Module tagmaps.classes.compile_output
Module for compiling TagMaps results and writing output
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for compiling TagMaps results and writing output
from __future__ import absolute_import
# delay evaluation of annotations at runtime (PEP 563)
from __future__ import annotations
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Optional, IO
from math import sqrt
import shapely.geometry as geometry
import fiona
from import from_epsg
from tagmaps.classes.shared_structure import (EMOJI,
import tagmaps.classes
class Compile():
"""Compile results into shapefiles, add statistics, normalize."""
def write_shapes(cls,
bounds: AnalysisBounds,
output_folder: Path, mapnik_export):
"""Main wrapper for writing
all results to output
shapes_and_meta_list is either:
- List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = True]]]
List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = False]]]
(overall clusters)
- List[] contains clustered shapes from ClusterGen and
attached statistic information
TODO: refactor into compile & write shapes; update output_folder
if output_folder:
bound_points_shapely = tagmaps.classes.utils.Utils.get_shapely_bounds(
# data always in lat/lng WGS1984
__, epsg_code = tagmaps.classes.utils.Utils.get_best_utmzone(
shapes_and_meta_list, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export)
def _compile_merge_shapes(cls, shapes_and_meta_list,
epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export):
all_itemized_shapes = list()
all_non_itemized_shapes = list()
contains_emoji_output = False
for shapes, cls_type, itemized in shapes_and_meta_list:
if not shapes:
if itemized:
if cls_type == EMOJI:
contains_emoji_output = True
# normalize types separately (e.g. emoji/tags)
global_weights = cls._get_weights(
shapes, ["weightsv1", "weightsv2", "weightsv3"])
itemized_shapes = cls._getcompile_itemized_shapes(
shapes, cls_type, global_weights)
# print(f'type itemized_shapes: {type(itemized_shapes)}\n')
global_weights = cls._get_weights(shapes, [1])
non_itemized_shapes = cls._getcompile_nonitemized_shapes(
shapes, global_weights)
# writing step:
if all_itemized_shapes:
all_itemized_shapes, True,
contains_emoji_output, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export)
if all_non_itemized_shapes:
all_non_itemized_shapes, False,
contains_emoji_output, epsg_code, output_folder)
def _get_shape_schema(itemized):
"""Define polygon feature geometry"""
if itemized:
schema = {
'geometry': 'Polygon',
'properties': {'Join_Count': 'int',
'Views': 'int',
'COUNT_User': 'int',
'ImpTag': 'str',
'TagCountG': 'int',
'HImpTag': 'int',
'Weights': 'float',
'WeightsV2': 'float',
'WeightsV3': 'float',
# 'shapetype': 'str',
'emoji': 'int'},
# Define a polygon feature geometry with one attribute
schema = {
'geometry': 'Point',
'properties': {'Join_Count': 'int',
'Weights': 'float'},
return schema
def _contains_emoji_output(shapes_and_meta_list):
"""Check if emoji type is in output list"""
contains_emoji_output = False
for __, output_type in shapes_and_meta_list:
if output_type == EMOJI:
contains_emoji_output = True
return contains_emoji_output
def _getcompile_nonitemized_shapes(
cls, shapes,
weights: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]],
"""Compilation of final records to be
written to shapefile. Includes normalization
of values"""
shapelist = list()
for alphashape_and_meta in shapes:
local_value = alphashape_and_meta[1]
local_value_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value(
local_value, weights.get(1))
# each part of the tuple is
# one column in output shapefile
return shapelist
def _write_all(cls, shapes, itemized,
contains_emoji_output, epsg_code, output_folder,
mapnik_export: bool = None):
schema = cls._get_shape_schema(itemized)
# update for emoji only run
if itemized:
shapefile_name = "allTagCluster"
# sort shapelist by firstg column,
# in descending order
# we want most important tags places first
shapes.sort(key=itemgetter(7), reverse=True)
shapefile_name = "allLocationCluster"
# sort ascending, we want smalles clusters places
# first as small points, overlayed by larger ones
output_folder / f'{shapefile_name}.shp', mode='w',
encoding='UTF-8', driver='ESRI Shapefile',
schema=schema, crs=from_epsg(epsg_code)) as shapefile:
shapefile, shapes, contains_emoji_output,
itemized, output_folder, mapnik_export)
def _attach_emojitable_handler(
cls, shapefile, shapes, contains_emoji_output,
itemized, output_folder, mapnik_export):
"""If Emoji Output present, open csv for writing
Note: refactor as optional property!
if contains_emoji_output:
if mapnik_export:
shapefile, shapes, itemized)
# ArcGIS Bug: Emoji must be written to separate CSV file
# and joined back to the shapefile inside ArcGIS;
# Note: If newline is '', no translation takes place on write
# that means: \n (LF) is written, not CRLF
with open(output_folder / 'emojiTable.csv',
"w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') as emoji_table:
if itemized:
shapefile, shapes,
emoji_table, itemized)
shapefile, shapes, None, itemized)
def _write_all_shapes(cls, shapefile, shapes,
emoji_table: Optional[IO[str]],
itemized: bool):
fid = 0
for shape in shapes:
if itemized:
# check if colum 10 is set to 1
# == emoji record
is_emoji_record = bool(shape[10] == 1)
shapefile, shape, is_emoji_record)
if emoji_table:
fid += 1
shapefile, shape)
def _write_all_shapes_emoji(
cls, shapefile, shapes,
itemized: bool):
for shape in shapes:
if itemized:
# check if colum 10 is set to 1
# == emoji record
shapefile, shape, False)
shapefile, shape)
def _write_nonitemized_shape(shapefile, shape):
'geometry': geometry.mapping(shape[0]),
'properties': {'Join_Count': shape[1],
'Weights': shape[2]},
def _write_itemized_shape(shapefile, shape, is_emoji_record):
"""Append final record to shape"""
# do not write emoji to shapefile directly
# bug in Arcgis, needs to be imported
# using join
if is_emoji_record:
imptag = ""
imptag = shape[4]
'geometry': geometry.mapping(shape[0]),
'properties': {'Join_Count': shape[1],
'Views': shape[2],
'COUNT_User': shape[3],
'ImpTag': imptag,
'TagCountG': shape[5],
'HImpTag': shape[6],
'Weights': shape[7],
'WeightsV2': shape[8],
'WeightsV3': shape[9],
# 'shapetype': alphaShapeAndMeta[9],
'emoji': shape[10]},
def _getcompile_itemized_shapes(
cls, shapes, cls_type,
weights: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]):
"""Main wrapper for writing
all results to output
# Normalize Weights to 0-1000 Range
idx = 0
shapelist = list()
for alphashape_and_meta in shapes:
h_imp = cls._get_himp(idx, shapes)
idx += 1
item_shape = cls._getcompile_item_shape(
cls_type, weights, h_imp)
return shapelist
def _get_himp(idx, shapes):
"""Check if current cluster is most
used for item
Compares item str to previous item,
if different, then himp=1
Note: Items are ordered,
therefore a change means
new item begins
if ((idx == 0
or shapes[idx].item_name != shapes[idx-1].item_name)
and not shapes[idx].user_count == 1):
# if item is different to
# previous item and
# user count is not 1
# TODO: check - previously and not shapes[idx][2]
h_imp = 1
h_imp = 0
return h_imp
def _write_emoji_record(fid, shape, emoji_table,
"""Write Emoji table separetely to join to shapefile"""
if is_emoji:
imp_tag_text = f'{shape[4]}'
# also write tags as empty
# records to table, necessary
# for accurate join/ fid count
imp_tag_text = ""
def _getcompile_item_shape(
alphashape_and_meta, cls_type,
weights: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]],
# emoName = unicode_name(alphaShapeAndMeta[4])
# Calculate Normalized Weights Values based on precalc Step
value_weight1 = alphashape_and_meta.weightsv1
weight1_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value(
value_weight1, weights.get(1))
value_weight2 = alphashape_and_meta.weightsv2
weight2_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value(
value_weight2, weights.get(2))
value_weight3 = alphashape_and_meta.weightsv3
weight3_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value(
value_weight3, weights.get(3))
# project data
# geom_proj = transform(project, alphaShapeAndMeta[0])
# c.write({
# 'geometry': geometry.mapping(geom_proj),
if cls_type == EMOJI:
emoji = 1
# due to bug in ArcGIS
# leave blank
# emoji must be imported separately
# imp_tag_text = ""
emoji = 0
# imp_tag_text = f'{alphashape_and_meta[4]}'
item_shape = (
return item_shape
def _get_weights(cls, shapes, columns: List[Union[str, int]]):
"""Normalization of Values (1-1000 Range),
precalc Step (global weights),
idx = 1
weights_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]] = dict()
for column in columns:
# int: weights algorithm
# Tuple: min and max modifiers
values_min, values_max = cls._get_column_min_max(
shapes, column)
weights_mod_a = (1000-1)/(
weights_mod_b = 1000 - weights_mod_a * values_max
weights_dict[idx] = (weights_mod_a, weights_mod_b)
idx += 1
return weights_dict
def _write_legend_info(weights_dict):
"""Helper Function for updating ArcGIS legend
- not implemented
if not weights_dict:
def _get_column_min_max(
shapes: List[Union[
Tuple[geometry.Point, int]]],
column: Union[str, int]) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Get min and max values of specific column
for normalization"""
# get the n'th column out for calculating the max/min
weights_range = [x[column] for x in shapes]
weights_min = min(weights_range)
weights_max = max(weights_range)
return weights_min, weights_max
def _normalize_value(
"""Normalize value based on global weights"""
mul_mod = weights[0]
sum_mod = weights[1]
normalized_value = mul_mod * local_value + sum_mod
return normalized_value
def _get_normalize_value(cls, local_value,
weights_tuple: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]):
"""Wrapper for Normalization: keep 1,
otherwise, normalize"""
if local_value == 1:
value_normalized = local_value
value_normalized = cls._normalize_value(
weights_tuple, local_value)
return value_normalized
def get_weight(weighting_id: int,
post_count: int,
unique_user_count: int) -> float:
"""Get Weight for input metrics
user count and post count based on
three types of weighting formulas (id):
1: weightsv1 -> Standard weighting formula
(x**y means x raised to the power y);
+1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2
Range from being misaligned
2: weightsv2 -> less importance
on User_Count compared
to photo count [Join_Count];
+1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2
Range from being misaligned
3: weightsv3 -> Ignores User_Count,
this will emphasize individual
and very active users
if weighting_id == 1:
return post_count * (
sqrt(1/(post_count / (
elif weighting_id == 2:
return post_count * (
sqrt(1/(post_count / (
# weighting_id == 3:
return sqrt(
class Compile
Compile results into shapefiles, add statistics, normalize.
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class Compile(): """Compile results into shapefiles, add statistics, normalize.""" @classmethod def write_shapes(cls, bounds: AnalysisBounds, shapes_and_meta_list, output_folder: Path, mapnik_export): """Main wrapper for writing all results to output shapes_and_meta_list is either: - List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = True]]] or: List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = False]]] (overall clusters) - List[] contains clustered shapes from ClusterGen and attached statistic information TODO: refactor into compile & write shapes; update output_folder """ if output_folder: print("") bound_points_shapely = tagmaps.classes.utils.Utils.get_shapely_bounds( bounds) # data always in lat/lng WGS1984 __, epsg_code = tagmaps.classes.utils.Utils.get_best_utmzone( bound_points_shapely) cls._compile_merge_shapes( shapes_and_meta_list, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export) @classmethod def _compile_merge_shapes(cls, shapes_and_meta_list, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export): all_itemized_shapes = list() all_non_itemized_shapes = list() contains_emoji_output = False for shapes, cls_type, itemized in shapes_and_meta_list: if not shapes: continue if itemized: if cls_type == EMOJI: contains_emoji_output = True # normalize types separately (e.g. emoji/tags) global_weights = cls._get_weights( shapes, ["weightsv1", "weightsv2", "weightsv3"]) itemized_shapes = cls._getcompile_itemized_shapes( shapes, cls_type, global_weights) # print(f'type itemized_shapes: {type(itemized_shapes)}\n') all_itemized_shapes.extend(itemized_shapes) else: global_weights = cls._get_weights(shapes, [1]) non_itemized_shapes = cls._getcompile_nonitemized_shapes( shapes, global_weights) all_non_itemized_shapes.extend(non_itemized_shapes) # writing step: if all_itemized_shapes: cls._write_all( all_itemized_shapes, True, contains_emoji_output, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export) if all_non_itemized_shapes: cls._write_all( all_non_itemized_shapes, False, contains_emoji_output, epsg_code, output_folder) @staticmethod def _get_shape_schema(itemized): """Define polygon feature geometry""" if itemized: schema = { 'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'Join_Count': 'int', 'Views': 'int', 'COUNT_User': 'int', 'ImpTag': 'str', 'TagCountG': 'int', 'HImpTag': 'int', 'Weights': 'float', 'WeightsV2': 'float', 'WeightsV3': 'float', # 'shapetype': 'str', 'emoji': 'int'}, } else: # Define a polygon feature geometry with one attribute schema = { 'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': {'Join_Count': 'int', 'Weights': 'float'}, } return schema @staticmethod def _contains_emoji_output(shapes_and_meta_list): """Check if emoji type is in output list""" contains_emoji_output = False for __, output_type in shapes_and_meta_list: if output_type == EMOJI: contains_emoji_output = True return contains_emoji_output @classmethod def _getcompile_nonitemized_shapes( cls, shapes, weights: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]], ): """Compilation of final records to be written to shapefile. Includes normalization of values""" shapelist = list() for alphashape_and_meta in shapes: local_value = alphashape_and_meta[1] local_value_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value( local_value, weights.get(1)) # each part of the tuple is # one column in output shapefile shapelist.append( (alphashape_and_meta[0], alphashape_and_meta[1], local_value_normalized)) return shapelist @classmethod def _write_all(cls, shapes, itemized, contains_emoji_output, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export: bool = None): schema = cls._get_shape_schema(itemized) # update for emoji only run if itemized: shapefile_name = "allTagCluster" # sort shapelist by firstg column, # in descending order # we want most important tags places first shapes.sort(key=itemgetter(7), reverse=True) else: shapefile_name = "allLocationCluster" # sort ascending, we want smalles clusters places # first as small points, overlayed by larger ones shapes.sort(key=itemgetter(2)) with output_folder / f'{shapefile_name}.shp', mode='w', encoding='UTF-8', driver='ESRI Shapefile', schema=schema, crs=from_epsg(epsg_code)) as shapefile: cls._attach_emojitable_handler( shapefile, shapes, contains_emoji_output, itemized, output_folder, mapnik_export) @classmethod def _attach_emojitable_handler( cls, shapefile, shapes, contains_emoji_output, itemized, output_folder, mapnik_export): """If Emoji Output present, open csv for writing Note: refactor as optional property! """ if contains_emoji_output: if mapnik_export: cls._write_all_shapes_emoji( shapefile, shapes, itemized) return # ArcGIS Bug: Emoji must be written to separate CSV file # and joined back to the shapefile inside ArcGIS; # Note: If newline is '', no translation takes place on write # that means: \n (LF) is written, not CRLF with open(output_folder / 'emojiTable.csv', "w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') as emoji_table: emoji_table.write("FID,Emoji\n") if itemized: cls._write_all_shapes( shapefile, shapes, emoji_table, itemized) else: cls._write_all_shapes( shapefile, shapes, None, itemized) @classmethod def _write_all_shapes(cls, shapefile, shapes, emoji_table: Optional[IO[str]], itemized: bool): fid = 0 for shape in shapes: if itemized: # check if colum 10 is set to 1 # == emoji record is_emoji_record = bool(shape[10] == 1) cls._write_itemized_shape( shapefile, shape, is_emoji_record) if emoji_table: cls._write_emoji_record( fid, shape, emoji_table, is_emoji_record) fid += 1 else: cls._write_nonitemized_shape( shapefile, shape) @classmethod def _write_all_shapes_emoji( cls, shapefile, shapes, itemized: bool): for shape in shapes: if itemized: # check if colum 10 is set to 1 # == emoji record cls._write_itemized_shape( shapefile, shape, False) else: cls._write_nonitemized_shape( shapefile, shape) @staticmethod def _write_nonitemized_shape(shapefile, shape): shapefile.write({ 'geometry': geometry.mapping(shape[0]), 'properties': {'Join_Count': shape[1], 'Weights': shape[2]}, }) @staticmethod def _write_itemized_shape(shapefile, shape, is_emoji_record): """Append final record to shape""" # do not write emoji to shapefile directly # bug in Arcgis, needs to be imported # using join if is_emoji_record: imptag = "" else: imptag = shape[4] shapefile.write({ 'geometry': geometry.mapping(shape[0]), 'properties': {'Join_Count': shape[1], 'Views': shape[2], 'COUNT_User': shape[3], 'ImpTag': imptag, 'TagCountG': shape[5], 'HImpTag': shape[6], 'Weights': shape[7], 'WeightsV2': shape[8], 'WeightsV3': shape[9], # 'shapetype': alphaShapeAndMeta[9], 'emoji': shape[10]}, }) @classmethod def _getcompile_itemized_shapes( cls, shapes, cls_type, weights: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]): """Main wrapper for writing all results to output """ # Normalize Weights to 0-1000 Range idx = 0 shapelist = list() for alphashape_and_meta in shapes: h_imp = cls._get_himp(idx, shapes) idx += 1 item_shape = cls._getcompile_item_shape( alphashape_and_meta, cls_type, weights, h_imp) shapelist.append((item_shape)) return shapelist @staticmethod def _get_himp(idx, shapes): """Check if current cluster is most used for item Compares item str to previous item, if different, then himp=1 Note: Items are ordered, therefore a change means new item begins """ if ((idx == 0 or shapes[idx].item_name != shapes[idx-1].item_name) and not shapes[idx].user_count == 1): # if item is different to # previous item and # user count is not 1 # TODO: check - previously and not shapes[idx][2] h_imp = 1 else: h_imp = 0 return h_imp @staticmethod def _write_emoji_record(fid, shape, emoji_table, is_emoji): """Write Emoji table separetely to join to shapefile""" if is_emoji: imp_tag_text = f'{shape[4]}' else: # also write tags as empty # records to table, necessary # for accurate join/ fid count imp_tag_text = "" emoji_table.write( f'{fid},{imp_tag_text}\n') @classmethod def _getcompile_item_shape( cls, alphashape_and_meta, cls_type, weights: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]], h_imp): # emoName = unicode_name(alphaShapeAndMeta[4]) # Calculate Normalized Weights Values based on precalc Step value_weight1 = alphashape_and_meta.weightsv1 weight1_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value( value_weight1, weights.get(1)) value_weight2 = alphashape_and_meta.weightsv2 weight2_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value( value_weight2, weights.get(2)) value_weight3 = alphashape_and_meta.weightsv3 weight3_normalized = cls._get_normalize_value( value_weight3, weights.get(3)) # project data # geom_proj = transform(project, alphaShapeAndMeta[0]) # c.write({ # 'geometry': geometry.mapping(geom_proj), if cls_type == EMOJI: emoji = 1 # due to bug in ArcGIS # leave blank # emoji must be imported separately # imp_tag_text = "" else: emoji = 0 # imp_tag_text = f'{alphashape_and_meta[4]}' item_shape = ( alphashape_and_meta.shape, alphashape_and_meta.post_count, alphashape_and_meta.views, alphashape_and_meta.user_count, alphashape_and_meta.item_name, alphashape_and_meta.item_totalcount, h_imp, weight1_normalized, weight2_normalized, weight3_normalized, emoji ) return item_shape @classmethod def _get_weights(cls, shapes, columns: List[Union[str, int]]): """Normalization of Values (1-1000 Range), precalc Step (global weights), see """ idx = 1 weights_dict: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]] = dict() for column in columns: # int: weights algorithm # Tuple: min and max modifiers values_min, values_max = cls._get_column_min_max( shapes, column) weights_mod_a = (1000-1)/( values_max-values_min) weights_mod_b = 1000 - weights_mod_a * values_max weights_dict[idx] = (weights_mod_a, weights_mod_b) idx += 1 cls._write_legend_info(weights_dict) return weights_dict @staticmethod def _write_legend_info(weights_dict): """Helper Function for updating ArcGIS legend - not implemented """ if not weights_dict: return return @staticmethod def _get_column_min_max( shapes: List[Union[ tagmaps.classes.alpha_shapes.AlphaShapesAndMeta, Tuple[geometry.Point, int]]], column: Union[str, int]) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Get min and max values of specific column for normalization""" # get the n'th column out for calculating the max/min weights_range = [x[column] for x in shapes] weights_min = min(weights_range) weights_max = max(weights_range) return weights_min, weights_max @staticmethod def _normalize_value( weights, local_value): """Normalize value based on global weights""" mul_mod = weights[0] sum_mod = weights[1] normalized_value = mul_mod * local_value + sum_mod return normalized_value @classmethod def _get_normalize_value(cls, local_value, weights_tuple: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): """Wrapper for Normalization: keep 1, otherwise, normalize""" if local_value == 1: value_normalized = local_value else: value_normalized = cls._normalize_value( weights_tuple, local_value) return value_normalized @staticmethod def get_weight(weighting_id: int, post_count: int, unique_user_count: int) -> float: """Get Weight for input metrics user count and post count based on three types of weighting formulas (id): 1: weightsv1 -> Standard weighting formula (x**y means x raised to the power y); +1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2 Range from being misaligned 2: weightsv2 -> less importance on User_Count compared to photo count [Join_Count]; +1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2 Range from being misaligned 3: weightsv3 -> Ignores User_Count, this will emphasize individual and very active users """ if weighting_id == 1: return post_count * ( sqrt(1/(post_count / ( unique_user_count+1))**3)) elif weighting_id == 2: return post_count * ( sqrt(1/(post_count / ( unique_user_count+1))**2)) # weighting_id == 3: return sqrt( (post_count+(2*sqrt(post_count)))*2)
Static methods
def get_weight(weighting_id: int, post_count: int, unique_user_count: int) ‑> float
Get Weight for input metrics user count and post count based on three types of weighting formulas (id): 1: weightsv1 -> Standard weighting formula (x**y means x raised to the power y); +1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2 Range from being misaligned 2: weightsv2 -> less importance on User_Count compared to photo count [Join_Count]; +1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2 Range from being misaligned 3: weightsv3 -> Ignores User_Count, this will emphasize individual and very active users
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@staticmethod def get_weight(weighting_id: int, post_count: int, unique_user_count: int) -> float: """Get Weight for input metrics user count and post count based on three types of weighting formulas (id): 1: weightsv1 -> Standard weighting formula (x**y means x raised to the power y); +1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2 Range from being misaligned 2: weightsv2 -> less importance on User_Count compared to photo count [Join_Count]; +1 to UserCount: prevent 1-2 Range from being misaligned 3: weightsv3 -> Ignores User_Count, this will emphasize individual and very active users """ if weighting_id == 1: return post_count * ( sqrt(1/(post_count / ( unique_user_count+1))**3)) elif weighting_id == 2: return post_count * ( sqrt(1/(post_count / ( unique_user_count+1))**2)) # weighting_id == 3: return sqrt( (post_count+(2*sqrt(post_count)))*2)
def write_shapes(bounds: AnalysisBounds, shapes_and_meta_list, output_folder: Path, mapnik_export)
Main wrapper for writing all results to output
shapes_and_meta_list is either: - List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = True]]] or: List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = False]]] (overall clusters) - List[] contains clustered shapes from ClusterGen and attached statistic information TODO: refactor into compile & write shapes; update output_folder
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@classmethod def write_shapes(cls, bounds: AnalysisBounds, shapes_and_meta_list, output_folder: Path, mapnik_export): """Main wrapper for writing all results to output shapes_and_meta_list is either: - List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = True]]] or: List[[Tuple[List[],cls_type, itemized: bool = False]]] (overall clusters) - List[] contains clustered shapes from ClusterGen and attached statistic information TODO: refactor into compile & write shapes; update output_folder """ if output_folder: print("") bound_points_shapely = tagmaps.classes.utils.Utils.get_shapely_bounds( bounds) # data always in lat/lng WGS1984 __, epsg_code = tagmaps.classes.utils.Utils.get_best_utmzone( bound_points_shapely) cls._compile_merge_shapes( shapes_and_meta_list, epsg_code, output_folder, mapnik_export)