
self.top_list = top_list
self.top_item: Optional[ItemCounter]
if self.top_list:
self.top_item = top_list[0] # TODO: check 2nd [0]
self.top_item = None
self.total_distinct_locations = total_distinct_locations
self.autoselect_clusters = False # no cluster distance needed
self.clusterer = None
self.local_saturation_check = local_saturation_check
# storing cluster results:
self.single_items_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.clustered_items_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.clustered_guids_all: List[str] = list()
self.none_clustered_guids: List[str] = list()
# get initial analysis bounds in Decimal Degrees
# for calculating output UTM Zone Projection
self.bound_points_shapely = Utils.get_shapely_bounds(
# verify that PROJ_LIB exists,
# only necessary for pyproj < 2.0.0
# Utils.set_proj_dir()
# input data always in lat/lng WGS1984
# define input and UTM projections
self.crs_wgs = "epsg:4326"
self.crs_proj, __ = Utils.get_best_utmzone(
# define projection function ahead
# for reasons of speed
# always_xy ensures traditional order of
# coordinates (lng, lat), see also:
self.proj_transformer = Transformer.from_crs(
self.crs_wgs, self.crs_proj, always_xy=True)
self.proj_transformer_back = Transformer.from_crs(
self.crs_proj, self.crs_wgs, always_xy=True)
def new_clusterer(cls,
cls_type: str,
bounds: AnalysisBounds,
cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]],
cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]],
cleaned_stats: Optional[Dict[str, PreparedStats]],
local_saturation_check: bool):
"""Create new clusterer from type and input data
cls_type (ClusterType): Either TAGS,
bounds (LoadData.AnalysisBounds): Analaysis spatial boundary
cleaned_post_dict (Dict[str, CleanedPost]): Dict of cleaned posts
prepared_data (LoadData.PreparedData): Statistics data
clusterer (ClusterGen): A new clusterer of ClusterType
cls_cleaned_stats = cleaned_stats.get(cls_type)
if not cls_cleaned_stats:
raise ValueError("Cleaned_stats not initialized")
clusterer = cls(
return clusterer
def _init_cluster_dist(bounds: AnalysisBounds,
cls_type: str) -> float:
"""Get initial cluster distance from analysis bounds.
- 7% of research area width/height (max) = optimal
- default value #223.245922725 #= 0.000035 radians dist
dist_y = Utils.haversine(bounds.lim_lng_min,
dist_x = Utils.haversine(bounds.lim_lng_min,
cluster_distance = (min(dist_x, dist_y)/100)*7
if cls_type == LOCATIONS:
# since location clustering includes
# all data, use reduced default distance
cluster_distance = cluster_distance/8
return cluster_distance
def _update_bounds(self):
"""Update analysis rectangle boundary based on
cleaned posts list."""
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.cleaned_post_list, columns=POST_FIELDS)
# get columns lng, lat
# convert to numpy ndarray
# (List of [lng, lat] lists)
points = dataframe.loc[:, ['lng', 'lat']].to_numpy()
self.bounds.lim_lng_max) = Utils.get_rectangle_bounds(points)
def _select_postguids(self, item: Optional[str]) -> SelectedItems:
"""Select all posts that have a specific item
item: tag, emoji, location
selected_items: list of post_guids and
number of distinct locations
distinct_localloc_count = set()
selected_postguids_list = list()
for cleaned_post_location in self.cleaned_post_list:
if self.cls_type == TAGS:
item, cleaned_post_location,
elif self.cls_type == EMOJI:
item, cleaned_post_location,
elif self.cls_type == LOCATIONS:
item, cleaned_post_location,
elif self.cls_type == TOPICS:
item, cleaned_post_location,
raise ValueError(f"Clusterer {self.cls_type} unknown.")
selected_items = SelectedItems(
selected_postguids_list, len(distinct_localloc_count))
return selected_items
def _filter_tags(
item: Optional[str],
cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost,
selected_postguids_list: List[str],
distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]):
if (item in (cleaned_photo_location.hashtags) or
(item in cleaned_photo_location.post_body)):
def _filter_topics(
item: Optional[str],
cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost,
selected_postguids_list: List[str],
distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]):
"""Check topics against tags, body and emoji"""
item_list = Utils.split_topic(item)
if (ClusterGen._compare_anyinlist(
item_list, cleaned_photo_location.hashtags)
or ClusterGen._compare_anyinlist(
item_list, cleaned_photo_location.post_body)
or ClusterGen._compare_anyinlist(
item_list, cleaned_photo_location.emoji)):
def _compare_anyinlist(items, item_list):
"""Check if any term of topic is in list"""
if any(x in items for x in item_list):
return True
return False
def _filter_emoji(
item: Optional[str],
cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost,
selected_postguids_list: List[str],
distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]):
if item in cleaned_photo_location.emoji:
def _filter_locations(
item: Optional[str],
cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost,
selected_postguids_list: List[str],
distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]):
if item == cleaned_photo_location.loc_id:
def _getselect_postguids(self, item: Optional[str],
silent: bool = True) -> List[str]:
"""Get list of post guids with specific item
item: tag, emoji, location
sel_items = self._select_postguids(item)
if silent:
return sel_items.guids
# console reporting
if self.cls_type == EMOJI:
item_text = Utils.get_emojiname(item)
item_text = item
type_text = self.cls_type.rstrip('s')
perc_oftotal_locations = (
sel_items.location_count /
perc_text = ""
if perc_oftotal_locations >= 1:
perc_text = (f'(found in {perc_oftotal_locations:.0f}% '
f'of DLC in area)')
item_index_pos = self._get_toplist_index(item) + 1
print(f"({item_index_pos} of {len(self.top_list)}) "
f"Found {len(sel_items.guids)} posts (UPL) "
f"for {type_text} '{item_text}' "
f"{perc_text}", end=" ")
return sel_items.guids
def _get_toplist_index(self, item_text: Optional[str]) -> int:
"""Get Position of Item in Toplist"""
index_pos = Utils.get_index_of_item(
self.top_list, item_text)
except ValueError:
index_pos = 0
return index_pos
def _getselect_posts(self,
selected_postguids_list: List[str]
) -> List[CleanedPost]:
selected_posts_list = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x]
for x in selected_postguids_list]
return selected_posts_list
def get_np_points_guids(self, item: Optional[str] = None,
silent: bool = None, sel_all: bool = None
) -> SelItems:
"""Gets numpy array of selected points with latlng containing _item
item: tag, emoji, location; or topic (list of terms)
silent: if true, no console output (interface mode)
points: A list of lat/lng points to map
selected_postguids_list: List of selected post guids
# no log reporting for selected points
if silent is None:
silent = False
if sel_all is None:
sel_all = False
if sel_all:
# select all post guids
selected_postguids_list = list()
for cleaned_post in self.cleaned_post_list:
selected_posts_list = self.cleaned_post_list
selected_postguids_list = self._getselect_postguids(
item, silent=silent)
# clustering
if len(selected_postguids_list) < 2:
# return empty list of points
return SelItems([], selected_postguids_list)
selected_posts_list = self._getselect_posts(
# only used for tag clustering,
# otherwise (photo location clusters),
# global vars are used (dataframe, points)
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(selected_posts_list, columns=POST_FIELDS)
# converts pandas data to numpy array
# (limit by list of column-names)
points = dataframe.loc[:, ['lng', 'lat']].to_numpy()
# only return preview fig without clustering
return SelItems(points, selected_postguids_list)
def get_np_points(self, item: str = None, silent: bool = None
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Wrapper that only returns points for _get_np_points_guids"""
# decide if select all or specific item
sel_all = bool(item is None)
sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids(item, silent, sel_all)
# ndarray.size: Number of elements in the array
if len(sel_items.points) > 0 and sel_items.points.size:
return sel_items.points
def _cluster_points(self, points,
min_span_tree: bool = None,
preview_mode: bool = None,
min_cluster_size: int = None,
allow_single_cluster: bool = True):
"""Cluster points using HDBSCAN"""
if min_span_tree is None:
min_span_tree = False
if preview_mode is None:
preview_mode = False
if allow_single_cluster is None:
allow_single_cluster = True
# conversion to radians for HDBSCAN
tag_radians_data = np.radians(points) # pylint: disable=E1111
if min_cluster_size is None:
min_cluster_size = max(
2, int(((len(points))/100)*5))
# init hdbscan clusterer
clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(
# Start clusterer on different thread
# to prevent GUI from freezing
t = threading.Thread(
args=(clusterer, tag_radians_data),
self.clusterer = cluster_queue.get()
if self.autoselect_clusters:
cluster_labels = self.clusterer.labels_
cluster_labels = self.clusterer.single_linkage_tree_.get_clusters(
self.cluster_distance), min_cluster_size=2)
# exit function in case of
# final processing loop (no figure generating)
if not preview_mode:
return cluster_labels, None, None, None
# verbose reporting if preview mode
mask_noisy = (cluster_labels == -1)
number_of_clusters = len(
np.unique(cluster_labels[~mask_noisy])) # nopep8 false positive? pylint: disable=E1130
palette = sns.color_palette("husl", number_of_clusters+1)
sel_colors = [palette[x] if x >= 0
else (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
# for x in clusterer.labels_ ]
for x in cluster_labels]
# return additional information in preview mode
# for plotting
return cluster_labels, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters
def cluster_item(
self, item: Optional[str],
preview_mode=None) -> Optional[ClusterResults]:
"""Cluster specific item
item (str): The item to select and cluster
preview_mode ([type], optional): Defaults to None. If True,
sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters will be returned,
which can be used as additional information during plot
clusters: The cluster labels returned from HDBSCAN
selected_post_guids: All selected post guids for item
points: numpy.ndarray of selected post coordinates (radians)
sel_colors: color codes assigned to points for plotting clusters
mask_noisy: number of clusters that were ambiguous (from HDBSCAN)
number_of_clusters: number of identified clusters (from HDBSCAN)
if preview_mode is None:
preview_mode = False
sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids(
item=item, silent=preview_mode)
if len(sel_items.guids) < 2:
# no need to cluster
return None
(clusters, sel_colors,
mask_noisy, number_of_clusters) = self._cluster_points(
points=sel_items.points, preview_mode=preview_mode)
return ClusterResults(
clusters, sel_items.guids,
sel_items.points, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters)
def _cluster_all_items(self):
"""Cluster all items (e.g. all locations)"""
sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids(
silent=False, sel_all=True)
# min_cluster_size = 2 (LOCATIONS)
# do not allow clusters with one item
if len(sel_items.guids) < 2:
cluster_labels, _, _, _ = self._cluster_points(
points=sel_items.points, preview_mode=False,
min_cluster_size=2, allow_single_cluster=False)
return ClusterResults(cluster_labels, sel_items.guids)
def _get_cluster_guids(clusters, selected_post_guids) -> Guids:
"""Returns two lists: clustered and non clustered guids"""
clustered_guids = list()
np_selected_post_guids = np.asarray(selected_post_guids)
mask_noisy = (clusters == -1)
if len(selected_post_guids) == 1:
number_of_clusters = 0
number_of_clusters = len(np.unique(clusters[~mask_noisy]))
if number_of_clusters == 0:
print("--> No cluster.")
none_clustered_guids = list(np_selected_post_guids)
print(f'--> {number_of_clusters} cluster.')
for cluster_x in range(number_of_clusters):
current_clustered_guids = np_selected_post_guids[clusters == cluster_x]
none_clustered_guids = list(np_selected_post_guids[clusters == -1])
# Sort descending based on size of cluster
# this is needed to later compute HImp Value (1 or 0)
clustered_guids.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
return Guids(clustered_guids, none_clustered_guids)
def _get_update_clusters(self, item: Optional[str] = None,
itemized: bool = None):
"""Get clusters for items and write results to dicts"""
if not single_items_dict:
single_items_dict = self.single_items_dict
if not cluster_items_dict:
cluster_items_dict = self.clustered_items_dict
if itemized is None:
# default
itemized = True
if itemized:
# clusters guids points colors mask_noisy cluster_count
cluster = self.cluster_item(item)
cluster = self._cluster_all_items()
if not cluster:
print("--> No cluster (all locations removed).")
# get clustered guids/ non-clustered guids
guids = self._get_cluster_guids(cluster.clusters, cluster.guids)
if itemized:
single_items_dict[item] = guids.nonclustered
if guids.clustered:
cluster_items_dict[item] = guids.clustered
# dicts modified in place, no need to return
self.clustered_guids_all = guids.clustered
self.none_clustered_guids = guids.nonclustered
def get_overall_clusters(self):
"""Get clusters for all items attached to self
Updates results as two lists:
# update in case of locations removed
# self.cleaned_post_list = list(
# self.cleaned_post_dict.values())
def get_itemized_clusters(self):
"""Get itemized clusters for top_list attached to self
Updates results as two Dict of Lists:
# get clusters for top item
if self.local_saturation_check:
self._get_update_clusters( # TODO: test .name
tnum = 0
# get remaining clusters
for item in self.top_list:
if (self.local_saturation_check and
tnum == 0):
# skip topitem if already
# clustered due to local saturation
tnum += 1
# logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info(
# f'{len(self.clustered_items)} '
# f'{self.cls_type.rstrip("s")} clusters.\n'
# f'{len(self.single_items)} without neighbors.')
# flush console output once
def get_all_cluster_centroids(self) -> ClusterShapes:
"""Get all centroids for clustered data
PreparedStats: Results as named tuple
data: shapes and meta information
cls_type: ClusterGen [EMOJI, TAGS etc.)
itemized: bool
itemized = False
cluster_guids = self.clustered_guids_all
none_clustered_guids = self.none_clustered_guids
resultshapes_and_meta = self.get_cluster_centroids(
cluster_guids, none_clustered_guids)
return ClusterShapes(resultshapes_and_meta, self.cls_type, itemized)
def get_item_cluster_centroids(self, item, single_clusters=None):
"""Get centroids for item clustered data"""
if single_clusters is None:
single_clusters = True
cluster_guids = self.clustered_items_dict[item]
if single_clusters:
none_clustered_guids = self.single_items_dict[item]
none_clustered_guids = None
resultshapes_and_meta = self.get_cluster_centroids(
cluster_guids, none_clustered_guids)
return resultshapes_and_meta
def _proj_coords(self, lng: float, lat: float):
"""Project coordinates based on available packages
pyproj.transformer needs pyproj > 2.0.0,
which provides a more convenient and faster way to
project many coordinates.
lng_proj, lat_proj = self.proj_transformer.transform(
lng, lat)
return lng_proj, lat_proj
def get_cluster_centroids(
self, clustered_guids,
none_clustered_guids=None) -> List[Tuple[geometry.Point, int]]:
"""Get centroids for clustered data
This method needs refactor, since it produces as sparse version of
AlphaShapesAndMeta (only geometry and user_count) -> create specific
resultshapes_and_meta = list()
for post_cluster in clustered_guids:
posts = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in post_cluster]
unique_user_count = len(set([post.user_guid for post in posts]))
# get points and project coordinates to suitable UTM
points = [geometry.Point(
) for post in posts]
point_collection = geometry.MultiPoint(list(points))
# convex hull enough for calculating centroid
result_polygon = point_collection.convex_hull
result_centroid = result_polygon.centroid
if result_centroid is not None and not result_centroid.is_empty:
(result_centroid, unique_user_count)
if not none_clustered_guids:
return resultshapes_and_meta
# noclusterphotos = [cleanedPhotoDict[x] for x in singlePhotoGuidList]
for no_cluster_post in none_clustered_guids:
post = self.cleaned_post_dict[no_cluster_post]
x_point, y_point = self._proj_coords(
p_center = geometry.Point(x_point, y_point)
if p_center is not None and not p_center.is_empty:
resultshapes_and_meta.append((p_center, 1))
# log.debug(f'{resultshapes_and_meta[:10]}')
return resultshapes_and_meta
def _get_item_clustershapes(
item: ItemCounter,
cluster_guids=None) -> AlphaShapesArea:
"""Get Cluster Shapes from a list of coordinates
for a given item"""
if cluster_guids is None:
cluster_guids = self.clustered_items_dict.get(, None)
if not cluster_guids:
return AlphaShapesArea(None, 0)
alphashapes_data = AlphaShapes.get_cluster_shape(
return alphashapes_data
def _get_item_clusterarea(
item: ItemCounter) -> float:
"""Wrapper: only get cluster shape area for item"""
alphashape_data = self._get_item_clustershapes(item)
return alphashape_data.item_area
def _is_saturated_item(
item_area: float,
topitem_area: float):
"""Skip item entirely if saturated, i.e.
if total area > 80%
of top item cluster area
item_area: item cluster area
topitem_area: top item cluster area
local_saturation = item_area/(topitem_area/100)
# print("Local Saturation for Tag " + self.top_item "
# "+ ": " + str(round(localSaturation,0)))
if local_saturation > 60:
return True
return False
def _get_item_shapeslist(
self, item, topitem_area,
tnum) -> Optional[List[List[AlphaShapesAndMeta]]]:
"""Get all item shapes for item clusters
Note: A function ref to self._proj_coords is handed
to AlphaShapes.get_single_cluster_shape(). Coordinates are then
projected inside AlphaShapes Class, depending on the pyproj version.
resultshapes_and_meta_tmp = list()
result = self._get_item_clustershapes(item)
shapes_tmp = result.alphashape
item_area = result.item_area
if (self.local_saturation_check
and item_area != 0
and tnum != 1):
if self._is_saturated_item(item_area,
# next item
return None
# append result
if shapes_tmp:
# get shapes for single items (non-clustered)
none_clustered_guids = self.single_items_dict.get(, None)
if not none_clustered_guids:
return resultshapes_and_meta_tmp
posts = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x]
for x in none_clustered_guids]
for single_post in posts:
shapes_single_tmp = AlphaShapes.get_single_cluster_shape(
item, single_post, self.cluster_distance,
if not shapes_single_tmp:
# Use append, since always single Tuple
return resultshapes_and_meta_tmp
def get_cluster_shapes(self):
"""For each cluster of points,
calculate boundary shape and
add statistics (HImpTag etc.)
Returns results as shapes_and_meta
= list(), ClusterType, itemized = bool
itemized = True
saturation_exclude_count = 0
shapes_and_meta = list()
tnum = 0
topitem_area = None
if self.local_saturation_check and self.top_item:
# calculate total area of Top1-Tag
# for 80% saturation check for lower level tags
topitem_area = self._get_item_clusterarea(
if topitem_area == 0:
raise ValueError(
f'Something went wrong: '
f'Could not get area for Top item '
for item in self.top_list:
tnum += 1
shapes_tmp = self._get_item_shapeslist(
item, topitem_area, tnum)
if shapes_tmp is None:
saturation_exclude_count += 1
if not shapes_tmp:
f'{len(shapes_and_meta)} '
f'alpha shapes. Done.')
if saturation_exclude_count > 0:
f'Excluded {saturation_exclude_count} '
f'{self.cls_type.rstrip("s")} on local saturation check.')
return shapes_and_meta, self.cls_type, itemized
def _fit_cluster(clusterer, data):
"""Perform HDBSCAN clustering from features or distance matrix.
clusterer ([type]): HDBScan clusterer
data ([type]): A feature array (points)
[type]: Clusterer
return clusterer
def get_sel_preview(self, item):
"""Returns plt map for item selection preview"""
points = self.get_np_points(
fig = TPLT.get_sel_preview(
points, item, self.bounds, self.cls_type)
return fig
def get_cluster_centroid_data(
self, item, zipped=None, projected=None, single_clusters=None):
"""Returns centroids for cluster selection based on item
item (str or list of str): Item to be selected
zipped ([type], optional): Will merge centroids and user_count,
defaults to False
projected (bool, optional): Will return projected data (UTM),
otherwise, centroids are returned
in decimal degrees (WGS1984),
defaults to False
single_clusters: Return single item cluster centroids,
defaults to True
Tuple: [0] point (List of coordinate pairs),
[1] user_count (count of user_count per centroid)
if zipped is None:
zipped = False
if projected is None:
projected = False
if single_clusters is None:
single_clusters = True
shapes = self.get_item_cluster_centroids(
item=item, single_clusters=single_clusters)
points = [meta[0] for meta in shapes]
user_count = [meta[1] for meta in shapes]
if not projected:
# AlphaShapes automatically projects data
# to compute shapes. If no projection is
# requested, we have to convert it back to
# original WGS1984 decimal degrees data
points = self._project_centroids_back(points)
# extract centroid coordinates from
# shapely geometry.Point
latlng_list = [[point.x, point.y] for point in points]
# convert coords to numpy.nd array
points = np.array(latlng_list)
if zipped:
zip_list = []
zip_list = list()
x_id = 0
for point in points:
zip_list.append((point[0], point[1], user_count[x_id]))
x_id += 1
result = np.asarray(zip_list)
result = (points, user_count)
return result
def get_cluster_centroid_preview(
self, item, single_clusters=None) -> plt.figure:
"""Returns plt map for item selection cluster centroids"""
if single_clusters is None:
single_clusters = True
points, user_count = self.get_cluster_centroid_data(
item=item, single_clusters=single_clusters)
fig = TPLT.get_centroid_preview(
points, item, self.bounds, self.cls_type, user_count)
return fig
def get_cluster_preview(self, item) -> plt.figure:
"""Returns plt map for item cluster preview"""
points = self.get_np_points(
clusters = self.cluster_item(
if clusters is None:
fig = TPLT.get_cluster_preview(
points=clusters.points, sel_colors=clusters.colors, item_text=item,
bounds=self.bounds, mask_noisy=clusters.mask_noisy,
return fig
def get_clustershapes_preview(self, item) -> plt.figure:
"""Returns plt map for item cluster preview"""
# selected post guids: all posts for item
# points: numpy-points for plotting
# clusters: hdbscan labels for clustered items
item = ItemCounter(item, 0)
result = self.cluster_item(,
if result is None:
return print("No items found.")
# cluster_guids: those guids that are clustered
cluster_guids = self._get_cluster_guids(
result.clusters, result.guids)
shapes_and_area = self._get_item_clustershapes(
item, cluster_guids.clustered)
# get only shapely shapes, not usercount and other info
shapes = [meta.shape for meta in shapes_and_area.alphashape]
shapes_wgs = self._project_centroids_back(shapes)
fig = TPLT.get_cluster_preview(
points=result.points, sel_colors=result.colors,,
bounds=self.bounds, mask_noisy=result.mask_noisy,
shapes=shapes_wgs, cls_type=self.cls_type)
return fig
def _project_centroids_back(self, shapes):
"""Proj shapes back to WGS1984 for plotting in matplotlib
simple list comprehension with projection:
project = self.proj_transformer_back
shapes_wgs = [(ClusterGen._project_geometry(
shape, project)) for shape in shapes]
return shapes_wgs
def _project_geometry(geom_shape, project):
# geom_shape_proj = project.transform(geom_shape)
geom_shape_proj = transform(project.transform, geom_shape)
return geom_shape_proj
def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, item):
"""Returns figure for single linkage tree from HDBSCAN clustering"""
if self.cls_type == TOPICS:
item = Utils.concat_topic(item)
cluster_results = self.cluster_item(
axis = self.clusterer.single_linkage_tree_.plot(
p=max(50, min(cluster_results.cluster_count*10, 256)))
fig = TPLT.get_single_linkage_tree_preview(
item, axis.figure, self.cluster_distance,
return fig
def store_in_queue(f)
Decorator to store function in threaded queue
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def store_in_queue(f): """Decorator to store function in threaded queue""" def wrapper(*args): cluster_queue.put(f(*args)) return wrapper
class ClusterGen (bounds: AnalysisBounds, cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]], cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]], top_list: List[ItemCounter], total_distinct_locations: int, cluster_type: str = 'Tags', local_saturation_check: bool = False)
Cluster methods for tags, emoji and post locations
Note that there are three different projections used here:
- Input: Original Data in Decimal Degrees (WGS1984)
- Intermediate: Radians data converted from Decimal Degrees with np.radians(points) for use in HDBSCAN clustering
- Output: Projected coordinates based on auto-selected UTM Zone, for calculating Alpha Shapes and writing results to shapefile
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class ClusterGen(): """Cluster methods for tags, emoji and post locations Note that there are three different projections used here: 1. Input: Original Data in Decimal Degrees (WGS1984) 2. Intermediate: Radians data converted from Decimal Degrees with np.radians(points) for use in HDBSCAN clustering 3. Output: Projected coordinates based on auto-selected UTM Zone, for calculating Alpha Shapes and writing results to shapefile """ class CGDec(): """Decorators for class CG methods""" @staticmethod def input_topic_format(func): """Check if cluster type is topic and if, concat item list to string.""" @wraps(func) def _wrapper(self, item, **kwargs): if self.cls_type == TOPICS: if isinstance(item, list): item = Utils.concat_topic(item) elif not '-' in item: raise ValueError( "Please supply either list of terms, or" "concatenate terms with '-' character.") return func(self, item, **kwargs) return _wrapper def __init__(self, bounds: AnalysisBounds, cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]], cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]], top_list: List[ItemCounter], total_distinct_locations: int, cluster_type: str = TAGS, local_saturation_check: bool = False): self.cls_type = cluster_type self.bounds = bounds self.cluster_distance: float = ClusterGen._init_cluster_dist( self.bounds, self.cls_type) self.cleaned_post_dict = cleaned_post_dict self.cleaned_post_list = cleaned_post_list self.top_list = top_list self.top_item: Optional[ItemCounter] if self.top_list: self.top_item = top_list[0] # TODO: check 2nd [0] else: self.top_item = None self.total_distinct_locations = total_distinct_locations self.autoselect_clusters = False # no cluster distance needed self.clusterer = None self.local_saturation_check = local_saturation_check # storing cluster results: self.single_items_dict = defaultdict(list) self.clustered_items_dict = defaultdict(list) self.clustered_guids_all: List[str] = list() self.none_clustered_guids: List[str] = list() # get initial analysis bounds in Decimal Degrees # for calculating output UTM Zone Projection self._update_bounds() self.bound_points_shapely = Utils.get_shapely_bounds( self.bounds) # verify that PROJ_LIB exists, # only necessary for pyproj < 2.0.0 # Utils.set_proj_dir() # input data always in lat/lng WGS1984 # define input and UTM projections self.crs_wgs = "epsg:4326" self.crs_proj, __ = Utils.get_best_utmzone( self.bound_points_shapely) # define projection function ahead # for reasons of speed # always_xy ensures traditional order of # coordinates (lng, lat), see also: # self.proj_transformer = Transformer.from_crs( self.crs_wgs, self.crs_proj, always_xy=True) self.proj_transformer_back = Transformer.from_crs( self.crs_proj, self.crs_wgs, always_xy=True) @classmethod def new_clusterer(cls, cls_type: str, bounds: AnalysisBounds, cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]], cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]], cleaned_stats: Optional[Dict[str, PreparedStats]], local_saturation_check: bool): """Create new clusterer from type and input data Args: cls_type (ClusterType): Either TAGS, LOCATIONS, TOPICS or EMOJI bounds (LoadData.AnalysisBounds): Analaysis spatial boundary cleaned_post_dict (Dict[str, CleanedPost]): Dict of cleaned posts prepared_data (LoadData.PreparedData): Statistics data Returns: clusterer (ClusterGen): A new clusterer of ClusterType """ cls_cleaned_stats = cleaned_stats.get(cls_type) if not cls_cleaned_stats: raise ValueError("Cleaned_stats not initialized") clusterer = cls( bounds=bounds, cleaned_post_dict=cleaned_post_dict, cleaned_post_list=cleaned_post_list, top_list=cls_cleaned_stats.top_items_list, total_distinct_locations=cleaned_stats[ LOCATIONS].total_unique_items, cluster_type=cls_type, local_saturation_check=local_saturation_check) return clusterer @staticmethod def _init_cluster_dist(bounds: AnalysisBounds, cls_type: str) -> float: """Get initial cluster distance from analysis bounds. - 7% of research area width/height (max) = optimal - default value #223.245922725 #= 0.000035 radians dist """ dist_y = Utils.haversine(bounds.lim_lng_min, bounds.lim_lat_min, bounds.lim_lng_min, bounds.lim_lat_max) dist_x = Utils.haversine(bounds.lim_lng_min, bounds.lim_lat_min, bounds.lim_lng_max, bounds.lim_lat_min) cluster_distance = (min(dist_x, dist_y)/100)*7 if cls_type == LOCATIONS: # since location clustering includes # all data, use reduced default distance cluster_distance = cluster_distance/8 return cluster_distance def _update_bounds(self): """Update analysis rectangle boundary based on cleaned posts list.""" dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.cleaned_post_list, columns=POST_FIELDS) # get columns lng, lat # convert to numpy ndarray # (List of [lng, lat] lists) points = dataframe.loc[:, ['lng', 'lat']].to_numpy() (self.bounds.lim_lat_min, self.bounds.lim_lat_max, self.bounds.lim_lng_min, self.bounds.lim_lng_max) = Utils.get_rectangle_bounds(points) def _select_postguids(self, item: Optional[str]) -> SelectedItems: """Select all posts that have a specific item Args: item: tag, emoji, location Returns: selected_items: list of post_guids and number of distinct locations """ distinct_localloc_count = set() selected_postguids_list = list() for cleaned_post_location in self.cleaned_post_list: if self.cls_type == TAGS: self._filter_tags( item, cleaned_post_location, selected_postguids_list, distinct_localloc_count) elif self.cls_type == EMOJI: self._filter_emoji( item, cleaned_post_location, selected_postguids_list, distinct_localloc_count) elif self.cls_type == LOCATIONS: self._filter_locations( item, cleaned_post_location, selected_postguids_list, distinct_localloc_count) elif self.cls_type == TOPICS: self._filter_topics( item, cleaned_post_location, selected_postguids_list, distinct_localloc_count) else: raise ValueError(f"Clusterer {self.cls_type} unknown.") selected_items = SelectedItems( selected_postguids_list, len(distinct_localloc_count)) return selected_items @staticmethod def _filter_tags( item: Optional[str], cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost, selected_postguids_list: List[str], distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]): if (item in (cleaned_photo_location.hashtags) or (item in cleaned_photo_location.post_body)): selected_postguids_list.append( cleaned_photo_location.guid) distinct_localloc_count.add( cleaned_photo_location.loc_id) @staticmethod def _filter_topics( item: Optional[str], cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost, selected_postguids_list: List[str], distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]): """Check topics against tags, body and emoji""" item_list = Utils.split_topic(item) if (ClusterGen._compare_anyinlist( item_list, cleaned_photo_location.hashtags) or ClusterGen._compare_anyinlist( item_list, cleaned_photo_location.post_body) or ClusterGen._compare_anyinlist( item_list, cleaned_photo_location.emoji)): selected_postguids_list.append( cleaned_photo_location.guid) distinct_localloc_count.add( cleaned_photo_location.loc_id) @staticmethod def _compare_anyinlist(items, item_list): """Check if any term of topic is in list""" if any(x in items for x in item_list): return True return False @staticmethod def _filter_emoji( item: Optional[str], cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost, selected_postguids_list: List[str], distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]): if item in cleaned_photo_location.emoji: selected_postguids_list.append( cleaned_photo_location.guid) distinct_localloc_count.add( cleaned_photo_location.loc_id) @staticmethod def _filter_locations( item: Optional[str], cleaned_photo_location: CleanedPost, selected_postguids_list: List[str], distinct_localloc_count: Set[str]): if item == cleaned_photo_location.loc_id: selected_postguids_list.append( cleaned_photo_location.guid) distinct_localloc_count.add( cleaned_photo_location.loc_id) def _getselect_postguids(self, item: Optional[str], silent: bool = True) -> List[str]: """Get list of post guids with specific item Args: item: tag, emoji, location """ sel_items = self._select_postguids(item) if silent: return sel_items.guids # console reporting if self.cls_type == EMOJI: item_text = Utils.get_emojiname(item) else: item_text = item type_text = self.cls_type.rstrip('s') perc_oftotal_locations = ( sel_items.location_count / (self.total_distinct_locations/100) ) perc_text = "" if perc_oftotal_locations >= 1: perc_text = (f'(found in {perc_oftotal_locations:.0f}% ' f'of DLC in area)') item_index_pos = self._get_toplist_index(item) + 1 print(f"({item_index_pos} of {len(self.top_list)}) " f"Found {len(sel_items.guids)} posts (UPL) " f"for {type_text} '{item_text}' " f"{perc_text}", end=" ") return sel_items.guids def _get_toplist_index(self, item_text: Optional[str]) -> int: """Get Position of Item in Toplist""" try: index_pos = Utils.get_index_of_item( self.top_list, item_text) except ValueError: index_pos = 0 return index_pos def _getselect_posts(self, selected_postguids_list: List[str] ) -> List[CleanedPost]: selected_posts_list = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in selected_postguids_list] return selected_posts_list def get_np_points_guids(self, item: Optional[str] = None, silent: bool = None, sel_all: bool = None ) -> SelItems: """Gets numpy array of selected points with latlng containing _item Args: item: tag, emoji, location; or topic (list of terms) silent: if true, no console output (interface mode) Returns: points: A list of lat/lng points to map selected_postguids_list: List of selected post guids """ # no log reporting for selected points if silent is None: silent = False if sel_all is None: sel_all = False if sel_all: # select all post guids selected_postguids_list = list() for cleaned_post in self.cleaned_post_list: selected_postguids_list.append( cleaned_post.guid) selected_posts_list = self.cleaned_post_list else: selected_postguids_list = self._getselect_postguids( item, silent=silent) # clustering if len(selected_postguids_list) < 2: # return empty list of points return SelItems([], selected_postguids_list) selected_posts_list = self._getselect_posts( selected_postguids_list) # only used for tag clustering, # otherwise (photo location clusters), # global vars are used (dataframe, points) dataframe = pd.DataFrame(selected_posts_list, columns=POST_FIELDS) # converts pandas data to numpy array # (limit by list of column-names) points = dataframe.loc[:, ['lng', 'lat']].to_numpy() # only return preview fig without clustering return SelItems(points, selected_postguids_list) def get_np_points(self, item: str = None, silent: bool = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper that only returns points for _get_np_points_guids""" # decide if select all or specific item sel_all = bool(item is None) sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids(item, silent, sel_all) # ndarray.size: Number of elements in the array if len(sel_items.points) > 0 and sel_items.points.size: return sel_items.points def _cluster_points(self, points, min_span_tree: bool = None, preview_mode: bool = None, min_cluster_size: int = None, allow_single_cluster: bool = True): """Cluster points using HDBSCAN""" if min_span_tree is None: min_span_tree = False if preview_mode is None: preview_mode = False if allow_single_cluster is None: allow_single_cluster = True # conversion to radians for HDBSCAN tag_radians_data = np.radians(points) # pylint: disable=E1111 if min_cluster_size is None: min_cluster_size = max( 2, int(((len(points))/100)*5)) # init hdbscan clusterer clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN( min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size, gen_min_span_tree=min_span_tree, allow_single_cluster=allow_single_cluster, min_samples=1) # Start clusterer on different thread # to prevent GUI from freezing t = threading.Thread( target=ClusterGen._fit_cluster, args=(clusterer, tag_radians_data), group=None, name="tm-clustering", ) t.start() self.clusterer = cluster_queue.get() if self.autoselect_clusters: cluster_labels = self.clusterer.labels_ else: cluster_labels = self.clusterer.single_linkage_tree_.get_clusters( Utils.get_radians_from_meters( self.cluster_distance), min_cluster_size=2) # exit function in case of # final processing loop (no figure generating) if not preview_mode: return cluster_labels, None, None, None # verbose reporting if preview mode mask_noisy = (cluster_labels == -1) number_of_clusters = len( np.unique(cluster_labels[~mask_noisy])) # nopep8 false positive? pylint: disable=E1130 palette = sns.color_palette("husl", number_of_clusters+1) sel_colors = [palette[x] if x >= 0 else (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # for x in clusterer.labels_ ] for x in cluster_labels] # return additional information in preview mode # for plotting return cluster_labels, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters def cluster_item( self, item: Optional[str], preview_mode=None) -> Optional[ClusterResults]: """Cluster specific item Args: item (str): The item to select and cluster preview_mode ([type], optional): Defaults to None. If True, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters will be returned, which can be used as additional information during plot Returns: clusters: The cluster labels returned from HDBSCAN selected_post_guids: All selected post guids for item points: numpy.ndarray of selected post coordinates (radians) sel_colors: color codes assigned to points for plotting clusters mask_noisy: number of clusters that were ambiguous (from HDBSCAN) number_of_clusters: number of identified clusters (from HDBSCAN) """ if preview_mode is None: preview_mode = False sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids( item=item, silent=preview_mode) if len(sel_items.guids) < 2: # no need to cluster return None (clusters, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters) = self._cluster_points( points=sel_items.points, preview_mode=preview_mode) return ClusterResults( clusters, sel_items.guids, sel_items.points, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters) def _cluster_all_items(self): """Cluster all items (e.g. all locations)""" sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids( silent=False, sel_all=True) # min_cluster_size = 2 (LOCATIONS) # do not allow clusters with one item if len(sel_items.guids) < 2: return cluster_labels, _, _, _ = self._cluster_points( points=sel_items.points, preview_mode=False, min_cluster_size=2, allow_single_cluster=False) return ClusterResults(cluster_labels, sel_items.guids) @staticmethod def _get_cluster_guids(clusters, selected_post_guids) -> Guids: """Returns two lists: clustered and non clustered guids""" clustered_guids = list() np_selected_post_guids = np.asarray(selected_post_guids) mask_noisy = (clusters == -1) if len(selected_post_guids) == 1: number_of_clusters = 0 else: number_of_clusters = len(np.unique(clusters[~mask_noisy])) if number_of_clusters == 0: print("--> No cluster.") none_clustered_guids = list(np_selected_post_guids) else: print(f'--> {number_of_clusters} cluster.') for cluster_x in range(number_of_clusters): current_clustered_guids = np_selected_post_guids[clusters == cluster_x] clustered_guids.append(current_clustered_guids) none_clustered_guids = list(np_selected_post_guids[clusters == -1]) # Sort descending based on size of cluster # this is needed to later compute HImp Value (1 or 0) clustered_guids.sort(key=len, reverse=True) return Guids(clustered_guids, none_clustered_guids) def _get_update_clusters(self, item: Optional[str] = None, single_items_dict=None, cluster_items_dict=None, itemized: bool = None): """Get clusters for items and write results to dicts""" if not single_items_dict: single_items_dict = self.single_items_dict if not cluster_items_dict: cluster_items_dict = self.clustered_items_dict if itemized is None: # default itemized = True if itemized: # clusters guids points colors mask_noisy cluster_count cluster = self.cluster_item(item) else: cluster = self._cluster_all_items() if not cluster: print("--> No cluster (all locations removed).") return # get clustered guids/ non-clustered guids guids = self._get_cluster_guids(cluster.clusters, cluster.guids) if itemized: single_items_dict[item] = guids.nonclustered if guids.clustered: cluster_items_dict[item] = guids.clustered # dicts modified in place, no need to return return else: self.clustered_guids_all = guids.clustered self.none_clustered_guids = guids.nonclustered def get_overall_clusters(self): """Get clusters for all items attached to self Updates results as two lists: self.clustered_guids_all self.none_clustered_guids """ # update in case of locations removed # self.cleaned_post_list = list( # self.cleaned_post_dict.values()) self._get_update_clusters(itemized=False) def get_itemized_clusters(self): """Get itemized clusters for top_list attached to self Updates results as two Dict of Lists: self.single_items_dict self.clustered_items_dict """ # get clusters for top item if self.local_saturation_check: self._get_update_clusters( # TODO: test .name tnum = 0 # get remaining clusters for item in self.top_list: if (self.local_saturation_check and tnum == 0): # skip topitem if already # clustered due to local saturation continue tnum += 1 self._get_update_clusters( # logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info( # f'{len(self.clustered_items)} ' # f'{self.cls_type.rstrip("s")} clusters.\n' # f'{len(self.single_items)} without neighbors.') # flush console output once sys.stdout.flush() def get_all_cluster_centroids(self) -> ClusterShapes: """Get all centroids for clustered data Returns: PreparedStats: Results as named tuple data: shapes and meta information cls_type: ClusterGen [EMOJI, TAGS etc.) itemized: bool """ itemized = False cluster_guids = self.clustered_guids_all none_clustered_guids = self.none_clustered_guids resultshapes_and_meta = self.get_cluster_centroids( cluster_guids, none_clustered_guids) return ClusterShapes(resultshapes_and_meta, self.cls_type, itemized) def get_item_cluster_centroids(self, item, single_clusters=None): """Get centroids for item clustered data""" if single_clusters is None: single_clusters = True self._get_update_clusters( item=item) cluster_guids = self.clustered_items_dict[item] if single_clusters: none_clustered_guids = self.single_items_dict[item] else: none_clustered_guids = None resultshapes_and_meta = self.get_cluster_centroids( cluster_guids, none_clustered_guids) return resultshapes_and_meta def _proj_coords(self, lng: float, lat: float): """Project coordinates based on available packages pyproj.transformer needs pyproj > 2.0.0, which provides a more convenient and faster way to project many coordinates. """ lng_proj, lat_proj = self.proj_transformer.transform( lng, lat) return lng_proj, lat_proj def get_cluster_centroids( self, clustered_guids, none_clustered_guids=None) -> List[Tuple[geometry.Point, int]]: """Get centroids for clustered data This method needs refactor, since it produces as sparse version of AlphaShapesAndMeta (only geometry and user_count) -> create specific dataclass """ resultshapes_and_meta = list() for post_cluster in clustered_guids: posts = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in post_cluster] unique_user_count = len(set([post.user_guid for post in posts])) # get points and project coordinates to suitable UTM points = [geometry.Point( self._proj_coords(post.lng, ) for post in posts] point_collection = geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)) # convex hull enough for calculating centroid result_polygon = point_collection.convex_hull result_centroid = result_polygon.centroid if result_centroid is not None and not result_centroid.is_empty: resultshapes_and_meta.append( (result_centroid, unique_user_count) ) if not none_clustered_guids: return resultshapes_and_meta # noclusterphotos = [cleanedPhotoDict[x] for x in singlePhotoGuidList] for no_cluster_post in none_clustered_guids: post = self.cleaned_post_dict[no_cluster_post] x_point, y_point = self._proj_coords( post.lng, p_center = geometry.Point(x_point, y_point) if p_center is not None and not p_center.is_empty: resultshapes_and_meta.append((p_center, 1)) sys.stdout.flush() # log.debug(f'{resultshapes_and_meta[:10]}') return resultshapes_and_meta def _get_item_clustershapes( self, item: ItemCounter, cluster_guids=None) -> AlphaShapesArea: """Get Cluster Shapes from a list of coordinates for a given item""" if cluster_guids is None: cluster_guids = self.clustered_items_dict.get(, None) if not cluster_guids: return AlphaShapesArea(None, 0) alphashapes_data = AlphaShapes.get_cluster_shape( item=item, clustered_post_guids=cluster_guids, cleaned_post_dict=self.cleaned_post_dict, cluster_distance=self.cluster_distance, local_saturation_check=self.local_saturation_check, proj_coords=self._proj_coords) return alphashapes_data def _get_item_clusterarea( self, item: ItemCounter) -> float: """Wrapper: only get cluster shape area for item""" alphashape_data = self._get_item_clustershapes(item) return alphashape_data.item_area @staticmethod def _is_saturated_item( item_area: float, topitem_area: float): """Skip item entirely if saturated, i.e. if total area > 80% of top item cluster area Args: item_area: item cluster area topitem_area: top item cluster area """ local_saturation = item_area/(topitem_area/100) # print("Local Saturation for Tag " + self.top_item " # "+ ": " + str(round(localSaturation,0))) if local_saturation > 60: return True else: return False def _get_item_shapeslist( self, item, topitem_area, tnum) -> Optional[List[List[AlphaShapesAndMeta]]]: """Get all item shapes for item clusters Note: A function ref to self._proj_coords is handed to AlphaShapes.get_single_cluster_shape(). Coordinates are then projected inside AlphaShapes Class, depending on the pyproj version. """ resultshapes_and_meta_tmp = list() result = self._get_item_clustershapes(item) shapes_tmp = result.alphashape item_area = result.item_area if (self.local_saturation_check and item_area != 0 and tnum != 1): if self._is_saturated_item(item_area, topitem_area): # next item return None # append result if shapes_tmp: resultshapes_and_meta_tmp.extend( shapes_tmp) # get shapes for single items (non-clustered) none_clustered_guids = self.single_items_dict.get(, None) if not none_clustered_guids: return resultshapes_and_meta_tmp posts = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in none_clustered_guids] for single_post in posts: shapes_single_tmp = AlphaShapes.get_single_cluster_shape( item, single_post, self.cluster_distance, self._proj_coords) if not shapes_single_tmp: continue # Use append, since always single Tuple resultshapes_and_meta_tmp.append( shapes_single_tmp) return resultshapes_and_meta_tmp def get_cluster_shapes(self): """For each cluster of points, calculate boundary shape and add statistics (HImpTag etc.) Returns results as shapes_and_meta = list(), ClusterType, itemized = bool """ itemized = True saturation_exclude_count = 0 shapes_and_meta = list() tnum = 0 topitem_area = None if self.local_saturation_check and self.top_item: # calculate total area of Top1-Tag # for 80% saturation check for lower level tags topitem_area = self._get_item_clusterarea( self.top_item) if topitem_area == 0: raise ValueError( f'Something went wrong: ' f'Could not get area for Top item ' f'{self.top_item}') for item in self.top_list: tnum += 1 shapes_tmp = self._get_item_shapeslist( item, topitem_area, tnum) if shapes_tmp is None: saturation_exclude_count += 1 continue if not shapes_tmp: continue shapes_and_meta.extend(shapes_tmp) logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info( f'{len(shapes_and_meta)} ' f'alpha shapes. Done.') if saturation_exclude_count > 0: logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info( f'Excluded {saturation_exclude_count} ' f'{self.cls_type.rstrip("s")} on local saturation check.') return shapes_and_meta, self.cls_type, itemized @staticmethod @store_in_queue def _fit_cluster(clusterer, data): """Perform HDBSCAN clustering from features or distance matrix. Args: clusterer ([type]): HDBScan clusterer data ([type]): A feature array (points) Returns: [type]: Clusterer """ return clusterer @CGDec.input_topic_format def get_sel_preview(self, item): """Returns plt map for item selection preview""" points = self.get_np_points( item=item, silent=True) fig = TPLT.get_sel_preview( points, item, self.bounds, self.cls_type) return fig @CGDec.input_topic_format def get_cluster_centroid_data( self, item, zipped=None, projected=None, single_clusters=None): """Returns centroids for cluster selection based on item Args: item (str or list of str): Item to be selected zipped ([type], optional): Will merge centroids and user_count, defaults to False projected (bool, optional): Will return projected data (UTM), otherwise, centroids are returned in decimal degrees (WGS1984), defaults to False single_clusters: Return single item cluster centroids, defaults to True Returns: Tuple: [0] point (List of coordinate pairs), [1] user_count (count of user_count per centroid) """ if zipped is None: zipped = False if projected is None: projected = False if single_clusters is None: single_clusters = True shapes = self.get_item_cluster_centroids( item=item, single_clusters=single_clusters) points = [meta[0] for meta in shapes] user_count = [meta[1] for meta in shapes] if not projected: # AlphaShapes automatically projects data # to compute shapes. If no projection is # requested, we have to convert it back to # original WGS1984 decimal degrees data points = self._project_centroids_back(points) # extract centroid coordinates from # shapely geometry.Point latlng_list = [[point.x, point.y] for point in points] # convert coords to numpy.nd array points = np.array(latlng_list) if zipped: zip_list = [] zip_list = list() x_id = 0 for point in points: zip_list.append((point[0], point[1], user_count[x_id])) x_id += 1 result = np.asarray(zip_list) else: result = (points, user_count) return result @CGDec.input_topic_format def get_cluster_centroid_preview( self, item, single_clusters=None) -> plt.figure: """Returns plt map for item selection cluster centroids""" if single_clusters is None: single_clusters = True points, user_count = self.get_cluster_centroid_data( item=item, single_clusters=single_clusters) fig = TPLT.get_centroid_preview( points, item, self.bounds, self.cls_type, user_count) return fig @CGDec.input_topic_format def get_cluster_preview(self, item) -> plt.figure: """Returns plt map for item cluster preview""" points = self.get_np_points( item=item, silent=True) self._cluster_points( points=points, preview_mode=True) clusters = self.cluster_item( item=item, preview_mode=True) if clusters is None: return fig = TPLT.get_cluster_preview( points=clusters.points, sel_colors=clusters.colors, item_text=item, bounds=self.bounds, mask_noisy=clusters.mask_noisy, cluster_distance=self.cluster_distance, number_of_clusters=clusters.cluster_count, auto_select_clusters=self.autoselect_clusters, cls_type=self.cls_type) return fig @CGDec.input_topic_format def get_clustershapes_preview(self, item) -> plt.figure: """Returns plt map for item cluster preview""" # selected post guids: all posts for item # points: numpy-points for plotting # clusters: hdbscan labels for clustered items item = ItemCounter(item, 0) result = self.cluster_item(, preview_mode=True) if result is None: return print("No items found.") # cluster_guids: those guids that are clustered cluster_guids = self._get_cluster_guids( result.clusters, result.guids) shapes_and_area = self._get_item_clustershapes( item, cluster_guids.clustered) # get only shapely shapes, not usercount and other info shapes = [meta.shape for meta in shapes_and_area.alphashape] shapes_wgs = self._project_centroids_back(shapes) fig = TPLT.get_cluster_preview( points=result.points, sel_colors=result.colors,, bounds=self.bounds, mask_noisy=result.mask_noisy, cluster_distance=self.cluster_distance, number_of_clusters=result.cluster_count, auto_select_clusters=self.autoselect_clusters, shapes=shapes_wgs, cls_type=self.cls_type) return fig def _project_centroids_back(self, shapes): """Proj shapes back to WGS1984 for plotting in matplotlib simple list comprehension with projection: """ project = self.proj_transformer_back shapes_wgs = [(ClusterGen._project_geometry( shape, project)) for shape in shapes] return shapes_wgs @staticmethod def _project_geometry(geom_shape, project): # geom_shape_proj = project.transform(geom_shape) geom_shape_proj = transform(project.transform, geom_shape) return geom_shape_proj def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, item): """Returns figure for single linkage tree from HDBSCAN clustering""" if self.cls_type == TOPICS: item = Utils.concat_topic(item) cluster_results = self.cluster_item( item=item, preview_mode=True) axis = self.clusterer.single_linkage_tree_.plot( truncate_mode='lastp', p=max(50, min(cluster_results.cluster_count*10, 256))) fig = TPLT.get_single_linkage_tree_preview( item, axis.figure, self.cluster_distance, self.cls_type) return fig
Class variables
var CGDec
Decorators for class CG methods
Static methods
def new_clusterer(cls_type: str, bounds: AnalysisBounds, cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]], cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]], cleaned_stats: Optional[Dict[str, PreparedStats]], local_saturation_check: bool)
Create new clusterer from type and input data
- Analaysis spatial boundary
:Dict[str, CleanedPost]
- Dict of cleaned posts
- Statistics data
clusterer (ClusterGen): A new clusterer of ClusterType
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@classmethod def new_clusterer(cls, cls_type: str, bounds: AnalysisBounds, cleaned_post_dict: Optional[Dict[str, CleanedPost]], cleaned_post_list: Optional[List[CleanedPost]], cleaned_stats: Optional[Dict[str, PreparedStats]], local_saturation_check: bool): """Create new clusterer from type and input data Args: cls_type (ClusterType): Either TAGS, LOCATIONS, TOPICS or EMOJI bounds (LoadData.AnalysisBounds): Analaysis spatial boundary cleaned_post_dict (Dict[str, CleanedPost]): Dict of cleaned posts prepared_data (LoadData.PreparedData): Statistics data Returns: clusterer (ClusterGen): A new clusterer of ClusterType """ cls_cleaned_stats = cleaned_stats.get(cls_type) if not cls_cleaned_stats: raise ValueError("Cleaned_stats not initialized") clusterer = cls( bounds=bounds, cleaned_post_dict=cleaned_post_dict, cleaned_post_list=cleaned_post_list, top_list=cls_cleaned_stats.top_items_list, total_distinct_locations=cleaned_stats[ LOCATIONS].total_unique_items, cluster_type=cls_type, local_saturation_check=local_saturation_check) return clusterer
def cluster_item(self, item: Optional[str], preview_mode=None) ‑> Optional[ClusterResults]
Cluster specific item
- The item to select and cluster
, optional- Defaults to None. If True, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters will be returned, which can be used as additional information during plot
- The cluster labels returned from HDBSCAN
- All selected post guids for item
- numpy.ndarray of selected post coordinates (radians)
- color codes assigned to points for plotting clusters
- number of clusters that were ambiguous (from HDBSCAN)
- number of identified clusters (from HDBSCAN)
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def cluster_item( self, item: Optional[str], preview_mode=None) -> Optional[ClusterResults]: """Cluster specific item Args: item (str): The item to select and cluster preview_mode ([type], optional): Defaults to None. If True, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters will be returned, which can be used as additional information during plot Returns: clusters: The cluster labels returned from HDBSCAN selected_post_guids: All selected post guids for item points: numpy.ndarray of selected post coordinates (radians) sel_colors: color codes assigned to points for plotting clusters mask_noisy: number of clusters that were ambiguous (from HDBSCAN) number_of_clusters: number of identified clusters (from HDBSCAN) """ if preview_mode is None: preview_mode = False sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids( item=item, silent=preview_mode) if len(sel_items.guids) < 2: # no need to cluster return None (clusters, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters) = self._cluster_points( points=sel_items.points, preview_mode=preview_mode) return ClusterResults( clusters, sel_items.guids, sel_items.points, sel_colors, mask_noisy, number_of_clusters)
def get_all_cluster_centroids(self) ‑> ClusterShapes
Get all centroids for clustered data
- Results as named tuple data: shapes and meta information cls_type: ClusterGen [EMOJI, TAGS etc.) itemized: bool
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def get_all_cluster_centroids(self) -> ClusterShapes: """Get all centroids for clustered data Returns: PreparedStats: Results as named tuple data: shapes and meta information cls_type: ClusterGen [EMOJI, TAGS etc.) itemized: bool """ itemized = False cluster_guids = self.clustered_guids_all none_clustered_guids = self.none_clustered_guids resultshapes_and_meta = self.get_cluster_centroids( cluster_guids, none_clustered_guids) return ClusterShapes(resultshapes_and_meta, self.cls_type, itemized)
def get_cluster_centroid_data(self, item, zipped=None, projected=None, single_clusters=None)
Returns centroids for cluster selection based on item
- Item to be selected
, optional- Will merge centroids and user_count, defaults to False
, optional- Will return projected data (UTM), otherwise, centroids are returned in decimal degrees (WGS1984), defaults to False
- Return single item cluster centroids, defaults to True
- [0] point (List of coordinate pairs), [1] user_count (count of user_count per centroid)
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@CGDec.input_topic_format def get_cluster_centroid_data( self, item, zipped=None, projected=None, single_clusters=None): """Returns centroids for cluster selection based on item Args: item (str or list of str): Item to be selected zipped ([type], optional): Will merge centroids and user_count, defaults to False projected (bool, optional): Will return projected data (UTM), otherwise, centroids are returned in decimal degrees (WGS1984), defaults to False single_clusters: Return single item cluster centroids, defaults to True Returns: Tuple: [0] point (List of coordinate pairs), [1] user_count (count of user_count per centroid) """ if zipped is None: zipped = False if projected is None: projected = False if single_clusters is None: single_clusters = True shapes = self.get_item_cluster_centroids( item=item, single_clusters=single_clusters) points = [meta[0] for meta in shapes] user_count = [meta[1] for meta in shapes] if not projected: # AlphaShapes automatically projects data # to compute shapes. If no projection is # requested, we have to convert it back to # original WGS1984 decimal degrees data points = self._project_centroids_back(points) # extract centroid coordinates from # shapely geometry.Point latlng_list = [[point.x, point.y] for point in points] # convert coords to numpy.nd array points = np.array(latlng_list) if zipped: zip_list = [] zip_list = list() x_id = 0 for point in points: zip_list.append((point[0], point[1], user_count[x_id])) x_id += 1 result = np.asarray(zip_list) else: result = (points, user_count) return result
def get_cluster_centroid_preview(self, item, single_clusters=None) ‑>
Returns plt map for item selection cluster centroids
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@CGDec.input_topic_format def get_cluster_centroid_preview( self, item, single_clusters=None) -> plt.figure: """Returns plt map for item selection cluster centroids""" if single_clusters is None: single_clusters = True points, user_count = self.get_cluster_centroid_data( item=item, single_clusters=single_clusters) fig = TPLT.get_centroid_preview( points, item, self.bounds, self.cls_type, user_count) return fig
def get_cluster_centroids(self, clustered_guids, none_clustered_guids=None) ‑> List[Tuple[shapely.geometry.point.Point, int]]
Get centroids for clustered data
This method needs refactor, since it produces as sparse version of AlphaShapesAndMeta (only geometry and user_count) -> create specific dataclass
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def get_cluster_centroids( self, clustered_guids, none_clustered_guids=None) -> List[Tuple[geometry.Point, int]]: """Get centroids for clustered data This method needs refactor, since it produces as sparse version of AlphaShapesAndMeta (only geometry and user_count) -> create specific dataclass """ resultshapes_and_meta = list() for post_cluster in clustered_guids: posts = [self.cleaned_post_dict[x] for x in post_cluster] unique_user_count = len(set([post.user_guid for post in posts])) # get points and project coordinates to suitable UTM points = [geometry.Point( self._proj_coords(post.lng, ) for post in posts] point_collection = geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)) # convex hull enough for calculating centroid result_polygon = point_collection.convex_hull result_centroid = result_polygon.centroid if result_centroid is not None and not result_centroid.is_empty: resultshapes_and_meta.append( (result_centroid, unique_user_count) ) if not none_clustered_guids: return resultshapes_and_meta # noclusterphotos = [cleanedPhotoDict[x] for x in singlePhotoGuidList] for no_cluster_post in none_clustered_guids: post = self.cleaned_post_dict[no_cluster_post] x_point, y_point = self._proj_coords( post.lng, p_center = geometry.Point(x_point, y_point) if p_center is not None and not p_center.is_empty: resultshapes_and_meta.append((p_center, 1)) sys.stdout.flush() # log.debug(f'{resultshapes_and_meta[:10]}') return resultshapes_and_meta
def get_cluster_preview(self, item) ‑>
Returns plt map for item cluster preview
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@CGDec.input_topic_format def get_cluster_preview(self, item) -> plt.figure: """Returns plt map for item cluster preview""" points = self.get_np_points( item=item, silent=True) self._cluster_points( points=points, preview_mode=True) clusters = self.cluster_item( item=item, preview_mode=True) if clusters is None: return fig = TPLT.get_cluster_preview( points=clusters.points, sel_colors=clusters.colors, item_text=item, bounds=self.bounds, mask_noisy=clusters.mask_noisy, cluster_distance=self.cluster_distance, number_of_clusters=clusters.cluster_count, auto_select_clusters=self.autoselect_clusters, cls_type=self.cls_type) return fig
def get_cluster_shapes(self)
For each cluster of points, calculate boundary shape and add statistics (HImpTag etc.)
Returns results as shapes_and_meta = list(), ClusterType, itemized = bool
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def get_cluster_shapes(self): """For each cluster of points, calculate boundary shape and add statistics (HImpTag etc.) Returns results as shapes_and_meta = list(), ClusterType, itemized = bool """ itemized = True saturation_exclude_count = 0 shapes_and_meta = list() tnum = 0 topitem_area = None if self.local_saturation_check and self.top_item: # calculate total area of Top1-Tag # for 80% saturation check for lower level tags topitem_area = self._get_item_clusterarea( self.top_item) if topitem_area == 0: raise ValueError( f'Something went wrong: ' f'Could not get area for Top item ' f'{self.top_item}') for item in self.top_list: tnum += 1 shapes_tmp = self._get_item_shapeslist( item, topitem_area, tnum) if shapes_tmp is None: saturation_exclude_count += 1 continue if not shapes_tmp: continue shapes_and_meta.extend(shapes_tmp) logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info( f'{len(shapes_and_meta)} ' f'alpha shapes. Done.') if saturation_exclude_count > 0: logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info( f'Excluded {saturation_exclude_count} ' f'{self.cls_type.rstrip("s")} on local saturation check.') return shapes_and_meta, self.cls_type, itemized
def get_clustershapes_preview(self, item) ‑>
Returns plt map for item cluster preview
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@CGDec.input_topic_format def get_clustershapes_preview(self, item) -> plt.figure: """Returns plt map for item cluster preview""" # selected post guids: all posts for item # points: numpy-points for plotting # clusters: hdbscan labels for clustered items item = ItemCounter(item, 0) result = self.cluster_item(, preview_mode=True) if result is None: return print("No items found.") # cluster_guids: those guids that are clustered cluster_guids = self._get_cluster_guids( result.clusters, result.guids) shapes_and_area = self._get_item_clustershapes( item, cluster_guids.clustered) # get only shapely shapes, not usercount and other info shapes = [meta.shape for meta in shapes_and_area.alphashape] shapes_wgs = self._project_centroids_back(shapes) fig = TPLT.get_cluster_preview( points=result.points, sel_colors=result.colors,, bounds=self.bounds, mask_noisy=result.mask_noisy, cluster_distance=self.cluster_distance, number_of_clusters=result.cluster_count, auto_select_clusters=self.autoselect_clusters, shapes=shapes_wgs, cls_type=self.cls_type) return fig
def get_item_cluster_centroids(self, item, single_clusters=None)
Get centroids for item clustered data
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def get_item_cluster_centroids(self, item, single_clusters=None): """Get centroids for item clustered data""" if single_clusters is None: single_clusters = True self._get_update_clusters( item=item) cluster_guids = self.clustered_items_dict[item] if single_clusters: none_clustered_guids = self.single_items_dict[item] else: none_clustered_guids = None resultshapes_and_meta = self.get_cluster_centroids( cluster_guids, none_clustered_guids) return resultshapes_and_meta
def get_itemized_clusters(self)
Get itemized clusters for top_list attached to self
Updates results as two Dict of Lists: self.single_items_dict self.clustered_items_dict
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def get_itemized_clusters(self): """Get itemized clusters for top_list attached to self Updates results as two Dict of Lists: self.single_items_dict self.clustered_items_dict """ # get clusters for top item if self.local_saturation_check: self._get_update_clusters( # TODO: test .name tnum = 0 # get remaining clusters for item in self.top_list: if (self.local_saturation_check and tnum == 0): # skip topitem if already # clustered due to local saturation continue tnum += 1 self._get_update_clusters( # logging.getLogger("tagmaps").info( # f'{len(self.clustered_items)} ' # f'{self.cls_type.rstrip("s")} clusters.\n' # f'{len(self.single_items)} without neighbors.') # flush console output once sys.stdout.flush()
def get_np_points(self, item: str = None, silent: bool = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray
Wrapper that only returns points for _get_np_points_guids
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def get_np_points(self, item: str = None, silent: bool = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper that only returns points for _get_np_points_guids""" # decide if select all or specific item sel_all = bool(item is None) sel_items = self.get_np_points_guids(item, silent, sel_all) # ndarray.size: Number of elements in the array if len(sel_items.points) > 0 and sel_items.points.size: return sel_items.points
def get_np_points_guids(self, item: Optional[str] = None, silent: bool = None, sel_all: bool = None) ‑> SelItems
Gets numpy array of selected points with latlng containing _item
- tag, emoji, location; or topic (list of terms)
- if true, no console output (interface mode)
- A list of lat/lng points to map
- List of selected post guids
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def get_np_points_guids(self, item: Optional[str] = None, silent: bool = None, sel_all: bool = None ) -> SelItems: """Gets numpy array of selected points with latlng containing _item Args: item: tag, emoji, location; or topic (list of terms) silent: if true, no console output (interface mode) Returns: points: A list of lat/lng points to map selected_postguids_list: List of selected post guids """ # no log reporting for selected points if silent is None: silent = False if sel_all is None: sel_all = False if sel_all: # select all post guids selected_postguids_list = list() for cleaned_post in self.cleaned_post_list: selected_postguids_list.append( cleaned_post.guid) selected_posts_list = self.cleaned_post_list else: selected_postguids_list = self._getselect_postguids( item, silent=silent) # clustering if len(selected_postguids_list) < 2: # return empty list of points return SelItems([], selected_postguids_list) selected_posts_list = self._getselect_posts( selected_postguids_list) # only used for tag clustering, # otherwise (photo location clusters), # global vars are used (dataframe, points) dataframe = pd.DataFrame(selected_posts_list, columns=POST_FIELDS) # converts pandas data to numpy array # (limit by list of column-names) points = dataframe.loc[:, ['lng', 'lat']].to_numpy() # only return preview fig without clustering return SelItems(points, selected_postguids_list)
def get_overall_clusters(self)
Get clusters for all items attached to self
Updates results as two lists: self.clustered_guids_all self.none_clustered_guids
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def get_overall_clusters(self): """Get clusters for all items attached to self Updates results as two lists: self.clustered_guids_all self.none_clustered_guids """ # update in case of locations removed # self.cleaned_post_list = list( # self.cleaned_post_dict.values()) self._get_update_clusters(itemized=False)
def get_sel_preview(self, item)
Returns plt map for item selection preview
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@CGDec.input_topic_format def get_sel_preview(self, item): """Returns plt map for item selection preview""" points = self.get_np_points( item=item, silent=True) fig = TPLT.get_sel_preview( points, item, self.bounds, self.cls_type) return fig
def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, item)
Returns figure for single linkage tree from HDBSCAN clustering
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def get_singlelinkagetree_preview(self, item): """Returns figure for single linkage tree from HDBSCAN clustering""" if self.cls_type == TOPICS: item = Utils.concat_topic(item) cluster_results = self.cluster_item( item=item, preview_mode=True) axis = self.clusterer.single_linkage_tree_.plot( truncate_mode='lastp', p=max(50, min(cluster_results.cluster_count*10, 256))) fig = TPLT.get_single_linkage_tree_preview( item, axis.figure, self.cluster_distance, self.cls_type) return fig
class ClusterResults (clusters: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, Tuple[int, Optional[int]]], guids: List[str], points: Optional[List[numpy.ndarray]] = None, colors: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float, float]]] = None, mask_noisy: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, cluster_count: Optional[int] = None)
List of post guids and assigned cluster labels (from HDBSCAN)
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@dataclass class ClusterResults: """List of post guids and assigned cluster labels (from HDBSCAN)""" clusters: Tuple[np.ndarray, Tuple[int, Optional[int]]] guids: List[str] points: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None colors: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float, float]]] = None mask_noisy: Optional[np.ndarray] = None cluster_count: Optional[int] = None def __iter__(self): return iter(astuple(self))
Class variables
var cluster_count : Optional[int]
var clusters : Tuple[numpy.ndarray, Tuple[int, Optional[int]]]
var colors : Optional[List[Tuple[float, float, float]]]
var guids : List[str]
var mask_noisy : Optional[numpy.ndarray]
var points : Optional[List[numpy.ndarray]]
class ClusterShapes (data: List[Tuple[shapely.geometry.point.Point, int]], cls_type: str, itemized: bool)
Count of user per cluster centroid
data: List of Tuples with (1) Point = cluster centroid and (2) int = user count cls_type: cluster type (TAGS, EMOJI, ..) itemized: bool False: Overall Location clusters True: Itemoized clusters (TAGS, EMOJI)
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@dataclass class ClusterShapes: """Count of user per cluster centroid data: List of Tuples with (1) Point = cluster centroid and (2) int = user count cls_type: cluster type (TAGS, EMOJI, ..) itemized: bool False: Overall Location clusters True: Itemoized clusters (TAGS, EMOJI) """ data: List[Tuple[geometry.Point, int]] cls_type: str itemized: bool def __iter__(self): return iter(astuple(self))
Class variables
var cls_type : str
var data : List[Tuple[shapely.geometry.point.Point, int]]
var itemized : bool
class Guids (clustered: List[str], nonclustered: List[str])
Guids(clustered: List[str], nonclustered: List[str])
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@dataclass class Guids: clustered: List[str] nonclustered: List[str]
Class variables
var clustered : List[str]
var nonclustered : List[str]
class SelItems (points: List[Optional[numpy.ndarray]], guids: List[str])
List of coordinates (points) with related post_guids
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@dataclass class SelItems: """List of coordinates (points) with related post_guids""" points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] guids: List[str]
Class variables
var guids : List[str]
var points : List[Optional[numpy.ndarray]]
class SelectedItems (guids: List[str], location_count: int)
SelectedItems(guids: List[str], location_count: int)
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@dataclass class SelectedItems: guids: List[str] location_count: int
Class variables
var guids : List[str]
var location_count : int