Module tagmaps.config.config
Config processing for tag maps package.
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Config processing for tag maps package.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import argparse
import configparser
import logging
import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import shape
from tagmaps import __version__
from tagmaps.classes.utils import Utils
from tagmaps.classes.shared_structure import ConfigMap
class BaseConfig:
"""Optional class for handling of typical config parameters"""
def __init__(self):
# Set Default Config options here
# or define options as input args
self.data_source = "lbsn"
self.cluster_tags = True
self.cluster_locations = True
self.epsg = True
self.remove_long_tail = True
self.cluster_emoji = True
self.topic_modeling = False
self.write_cleaned_data = True
self.local_saturation_check = False
self.tokenize_japanese = False # currently not implemented
self.shapefile_intersect = None
self.shapefile_exclude = None
self.ignore_stoplists = False
self.selectionlist_emoji = None
self.selectionlist_tags = None
self.stoplist_emoji = None
self.stoplist_tags = None
self.stoplist_user = None
self.stoplist_places = None
self.ignore_place_corrections = False
self.statistics_only = False
self.limit_bottom_user_count = 5
self.write_gis_comp_line = True
self.auto_mode = False
self.max_items = 1000
self.filter_origin = None
self.logging_level = logging.INFO
self.input_folder = None
self.output_folder = None
self.config_folder = None
self.cluster_cut_distance = None
self.mapnik_export = False
# additional auto settings
self.sort_out_always_set = set()
self.sort_out_always_instr_set = set()
self.override_crs = None
self.crs_proj = None
self.epsg_code = ""
self.sort_out_places_set = set()
self.sort_out_user_set = None
self.sort_out_places = False
self.sort_out_emoji_set = None
self.select_emoji_set = None
self.select_tags_set = None
self.correct_places = False
self.correct_place_latlng_dict = dict()
# initialization
resource_path = os.environ.get("TAGMAPS_RESOURCES")
self.pathname = Path.cwd()
if resource_path:
self.resource_path = Path(resource_path)
self.resource_path = self.pathname
self.load_from_intermediate = None
# set logger
self.log = Utils.set_logger(
self.output_folder, self.logging_level)
self.source_map = self.load_sourcemapping()
def parse_args(self):
"""Parse init args and set default values
Note: All paths are relative. If you wish to use another path entirely,
set TAGMAPS_RESOURCES environment variable to the absolute path to use
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
version=f'tagmaps {__version__}')
help="Specify type of source of data. "
"This is needed to read data. "
"Defaults to 'lbsn'.")
help="This will disable exclusion "
"of tags that are used by only a "
"small number of users")
help="If provided, will overwrite "
"auto EPSG code")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--disable_cluster_tags",
help="Disable cluster tag locations"
"No clusters will be generated per "
"distinct tag.")
help="Disable cluster of post locations "
help="Will attempt to exclude any tags that "
"are (over)used at above a certain percentage "
"of locations in processing extent. This "
"may improve legibility of tag maps at "
"larger scales"
help="Disable cluster of "
"emoji in addition to tags.")
help="This will used topic modeling "
"to detect groups of tags (based on "
"Latent Dirichlet Allocation). "
"[Not fully implemented: currently, if this flag "
"is set, tagmaps will output a list of merged "
"terms per user which can be used in topic "
"modeling, e.g. Latent Dirichlet Allocation "
help="This will disable "
"write out of a file limited to the data "
"that will be used for tag clustering "
"(filtered based on stoplists, clipped boundary, "
"minimum user threshold etc.)"
help="Provide a relative path to a shapefile "
"to clip data prior to clustering. The shapefile "
"must be projected to WGS1984 (4326) Projection. "
"Multipart shapefiles are supported, but be "
"careful with polygon holes: it is recommended to "
"exclude polygon holes with a separate shapefile "
"using the --shapefile_exclude flag.")
help="Provide a relative path to a shapefile "
"to exclude data prior to clustering. In case "
"--shapefile_intersect is also used, the exclusion "
"here applies after inclusion.")
help="Set this flag to ignore any stoplists, "
"even if available/supplied. This is useful "
"if files that are places in 00_Config folder "
"must be temporarily ignored."
help="Supply a relative path to a text file "
"containing emoji to ignore "
"during emoji clustering. "
"Format: one entry per line."
help="Supply a relative path to a text file "
"containing terms to ignore during tag clustering. "
"This list is supplemental to "
"00_Config/SortOutAlways.txt, if such file exists. "
"Format: one entry per line."
help="Supply a relative path to a text file "
"containing user (guids) to ignore during "
"tag clustering. Format: one entry per line."
help="Supply a relative path to a text file "
"containing places (guids) to ignore during tag clustering. "
"This list is supplemental to "
"00_Config/SortOutPlaces.txt, if such file exists. "
"Format: one entry per line."
help="Supply a relative path to a text file "
"containing emoji, as a positive filter list "
"for selecting a subset of emoji to focus on. "
"Format: one entry per line."
help="Supply a relative path to a text file "
"containing tags, as a positive filter list "
"for selecting a subset of tags to focus on. "
"Format: one entry per line."
help="Set this flag to ignore place corrections, "
"even if available, supplied."
help="Do not cluster, only read input data"
" and output statistics. Suitable to get an "
"overview of input data."
parser.add_argument("-d", "--cluster_cut_distance",
help="Provide a cluster cut distance (in meters) "
"where the clustering will be stopped. This "
"will override the auto detection "
"of cluster distance.",
help="Remove all tags that are used by "
"less than x photographers.")
help="Disables writing placeholder "
"entry after headerline "
"for avoiding GIS import format issues. "
"Some GIS programs will decide format of "
"columns based on the first data line in a CSV. "
"This setting makes sure there're no empty fields "
"in the first line.",
help="If set, no user input will "
"be requested during processing. "
"This flag is suitable if you're running in a "
"command line only environment (WSL) that "
"cannot use the tKinter GUI.",
help="If provided, will filter input data "
"based on origin_id column and the value "
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",
help="Increase output verbosity",
parser.add_argument("-x", "--max_items",
help="Number of distinct items to process",
parser.add_argument("-q", "--output_folder",
help="Relative path to output folder",
parser.add_argument("-j", "--input_folder",
help="Relative path to input folder",
parser.add_argument("-k", "--config_folder",
help="Relative path to config folder",
parser.add_argument("-u", "--load_intermediate",
help="A (relative) path to load from "
"intermediate (cleaned) data",
help="If enabled, emoji and tags will be exported together, in a single "
"shapefile, to be used in the Mapnik renderer. Unlike the default "
"output, for ESRI ArcGIS/ArcPro, where "
"emoji need to be written to a separate file, to be joined later - "
"due to a bug in the ESRI software that continues to exists. ",
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
self.logging_level = logging.DEBUG
if args.source:
self.data_source = args.source
if args.disable_cluster_tags:
self.cluster_tags = False
if args.disable_cluster_locations:
self.cluster_locations = False
if args.epsg is None:
self.override_crs = None
if args.disable_remove_longtail:
self.remove_long_tail = False
if args.disable_cluster_emoji:
self.cluster_emoji = False
if args.topic_modeling:
self.topic_modeling = True
if args.disable_write_cleaneddata:
self.write_cleaned_data = False
if args.local_saturation_check:
self.local_saturation_check = True
if args.shapefile_intersect:
shp_path = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.shapefile_intersect)
self.shapefile_intersect = self.load_shapefile(shp_path)
if args.shapefile_exclude:
shp_path = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.shapefile_exclude)
self.shapefile_exclude = self.load_shapefile(shp_path)
if args.ignore_stoplists:
self.ignore_stoplists = True
if args.selectionlist_emoji:
self.selectionlist_emoji = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.selectionlist_emoji)
if args.selectionlist_tags:
self.selectionlist_tags = \
self.resource_path / args.selectionlist_tags
if args.stoplist_emoji:
self.stoplist_emoji = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.stoplist_emoji)
if args.stoplist_tags:
self.stoplist_tags = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.stoplist_tags)
if args.stoplist_user:
self.stoplist_user = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.stoplist_user)
if args.stoplist_places:
self.stoplist_places = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.stoplist_places)
if args.ignore_place_corrections:
self.ignore_place_corrections = True
if args.statistics_only:
self.statistics_only = True
if args.limit_bottom_usercount:
self.limit_bottom_user_count = args.limit_bottom_usercount
if args.disable_write_gis_comp_line:
self.write_gis_comp_line = False
if args.auto_mode:
self.auto_mode = args.auto_mode
if args.filter_origin:
self.filter_origin = args.filter_origin
if args.max_items:
self.max_items = args.max_items
if args.output_folder:
# default: 02_Output
self.output_folder = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.output_folder, create_folder=True)
if args.input_folder:
self.input_folder = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.input_folder)
if args.config_folder:
self.config_folder = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.config_folder)
if args.load_intermediate:
self.load_from_intermediate = Utils.check_folder_file(
self.resource_path / args.load_intermediate)
if args.cluster_cut_distance:
self.cluster_cut_distance = args.cluster_cut_distance
if args.mapnik_export:
self.mapnik_export = True
def load_filterlists(self):
"""Load filterlists for filtering terms (in-string and full match)
and places, including place lat/lng corrections.
# locations for files
sort_out_always_file = Path(
self.config_folder / "SortOutAlways.txt")
sort_out_always_instr_file = Path(
self.config_folder / "SortOutAlways_inStr.txt")
sort_out_places_file = Path(
self.config_folder / "SortOutPlaces.txt")
correct_place_latlng_file = Path(
self.config_folder / "CorrectPlaceLatLng.txt")
# load lists
self.sort_out_always_set = self.load_filterlist(sort_out_always_file)
if self.stoplist_tags:
stoplist_tags_set = self.load_filterlist(self.stoplist_tags)
if stoplist_tags_set:
self.sort_out_always_instr_set = self.load_filterlist(
self.sort_out_places_set = self.load_place_stoplist(
if self.stoplist_places:
stoplist_places_set = self.load_filterlist(self.stoplist_places)
if stoplist_places_set:
if self.stoplist_user:
self.sort_out_user_set = self.load_filterlist(
if self.stoplist_emoji:
self.sort_out_emoji_set = self.load_filterlist(
if self.selectionlist_emoji:
self.select_emoji_set = self.load_filterlist(
if self.selectionlist_tags:
self.select_tags_set = self.load_filterlist(
if not self.ignore_place_corrections:
self.correct_place_latlng_dict = self.load_place_corrections(
if self.correct_place_latlng_dict:
self.correct_places = True
# log results
def _report_loaded_lists(self):
"""Report stats of loaded stop & selection lists"""
self.sort_out_always_set, "stoplist items")
self.sort_out_always_instr_set, "inStr stoplist items")
self.sort_out_places_set, "stoplist places")
self.correct_place_latlng_dict, "place lat/lng corrections")
self.sort_out_user_set, "user stoplist items")
self.select_emoji_set, "emoji selection items")
self.select_tags_set, "tags selection items")
def load_filterlist(self, file: Path) -> Optional[Set[str]]:
"""Loads filterlist of terms from file returns set"""
if self.ignore_stoplists is True:
if not file.is_file():
self.log.warning(f"{file} not found.")
store_set = set()
with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle:
store_set = {line.lower().rstrip("\r\n") for line in f_handle}
return store_set
def load_place_stoplist(self, file):
"""Loads stoplist places from file and stores in set"""
if not os.path.isfile(file) or self.ignore_stoplists is True:
store_set = set()
with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle:
# Get placeid
store_set = {
for line in f_handle if len(line) > 0}
self.sort_out_places = True
return store_set
def load_place_corrections(
cls, file: Path) -> Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]]:
"""Fills dictionary with list of corrected lat/lng entries
e.g.: Dictionary: placeid = lat, lng
- sets self.correct_places to True
store_dict = dict()
if not file.is_file():
with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle:
for line in f_handle:
if not line:
linesplit = line.rstrip("\r\n").split(",")
if len(linesplit) == 1:
store_dict[linesplit[0]] = (linesplit[1], linesplit[2])
return store_dict
def load_shapefile(self, shapefile_path: Path) -> List[shape]:
"""Imports single or multi polygon shapefile for intersecting points"""
poly_shape =
vertices_count = 0
shp_geom = []
if len(poly_shape) == 1:
# simple polygon
geom = next(iter(poly_shape))
vertices_count = len(geom["geometry"]["coordinates"][0])
# multipolygon
for pol in poly_shape:
for part in pol["geometry"]["coordinates"]:
vertices_count += len(part)
poly_count = len(shp_geom)
poly_s = ""
if poly_count > 1:
poly_s = "s"
f'Loaded shapefile with '
f'{poly_count} polygon{poly_s} '
f'and '
f'{vertices_count} vertices.'
return shp_geom
def load_custom_crs(self, override_crs):
"""Optionally, create custom crs for projecting
data base don user input
Note: not fully implemented
self.crs_proj = f"epsg:{override_crs}"
print(f"Custom CRS set: {self.crs_proj}")
self.epsg_code = override_crs
def load_sourcemapping(self):
"""Loads source mapping, if available.
Otherwise, try to read structure from first line of CSV.
mapping_config_path = (
self.config_folder /
if not os.path.exists(mapping_config_path):
orig_path = (
self.config_folder /
if os.path.exists(orig_path):
"Please rename resources/sourcemapping_fromlbsn.cfg "
"to sourcemapping_lbsn.cfg. The former name will be "
"deprecated in the future.", DeprecationWarning)
mapping_config_path = orig_path
exit("Source mapping does not exist: "
source_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
source_config_py = ConfigMap(source_config)
return source_config_py
def set_glob_options():
"""Includes global options in other packages to be set
prior execution"""
# unused
class BaseConfig
Optional class for handling of typical config parameters
Expand source code
class BaseConfig: """Optional class for handling of typical config parameters""" def __init__(self): # Set Default Config options here # or define options as input args self.data_source = "lbsn" self.cluster_tags = True self.cluster_locations = True self.epsg = True self.remove_long_tail = True self.cluster_emoji = True self.topic_modeling = False self.write_cleaned_data = True self.local_saturation_check = False self.tokenize_japanese = False # currently not implemented self.shapefile_intersect = None self.shapefile_exclude = None self.ignore_stoplists = False self.selectionlist_emoji = None self.selectionlist_tags = None self.stoplist_emoji = None self.stoplist_tags = None self.stoplist_user = None self.stoplist_places = None self.ignore_place_corrections = False self.statistics_only = False self.limit_bottom_user_count = 5 self.write_gis_comp_line = True self.auto_mode = False self.max_items = 1000 self.filter_origin = None self.logging_level = logging.INFO self.input_folder = None self.output_folder = None self.config_folder = None self.cluster_cut_distance = None self.mapnik_export = False # additional auto settings self.sort_out_always_set = set() self.sort_out_always_instr_set = set() self.override_crs = None self.crs_proj = None self.epsg_code = "" self.sort_out_places_set = set() self.sort_out_user_set = None self.sort_out_places = False self.sort_out_emoji_set = None self.select_emoji_set = None self.select_tags_set = None self.correct_places = False self.correct_place_latlng_dict = dict() # initialization resource_path = os.environ.get("TAGMAPS_RESOURCES") self.pathname = Path.cwd() if resource_path: self.resource_path = Path(resource_path) else: self.resource_path = self.pathname self.load_from_intermediate = None self.parse_args() # set logger self.log = Utils.set_logger( self.output_folder, self.logging_level) self.load_filterlists() self.source_map = self.load_sourcemapping() self.set_glob_options() def parse_args(self): """Parse init args and set default values Note: All paths are relative. If you wish to use another path entirely, set TAGMAPS_RESOURCES environment variable to the absolute path to use """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=f'tagmaps {__version__}') parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", default="lbsn", help="Specify type of source of data. " "This is needed to read data. " "Defaults to 'lbsn'.") parser.add_argument("-r", "--disable_remove_longtail", action="store_true", help="This will disable exclusion " "of tags that are used by only a " "small number of users") parser.add_argument("-e", "--epsg", help="If provided, will overwrite " "auto EPSG code") parser.add_argument("-t", "--disable_cluster_tags", action="store_true", help="Disable cluster tag locations" "No clusters will be generated per " "distinct tag.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--disable_cluster_locations", action="store_true", help="Disable cluster of post locations " ) parser.add_argument("-c", "--local_saturation_check", action="store_true", help="Will attempt to exclude any tags that " "are (over)used at above a certain percentage " "of locations in processing extent. This " "may improve legibility of tag maps at " "larger scales" ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--disable_cluster_emoji", action="store_true", help="Disable cluster of " "emoji in addition to tags.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--topic_modeling", action="store_true", help="This will used topic modeling " "to detect groups of tags (based on " "Latent Dirichlet Allocation). " "[Not fully implemented: currently, if this flag " "is set, tagmaps will output a list of merged " "terms per user which can be used in topic " "modeling, e.g. Latent Dirichlet Allocation " "algorithms]") parser.add_argument("-w", "--disable_write_cleaneddata", action="store_true", help="This will disable " "write out of a file limited to the data " "that will be used for tag clustering " "(filtered based on stoplists, clipped boundary, " "minimum user threshold etc.)" ) parser.add_argument("-i", "--shapefile_intersect", type=Path, help="Provide a relative path to a shapefile " "to clip data prior to clustering. The shapefile " "must be projected to WGS1984 (4326) Projection. " "Multipart shapefiles are supported, but be " "careful with polygon holes: it is recommended to " "exclude polygon holes with a separate shapefile " "using the --shapefile_exclude flag.") parser.add_argument("--shapefile_exclude", type=Path, help="Provide a relative path to a shapefile " "to exclude data prior to clustering. In case " "--shapefile_intersect is also used, the exclusion " "here applies after inclusion.") parser.add_argument("-n", "--ignore_stoplists", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to ignore any stoplists, " "even if available/supplied. This is useful " "if files that are places in 00_Config folder " "must be temporarily ignored." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_emoji", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing emoji to ignore " "during emoji clustering. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_tags", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing terms to ignore during tag clustering. " "This list is supplemental to " "00_Config/SortOutAlways.txt, if such file exists. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_user", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing user (guids) to ignore during " "tag clustering. Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_places", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing places (guids) to ignore during tag clustering. " "This list is supplemental to " "00_Config/SortOutPlaces.txt, if such file exists. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--selectionlist_emoji", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing emoji, as a positive filter list " "for selecting a subset of emoji to focus on. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--selectionlist_tags", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing tags, as a positive filter list " "for selecting a subset of tags to focus on. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("-b", "--ignore_place_corrections", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to ignore place corrections, " "even if available, supplied." ) parser.add_argument("--statistics_only", action="store_true", help="Do not cluster, only read input data" " and output statistics. Suitable to get an " "overview of input data." ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--cluster_cut_distance", help="Provide a cluster cut distance (in meters) " "where the clustering will be stopped. This " "will override the auto detection " "of cluster distance.", type=float) parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit_bottom_usercount", type=int, default=5, help="Remove all tags that are used by " "less than x photographers.") parser.add_argument("-g", "--disable_write_gis_comp_line", action="store_true", default=True, help="Disables writing placeholder " "entry after headerline " "for avoiding GIS import format issues. " "Some GIS programs will decide format of " "columns based on the first data line in a CSV. " "This setting makes sure there're no empty fields " "in the first line.", ) parser.add_argument("-a", "--auto_mode", action="store_true", help="If set, no user input will " "be requested during processing. " "This flag is suitable if you're running in a " "command line only environment (WSL) that " "cannot use the tKinter GUI.", ) parser.add_argument("-f", "--filter_origin", type=str, help="If provided, will filter input data " "based on origin_id column and the value " "provided.", ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Increase output verbosity", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-x", "--max_items", help="Number of distinct items to process", default=1000, type=int) parser.add_argument("-q", "--output_folder", help="Relative path to output folder", default="02_Output", type=Path) parser.add_argument("-j", "--input_folder", help="Relative path to input folder", default="01_Input", type=Path) parser.add_argument("-k", "--config_folder", help="Relative path to config folder", default="00_Config", type=Path) parser.add_argument("-u", "--load_intermediate", help="A (relative) path to load from " "intermediate (cleaned) data", type=Path) parser.add_argument("--mapnik_export", help="If enabled, emoji and tags will be exported together, in a single " "shapefile, to be used in the Mapnik renderer. Unlike the default " "output, for ESRI ArcGIS/ArcPro, where " "emoji need to be written to a separate file, to be joined later - " "due to a bug in the ESRI software that continues to exists. ", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: self.logging_level = logging.DEBUG if args.source: self.data_source = args.source if args.disable_cluster_tags: self.cluster_tags = False if args.disable_cluster_locations: self.cluster_locations = False if args.epsg is None: self.override_crs = None else: self.load_custom_crs(self.epsg) if args.disable_remove_longtail: self.remove_long_tail = False if args.disable_cluster_emoji: self.cluster_emoji = False if args.topic_modeling: self.topic_modeling = True if args.disable_write_cleaneddata: self.write_cleaned_data = False if args.local_saturation_check: self.local_saturation_check = True if args.shapefile_intersect: shp_path = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.shapefile_intersect) self.shapefile_intersect = self.load_shapefile(shp_path) if args.shapefile_exclude: shp_path = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.shapefile_exclude) self.shapefile_exclude = self.load_shapefile(shp_path) if args.ignore_stoplists: self.ignore_stoplists = True if args.selectionlist_emoji: self.selectionlist_emoji = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.selectionlist_emoji) if args.selectionlist_tags: self.selectionlist_tags = \ self.resource_path / args.selectionlist_tags if args.stoplist_emoji: self.stoplist_emoji = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_emoji) if args.stoplist_tags: self.stoplist_tags = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_tags) if args.stoplist_user: self.stoplist_user = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_user) if args.stoplist_places: self.stoplist_places = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_places) if args.ignore_place_corrections: self.ignore_place_corrections = True if args.statistics_only: self.statistics_only = True if args.limit_bottom_usercount: self.limit_bottom_user_count = args.limit_bottom_usercount if args.disable_write_gis_comp_line: self.write_gis_comp_line = False if args.auto_mode: self.auto_mode = args.auto_mode if args.filter_origin: self.filter_origin = args.filter_origin if args.max_items: self.max_items = args.max_items if args.output_folder: # default: 02_Output self.output_folder = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.output_folder, create_folder=True) if args.input_folder: self.input_folder = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.input_folder) if args.config_folder: self.config_folder = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.config_folder) if args.load_intermediate: self.load_from_intermediate = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.load_intermediate) if args.cluster_cut_distance: self.cluster_cut_distance = args.cluster_cut_distance if args.mapnik_export: self.mapnik_export = True def load_filterlists(self): """Load filterlists for filtering terms (in-string and full match) and places, including place lat/lng corrections. """ # locations for files sort_out_always_file = Path( self.config_folder / "SortOutAlways.txt") sort_out_always_instr_file = Path( self.config_folder / "SortOutAlways_inStr.txt") sort_out_places_file = Path( self.config_folder / "SortOutPlaces.txt") correct_place_latlng_file = Path( self.config_folder / "CorrectPlaceLatLng.txt") # load lists self.sort_out_always_set = self.load_filterlist(sort_out_always_file) if self.stoplist_tags: stoplist_tags_set = self.load_filterlist(self.stoplist_tags) if stoplist_tags_set: self.sort_out_always_set.update(stoplist_tags_set) self.sort_out_always_instr_set = self.load_filterlist( sort_out_always_instr_file) self.sort_out_places_set = self.load_place_stoplist( sort_out_places_file) if self.stoplist_places: stoplist_places_set = self.load_filterlist(self.stoplist_places) if stoplist_places_set: self.sort_out_places_set.update(stoplist_places_set) if self.stoplist_user: self.sort_out_user_set = self.load_filterlist( self.stoplist_user) if self.stoplist_emoji: self.sort_out_emoji_set = self.load_filterlist( self.stoplist_emoji) if self.selectionlist_emoji: self.select_emoji_set = self.load_filterlist( self.selectionlist_emoji) if self.selectionlist_tags: self.select_tags_set = self.load_filterlist( self.selectionlist_tags) if not self.ignore_place_corrections: self.correct_place_latlng_dict = self.load_place_corrections( correct_place_latlng_file) if self.correct_place_latlng_dict: self.correct_places = True # log results self._report_loaded_lists() def _report_loaded_lists(self): """Report stats of loaded stop & selection lists""" Utils.report_listload( self.sort_out_always_set, "stoplist items") Utils.report_listload( self.sort_out_always_instr_set, "inStr stoplist items") Utils.report_listload( self.sort_out_places_set, "stoplist places") Utils.report_listload( self.correct_place_latlng_dict, "place lat/lng corrections") Utils.report_listload( self.sort_out_user_set, "user stoplist items") Utils.report_listload( self.select_emoji_set, "emoji selection items") Utils.report_listload( self.select_tags_set, "tags selection items") def load_filterlist(self, file: Path) -> Optional[Set[str]]: """Loads filterlist of terms from file returns set""" if self.ignore_stoplists is True: return if not file.is_file(): self.log.warning(f"{file} not found.") return store_set = set() with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle: store_set = {line.lower().rstrip("\r\n") for line in f_handle} return store_set def load_place_stoplist(self, file): """Loads stoplist places from file and stores in set""" if not os.path.isfile(file) or self.ignore_stoplists is True: return store_set = set() with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle: f_handle.readline() # Get placeid store_set = { line.rstrip("\r\n").split(",")[0] for line in f_handle if len(line) > 0} self.sort_out_places = True return store_set @classmethod def load_place_corrections( cls, file: Path) -> Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]]: """Fills dictionary with list of corrected lat/lng entries e.g.: Dictionary: placeid = lat, lng - sets self.correct_places to True """ store_dict = dict() if not file.is_file(): return with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle: f_handle.readline() for line in f_handle: if not line: continue linesplit = line.rstrip("\r\n").split(",") if len(linesplit) == 1: continue store_dict[linesplit[0]] = (linesplit[1], linesplit[2]) return store_dict def load_shapefile(self, shapefile_path: Path) -> List[shape]: """Imports single or multi polygon shapefile for intersecting points""" poly_shape = vertices_count = 0 shp_geom = [] if len(poly_shape) == 1: # simple polygon geom = next(iter(poly_shape)) vertices_count = len(geom["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]) shp_geom.append(shape(geom["geometry"])) else: # multipolygon for pol in poly_shape: for part in pol["geometry"]["coordinates"]: vertices_count += len(part) shp_geom.append(shape(pol['geometry'])) poly_count = len(shp_geom) poly_s = "" if poly_count > 1: poly_s = "s" print( f'Loaded shapefile with ' f'{poly_count} polygon{poly_s} ' f'and ' f'{vertices_count} vertices.' ) return shp_geom def load_custom_crs(self, override_crs): """Optionally, create custom crs for projecting data base don user input Note: not fully implemented """ self.crs_proj = f"epsg:{override_crs}" print(f"Custom CRS set: {self.crs_proj}") self.epsg_code = override_crs def load_sourcemapping(self): """Loads source mapping, if available. Otherwise, try to read structure from first line of CSV. """ mapping_config_path = ( self.config_folder / f"sourcemapping_{self.data_source.lower()}.cfg" ) if not os.path.exists(mapping_config_path): orig_path = ( self.config_folder / f'sourcemapping_fromlbsn.cfg' ) if os.path.exists(orig_path): warnings.warn( "Please rename resources/sourcemapping_fromlbsn.cfg " "to sourcemapping_lbsn.cfg. The former name will be " "deprecated in the future.", DeprecationWarning) mapping_config_path = orig_path else: exit("Source mapping does not exist: " f"sourcemapping_{self.data_source.lower()}.cfg") source_config = configparser.ConfigParser() source_config_py = ConfigMap(source_config) return source_config_py @staticmethod def set_glob_options(): """Includes global options in other packages to be set prior execution""" # unused
Static methods
def load_place_corrections(file: pathlib.Path) ‑> Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]]
Fills dictionary with list of corrected lat/lng entries e.g.: Dictionary: placeid = lat, lng
- sets self.correct_places to True
Expand source code
@classmethod def load_place_corrections( cls, file: Path) -> Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]]: """Fills dictionary with list of corrected lat/lng entries e.g.: Dictionary: placeid = lat, lng - sets self.correct_places to True """ store_dict = dict() if not file.is_file(): return with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle: f_handle.readline() for line in f_handle: if not line: continue linesplit = line.rstrip("\r\n").split(",") if len(linesplit) == 1: continue store_dict[linesplit[0]] = (linesplit[1], linesplit[2]) return store_dict
def set_glob_options()
Includes global options in other packages to be set prior execution
Expand source code
@staticmethod def set_glob_options(): """Includes global options in other packages to be set prior execution""" # unused
def load_custom_crs(self, override_crs)
Optionally, create custom crs for projecting data base don user input
Note: not fully implemented
Expand source code
def load_custom_crs(self, override_crs): """Optionally, create custom crs for projecting data base don user input Note: not fully implemented """ self.crs_proj = f"epsg:{override_crs}" print(f"Custom CRS set: {self.crs_proj}") self.epsg_code = override_crs
def load_filterlist(self, file: pathlib.Path) ‑> Optional[Set[str]]
Loads filterlist of terms from file returns set
Expand source code
def load_filterlist(self, file: Path) -> Optional[Set[str]]: """Loads filterlist of terms from file returns set""" if self.ignore_stoplists is True: return if not file.is_file(): self.log.warning(f"{file} not found.") return store_set = set() with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle: store_set = {line.lower().rstrip("\r\n") for line in f_handle} return store_set
def load_filterlists(self)
Load filterlists for filtering terms (in-string and full match) and places, including place lat/lng corrections.
Expand source code
def load_filterlists(self): """Load filterlists for filtering terms (in-string and full match) and places, including place lat/lng corrections. """ # locations for files sort_out_always_file = Path( self.config_folder / "SortOutAlways.txt") sort_out_always_instr_file = Path( self.config_folder / "SortOutAlways_inStr.txt") sort_out_places_file = Path( self.config_folder / "SortOutPlaces.txt") correct_place_latlng_file = Path( self.config_folder / "CorrectPlaceLatLng.txt") # load lists self.sort_out_always_set = self.load_filterlist(sort_out_always_file) if self.stoplist_tags: stoplist_tags_set = self.load_filterlist(self.stoplist_tags) if stoplist_tags_set: self.sort_out_always_set.update(stoplist_tags_set) self.sort_out_always_instr_set = self.load_filterlist( sort_out_always_instr_file) self.sort_out_places_set = self.load_place_stoplist( sort_out_places_file) if self.stoplist_places: stoplist_places_set = self.load_filterlist(self.stoplist_places) if stoplist_places_set: self.sort_out_places_set.update(stoplist_places_set) if self.stoplist_user: self.sort_out_user_set = self.load_filterlist( self.stoplist_user) if self.stoplist_emoji: self.sort_out_emoji_set = self.load_filterlist( self.stoplist_emoji) if self.selectionlist_emoji: self.select_emoji_set = self.load_filterlist( self.selectionlist_emoji) if self.selectionlist_tags: self.select_tags_set = self.load_filterlist( self.selectionlist_tags) if not self.ignore_place_corrections: self.correct_place_latlng_dict = self.load_place_corrections( correct_place_latlng_file) if self.correct_place_latlng_dict: self.correct_places = True # log results self._report_loaded_lists()
def load_place_stoplist(self, file)
Loads stoplist places from file and stores in set
Expand source code
def load_place_stoplist(self, file): """Loads stoplist places from file and stores in set""" if not os.path.isfile(file) or self.ignore_stoplists is True: return store_set = set() with open(file, newline="", encoding="utf8") as f_handle: f_handle.readline() # Get placeid store_set = { line.rstrip("\r\n").split(",")[0] for line in f_handle if len(line) > 0} self.sort_out_places = True return store_set
def load_shapefile(self, shapefile_path: pathlib.Path) ‑> List[shape]
Imports single or multi polygon shapefile for intersecting points
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def load_shapefile(self, shapefile_path: Path) -> List[shape]: """Imports single or multi polygon shapefile for intersecting points""" poly_shape = vertices_count = 0 shp_geom = [] if len(poly_shape) == 1: # simple polygon geom = next(iter(poly_shape)) vertices_count = len(geom["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]) shp_geom.append(shape(geom["geometry"])) else: # multipolygon for pol in poly_shape: for part in pol["geometry"]["coordinates"]: vertices_count += len(part) shp_geom.append(shape(pol['geometry'])) poly_count = len(shp_geom) poly_s = "" if poly_count > 1: poly_s = "s" print( f'Loaded shapefile with ' f'{poly_count} polygon{poly_s} ' f'and ' f'{vertices_count} vertices.' ) return shp_geom
def load_sourcemapping(self)
Loads source mapping, if available.
Otherwise, try to read structure from first line of CSV.
Expand source code
def load_sourcemapping(self): """Loads source mapping, if available. Otherwise, try to read structure from first line of CSV. """ mapping_config_path = ( self.config_folder / f"sourcemapping_{self.data_source.lower()}.cfg" ) if not os.path.exists(mapping_config_path): orig_path = ( self.config_folder / f'sourcemapping_fromlbsn.cfg' ) if os.path.exists(orig_path): warnings.warn( "Please rename resources/sourcemapping_fromlbsn.cfg " "to sourcemapping_lbsn.cfg. The former name will be " "deprecated in the future.", DeprecationWarning) mapping_config_path = orig_path else: exit("Source mapping does not exist: " f"sourcemapping_{self.data_source.lower()}.cfg") source_config = configparser.ConfigParser() source_config_py = ConfigMap(source_config) return source_config_py
def parse_args(self)
Parse init args and set default values
Note: All paths are relative. If you wish to use another path entirely, set TAGMAPS_RESOURCES environment variable to the absolute path to use
Expand source code
def parse_args(self): """Parse init args and set default values Note: All paths are relative. If you wish to use another path entirely, set TAGMAPS_RESOURCES environment variable to the absolute path to use """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=f'tagmaps {__version__}') parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", default="lbsn", help="Specify type of source of data. " "This is needed to read data. " "Defaults to 'lbsn'.") parser.add_argument("-r", "--disable_remove_longtail", action="store_true", help="This will disable exclusion " "of tags that are used by only a " "small number of users") parser.add_argument("-e", "--epsg", help="If provided, will overwrite " "auto EPSG code") parser.add_argument("-t", "--disable_cluster_tags", action="store_true", help="Disable cluster tag locations" "No clusters will be generated per " "distinct tag.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--disable_cluster_locations", action="store_true", help="Disable cluster of post locations " ) parser.add_argument("-c", "--local_saturation_check", action="store_true", help="Will attempt to exclude any tags that " "are (over)used at above a certain percentage " "of locations in processing extent. This " "may improve legibility of tag maps at " "larger scales" ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--disable_cluster_emoji", action="store_true", help="Disable cluster of " "emoji in addition to tags.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--topic_modeling", action="store_true", help="This will used topic modeling " "to detect groups of tags (based on " "Latent Dirichlet Allocation). " "[Not fully implemented: currently, if this flag " "is set, tagmaps will output a list of merged " "terms per user which can be used in topic " "modeling, e.g. Latent Dirichlet Allocation " "algorithms]") parser.add_argument("-w", "--disable_write_cleaneddata", action="store_true", help="This will disable " "write out of a file limited to the data " "that will be used for tag clustering " "(filtered based on stoplists, clipped boundary, " "minimum user threshold etc.)" ) parser.add_argument("-i", "--shapefile_intersect", type=Path, help="Provide a relative path to a shapefile " "to clip data prior to clustering. The shapefile " "must be projected to WGS1984 (4326) Projection. " "Multipart shapefiles are supported, but be " "careful with polygon holes: it is recommended to " "exclude polygon holes with a separate shapefile " "using the --shapefile_exclude flag.") parser.add_argument("--shapefile_exclude", type=Path, help="Provide a relative path to a shapefile " "to exclude data prior to clustering. In case " "--shapefile_intersect is also used, the exclusion " "here applies after inclusion.") parser.add_argument("-n", "--ignore_stoplists", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to ignore any stoplists, " "even if available/supplied. This is useful " "if files that are places in 00_Config folder " "must be temporarily ignored." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_emoji", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing emoji to ignore " "during emoji clustering. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_tags", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing terms to ignore during tag clustering. " "This list is supplemental to " "00_Config/SortOutAlways.txt, if such file exists. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_user", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing user (guids) to ignore during " "tag clustering. Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--stoplist_places", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing places (guids) to ignore during tag clustering. " "This list is supplemental to " "00_Config/SortOutPlaces.txt, if such file exists. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--selectionlist_emoji", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing emoji, as a positive filter list " "for selecting a subset of emoji to focus on. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("--selectionlist_tags", type=Path, help="Supply a relative path to a text file " "containing tags, as a positive filter list " "for selecting a subset of tags to focus on. " "Format: one entry per line." ) parser.add_argument("-b", "--ignore_place_corrections", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to ignore place corrections, " "even if available, supplied." ) parser.add_argument("--statistics_only", action="store_true", help="Do not cluster, only read input data" " and output statistics. Suitable to get an " "overview of input data." ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--cluster_cut_distance", help="Provide a cluster cut distance (in meters) " "where the clustering will be stopped. This " "will override the auto detection " "of cluster distance.", type=float) parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit_bottom_usercount", type=int, default=5, help="Remove all tags that are used by " "less than x photographers.") parser.add_argument("-g", "--disable_write_gis_comp_line", action="store_true", default=True, help="Disables writing placeholder " "entry after headerline " "for avoiding GIS import format issues. " "Some GIS programs will decide format of " "columns based on the first data line in a CSV. " "This setting makes sure there're no empty fields " "in the first line.", ) parser.add_argument("-a", "--auto_mode", action="store_true", help="If set, no user input will " "be requested during processing. " "This flag is suitable if you're running in a " "command line only environment (WSL) that " "cannot use the tKinter GUI.", ) parser.add_argument("-f", "--filter_origin", type=str, help="If provided, will filter input data " "based on origin_id column and the value " "provided.", ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Increase output verbosity", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-x", "--max_items", help="Number of distinct items to process", default=1000, type=int) parser.add_argument("-q", "--output_folder", help="Relative path to output folder", default="02_Output", type=Path) parser.add_argument("-j", "--input_folder", help="Relative path to input folder", default="01_Input", type=Path) parser.add_argument("-k", "--config_folder", help="Relative path to config folder", default="00_Config", type=Path) parser.add_argument("-u", "--load_intermediate", help="A (relative) path to load from " "intermediate (cleaned) data", type=Path) parser.add_argument("--mapnik_export", help="If enabled, emoji and tags will be exported together, in a single " "shapefile, to be used in the Mapnik renderer. Unlike the default " "output, for ESRI ArcGIS/ArcPro, where " "emoji need to be written to a separate file, to be joined later - " "due to a bug in the ESRI software that continues to exists. ", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: self.logging_level = logging.DEBUG if args.source: self.data_source = args.source if args.disable_cluster_tags: self.cluster_tags = False if args.disable_cluster_locations: self.cluster_locations = False if args.epsg is None: self.override_crs = None else: self.load_custom_crs(self.epsg) if args.disable_remove_longtail: self.remove_long_tail = False if args.disable_cluster_emoji: self.cluster_emoji = False if args.topic_modeling: self.topic_modeling = True if args.disable_write_cleaneddata: self.write_cleaned_data = False if args.local_saturation_check: self.local_saturation_check = True if args.shapefile_intersect: shp_path = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.shapefile_intersect) self.shapefile_intersect = self.load_shapefile(shp_path) if args.shapefile_exclude: shp_path = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.shapefile_exclude) self.shapefile_exclude = self.load_shapefile(shp_path) if args.ignore_stoplists: self.ignore_stoplists = True if args.selectionlist_emoji: self.selectionlist_emoji = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.selectionlist_emoji) if args.selectionlist_tags: self.selectionlist_tags = \ self.resource_path / args.selectionlist_tags if args.stoplist_emoji: self.stoplist_emoji = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_emoji) if args.stoplist_tags: self.stoplist_tags = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_tags) if args.stoplist_user: self.stoplist_user = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_user) if args.stoplist_places: self.stoplist_places = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.stoplist_places) if args.ignore_place_corrections: self.ignore_place_corrections = True if args.statistics_only: self.statistics_only = True if args.limit_bottom_usercount: self.limit_bottom_user_count = args.limit_bottom_usercount if args.disable_write_gis_comp_line: self.write_gis_comp_line = False if args.auto_mode: self.auto_mode = args.auto_mode if args.filter_origin: self.filter_origin = args.filter_origin if args.max_items: self.max_items = args.max_items if args.output_folder: # default: 02_Output self.output_folder = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.output_folder, create_folder=True) if args.input_folder: self.input_folder = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.input_folder) if args.config_folder: self.config_folder = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.config_folder) if args.load_intermediate: self.load_from_intermediate = Utils.check_folder_file( self.resource_path / args.load_intermediate) if args.cluster_cut_distance: self.cluster_cut_distance = args.cluster_cut_distance if args.mapnik_export: self.mapnik_export = True